Game of Thrones: Lord of Winter

Chapter 37 Hear Me Roar

The charred fields, the farmhouse turned to ashes, and a few half-burned wooden boards twisted and slumped in the foundation.

A few crows circled in the air. These damn black birds always like to eat carrion. It seems that there has been a fierce battle here, although there are no corpses.

The Lannister knights led them through a narrow passage. A mud wall was across the gorge. Watchtowers stood on both sides of the wall. There were sentinels on guard. After the guards saw that they were Lannister knights, they let them pass.

Passing through the gorge, a huge camp came into view. The wooden fence surrounded the camp. The outside was a wooden cone standing horizontally. There were spearmen and archers distributed for defense. Obviously, the camp was now ready for battle.

Between the tents, cavalrymen patrolled back and forth, with flags fluttering in the wind. Following Tyrion, besides Bolonga Kor, there was also Timett, who was inseparable from Kor. The free folk leaders who were afraid that he would escape, namely Shagga and Zira, also followed.

A team of patrolling cavalrymen came up, and the leading knight was wearing silver armor, with a unicorn-shaped pattern inlaid with amethyst on his chest, wearing a purple and silver cape, and a spiral horn cast on his helmet.

The visitor was Sir Fleamont Brax, whose family emblem was a purple unicorn with a silver bottom. The Brax family's fiefdom was the Westerhorn Valley City, and it was one of the main vassals of the Lannister family.

He obviously recognized Tyrion, "My lord, we thought you were."

Tyrion exchanged a few words with him, and then he was going to see his father.

Sir Flevmon ordered his men to lift the wooden fence and make a passage for them to come in. Lord Tywin was in a tavern. He had requisitioned a tavern at a crossroads as his headquarters.

As they walked along, the wildlings and Cole couldn't help but look surprised. There were about 20,000 people in this camp, with dense tents. Soldiers camped in the open air, and the nobles' tents were like palaces. Pedestrians came and went, but they all retreated when they saw the cavalry.

Tyrion looked at the countless familiar flags, and was obviously a little proud.

After passing through the camp, they came to a ruin. Almost all the houses were burned down. Only the tavern at the intersection was still safe and sound. Obviously, that was Lord Tywin's base camp. The stables and the inn were nestled together, and the stable boy ran out of the stable to lead the horse.

Shaga frightened them away with his teeth bared. Not to mention Shaga's beard and huge physique, he looked really intimidating.

The guards in red robes and lion helmets were guarding the door. When they saw Tyrion, they saluted quickly.

Tyrion asked Cole and the others to wait at the door, and then he went in.

Shaga held his nose and paced back and forth at the door. He asked Cole, "Chief of the Painted Dog Tribe, what are half a man doing in there?"

Cole pushed him away. The big guy was smelly and his mouth smelled like snail noodles. "He should be talking to his father."

"Freemen have the right to participate in any meeting." Shaga suddenly shouted.

Obviously, Zira and the others thought so too. They looked at Cole and heard him say, "I'm not a freeman, but I advise you to wait at the door."

Obviously, the guys completely ignored his advice. Shaga stepped in, but was stopped by the guards of the Lannister family. This kid didn't let him in, so he just forced his way in. With his physique, he rushed in directly, and the two guards flew in.

"Listen to my roar," Tyrion said with a smile to Lord Tywin. Although the father and son don't get along, on the surface, they get along pretty well. This sentence is exactly the motto of the Lannister family, but the world is more familiar with the sentence "A Lannister must pay his debts."

There was a sound at the door, and two Lannister Lion Guards fell to the ground, and the huge figure of Shaga squeezed in. He broke the guard's sword and threw it on the ground, and the whole person looked like a fierce beast.

Cole was the last to come in.

Ser Kevan Lannister, who had been sitting next to Lord Tywin, started to fight, his eyes full of anger. He is Tyrion's uncle and Lord Tywin's brother.

He was about to open his mouth to scold, but he saw Tyrion walked in front of Shaga.

Lord Tywin asked, "Tyrion, who are these people?"

His tone was cold, and he couldn't hear any joy or anger, and he felt that there was no emotion.

"Dad, they come home with me." Tyrion explained, "Can they stay? These people can't eat much."

"Why did they disrupt our meeting." Ser Kevan was obviously still angry.

"Free folk have a natural right to attend all war meetings," said Conn of the Stone Crows.

"Who among you is the chief of the Lions?" asked Zira, the leader of the Black Ears.

Ser Kevan had already reached out to draw his sword, but was stopped by Lord Tywin, "Tyrion, where are your manners? Why don't you introduce the guests?"

Tyrion grinned, "I'm very happy to do so."

He pointed at Shagga and Conn, "This is Conn of the Stone Crows, and this big guy is Shagga, son of Dolf."


After introducing the free folk, Tyrion turned to Cole, "As for this handsome boy, he is a famous knight in the Seven Kingdoms, Ser Cole, and the Lord of the Fire People."

"Not the Lord, but the Lord of the Fire," Timett corrected.

Lord of the Fire, Ser Kevan showed disdain on his face.

Finally, Bronn was introduced.

Lord Tywin stood still and looked at them. He suddenly stood up, and in an instant, the pressure from the superior came. For the first time, Cole knew that momentum really existed. His every move could make people feel pressured.

"Even though I am in the West, I have heard about the heroic deeds of the warriors of the Moon Mountain Tribe, so what is the purpose of your coming here?"

"The half-man promised Shaga, armor and axes." Shaga said.

At this time, the messenger suddenly came to report, "Your Excellency, Sir Adam asked me to report that Stark's army has moved south."

Tywin pondered slightly, his eyes were like ice, and there was a hint of joy in his tone, but his face was still cold. "It seems that the wolf cub has moved."

Everyone who knows him knows that Lord Tywin never smiles.

"Very good, you go and tell Sir Adam to lead the army to retreat. Before the main force arrives, he must not fight the northerners head-on. You can send cavalry to harass the enemy's wings." He ordered the messenger.

He continued to make several war deployments, and then Tyrion suddenly reminded him, "I heard that the warriors of the tribesmen are the bravest warriors in the world."

"That's right, Shaga will cut off the enemy's second brother and roast him with fire." Shaga roared.

Tywin's golden eyes stared at Tyrion coldly, "Fight with me, I promise that I will fulfill all Tyrion's promises."

"Why should we believe you?" Zira asked.

"I didn't say you have to believe me, it's enough for you to believe in my son. That's just a polite remark. If you want to leave, please go. But I heard that the enemies from the North are all made of black ice. If they meet them, even my knights will be terrified. If you are afraid..."

Before he finished speaking, Shaga shouted, "Free men are not afraid of snowmen, I will cut off their roots!!!"

Timet looked up at Cole, who was calm and composed. The Fire King really wanted to lead them to fight against the enemies from the north.

"Chief Lion, we can fight for you, but the half-man must follow us. His life is ours until his promise is fulfilled." Zira said.

Tyrion laughed, "Of course, the half-man is with you."

At this time, Cole, who had been silent, suddenly said, "Lord Lannister, if you want us to fight for you, you should let us know your battle plan. I don't think Stark will fight you head-on."

The golden eyes were like frost, and Cole looked at him fearlessly, "Your friend is very interesting, Tyrion."

He saw at a glance that this child was not a mountain man.

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