"The light here is not as good as the water garden."

The thin eyebrows were like a pair of sharp blades, and the eyes as dark as the night were like a pair of cold eyes of a venomous snake.

"What are you going to do?" the voice asked.

"Someone doesn't want us to get too close to the Dothraki." The prince said in a tired and hoarse voice.

"Is it Lannister?" Oberyn asked him.

The prince shook his head, "I asked Quentin to meet the Targaryen girl secretly and promised to go to war together after they crossed the sea."

"Do you think those barbarians who use their life to fuck horses can really cross the sea?" Oberyn looked at Doran, who was haggard in the chair, and reached out to pick up the wine jug on the table and poured the crimson wine into the glass. "I have dealt with them, Doran. Those guys don't care about the Iron Throne. They only have blood and plunder in their minds."

The prince always kept silent. He was always like this. He would not say anything easily. As he told his daughter, 'Silence is the friend of the king, and words are like swords. '

"The whole of Dorne is roaring. We should prepare for revenge." The Red Viper told him.

The prince's eyes rested on the sunlight reflected from the glass window into the house, depressed, sad, and cold. This moment made Oberyn feel that he was old, and his legs were swollen.

Oberyn only stayed in the Sun Tower for a while. His back was just immersed in the narrow shadow falling from the golden arch, and the long spear flag piercing the sun was dancing in the wind. On the high platform of the marble hall behind him sat two identical thrones, one with a golden spear and the other with a sun.

"My lord, people have been saying recently that you seem to be preparing to form an alliance with the Dornish?" Sir Gilbert stopped the prince of Storm's End and asked directly.

"Is there anything wrong with this?" Dorne is a powerful ally, and it is close to the Stormlands. If he can form an alliance with it, Cole really can't think of any shortcomings.

"Your Excellency, perhaps I shouldn't say this, but I still hope you can see these problems. The lords of Stormland are actually dissatisfied with the knights you have appointed. Moreover, you have not brought back Her Highness Shireen from the North as you promised. If you ally with the Dornish again, I think it will not be conducive to your governance of the territory of Storm's End." Gilbert has been acting as the agent for the affairs of Storm's End. Naturally, the problems he sees are much clearer than those seen by Cole, the hands-off manager. Moreover, he himself is also a member of the noble lords, so he can naturally sense Cole's alienation from the lords of Stormland.

Cole nodded, but seemed to have no intention of discussing this issue with him. He just said perfunctorily: "Well, I understand, sir. Thank you very much for your faithful advice."

Patting Gilbert's breastplate, Cole turned away, leaving the helpless knight standing there.

Cole walked straight for two steps, then suddenly stopped and turned around, "Why don't we find a place to sit down and talk? The caravan has recently delivered a lot of good wine from Dorne."

Since when, Cole seems to have gotten used to thinking and making decisions on his own, but it turns out that he is not always right.

No one can win forever, and the game of power has never been just about war, and the changes in the situation in Westeros have long been out of his familiar track. Now he really should listen to other people's advice.

After entering the study, Cole pulled out a chair for Gilbert, then picked up the wine jug on the table and poured wine for him, and then sat down at the main seat along the table.

Sir Gilbert Farring and his family have always been unwaveringly following Stannis and the Baratheon family, which Cole naturally saw.

Although he was the prince who was personally appointed by the late King Stannis, the legal basis for ruling Storm's End was entirely based on his marriage contract with Shireen, but now Shireen is far away in the North, and it is still difficult for him to convince the public.

Although he had established his prestige through a series of wars, he also attracted a lot of complaints after he went north with his own will.

"You don't seem to be optimistic about the alliance with Dorne. I wonder why?" Cole poured himself a glass of wine.

He seemed to have no habit of having people serve him wine. Gilbert had heard a lot of low and vulgar words mocking him in private.

"Your Highness, haven't you heard about the entanglement between the Border and Dorne?" Gilbert said. "Since the Storm King ruled this land, the war between the Andals living in the Border and the Rhoynar in Dorne has never stopped. The princes and knights who responded to you now are mostly from the castles in the Border. Many of them have feuds with Dorne. If they knew that you wanted to form an alliance with Dorne, it would definitely lose your reputation in the Storm."

Cole shook the wine glass with a thoughtful look on his face.

The crimson wine swirled into circles of vortexes, like a bloody eye of a storm.

He could believe that the Martell family was willing to help the Targaryens, but this must be done without sacrificing Dorne's interests. Prince Doran was a calm man, and Dorne was not necessarily of one mind. The king's every step of thinking could not escape his lords.

"You know, we will have a war with King's Landing in the end. This is inevitable." Cole told him.

As long as Storm's End still claims to be the king's line, the war will come sooner or later. Now it is just the calm before the storm.

It is obviously irrational for the Reach and the Crown to fight the West with the power of the Stormlands alone, and the situation in the Stormlands can be said to be devastated. The war has caused great damage to the productivity of this land.

We can't expect Stormland to resist as stubbornly as Dorne did. This is unrealistic.

Gilbert swallowed the wine silently. Stormland's current situation is indeed very bad.

"Dorne did not participate in the previous war and is an ally that can be fought for. Besides, there is..." Cole didn't continue speaking. Prince Doran's messenger has not yet delivered the news of the alliance with the horse king.

"Your Highness, maybe you are right." Gilbert said uncertainly, "But I hope you can hold a meeting and tell the reasons to the lords in the castle."

"Not yet"

"Your Highness! Maester Pylos wants to see you." The guard outside the door knocked on the door and shouted.

"Please let him in." Cole ordered outside the door.

The maester bowed, "Your Highness, please excuse me for interrupting." He handed over a letter, "Here is a letter from Sunspear."

Cole and the maester said that as long as it was a letter from Sunspear, it would be delivered to him as soon as possible.

After taking the letter from the bachelor and unfolding the words in the parchment, Cole's expression gradually became solemn.

He sighed: "The gods always like to play a cruel joke on you in unexpected places."

I'm going to prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination. I'm very sorry.

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