Over the black linen shirt, he wore a leather armor with threaded threads. It looked a bit short and narrow, revealing a large part of his waist and abdomen, which looked like a vest. Behind the wolfskin gloves was an iron plate wrist guard, but there was only one.

Such incongruous dress can often be seen on the Kingdom Avenue. It was just a group of wandering knights. He rode a tall warhorse. Although the clothes didn't look good, anyone who knew horses could tell at a glance that this stallion had no trace of plowing in the field.

The man was Cole, who rode along the King's Road.

He was still wearing the chef's robe, but he put on simple leather armor and two swords to make him look more like a knight.

These equipment were sent by two thieves, and of course Cole was very kind to send him to see the gods.

Ahead was the Neck Marsh, and the humidity suddenly became heavier. Here, you could already feel a little bit of summer. Crossing the Neck Marsh meant leaving the North.

Now that it was dark, he should find a place to rest for the night. Perhaps the land near the swamp was more fertile, and there were farmlands everywhere, so it was easy to find the village.

Cole lightly lifted the reins and controlled the horse to walk slowly. The villagers seemed to be used to the wandering knight. Cole got off the horse and knocked on a door at random. The owner looked unfriendly. He shouted loudly: "We don't welcome guests here. Go away quickly."

Then he walked to the next house. Although the owner's attitude was a little kinder, he still refused to let him stay. Cole had already gotten used to it after these few days.

The third person to open the door was a farm girl. She first looked at Cole and said, "What can I do for you, sir?"

"I wonder if I can stay here for one night. I can pay."

At this time, a man in the house shouted, "Laurie, who is outside?"

The girl answered, "It's a knight."

A thin man came out of the shadows. He had a flat chin and sharp eyes. He was wearing a gray linen shirt and no shoes. His clothes were barely made of a hemp rope as a belt. When he walked, his whole leg was outside his clothes, full of coarse black hair, and even some parts were missed.

"Oh, I wonder what this knight can do for you?" He looked up to see Cole's face.

"He hopes to stay at our house." The girl named Laurie answered for him. "He said he can pay."

"Pay? We can let you stay, but it will cost 10 copper coins a night." The man asked for the price.

Cole nodded and took out 10 copper coins from his horse, "This is my room fee, please."

The man saw him take out the money without frowning, and thought to himself, "This man is quite generous."

His attitude became enthusiastic, and then he asked the girl to prepare a place for Cole. Although it was just a sheepskin on a pile of straw, it was better to rest under the eaves for a night than to be in the wind in the wild.

Cole tied the horse outside the door, and the girl came out with the baby. Cole asked her, "Madam, I wonder where I can find some good fodder here."

Hearing Cole calling her, Laurie paused and seemed a little scared. At this time, the man came out again, "My lord, if you are willing to pay 3 more copper coins, then I will take good care of your horse for you."

Cole thought about it and gave him the copper coins. Theon tied a bag of silver deer coins on the horse. He didn't spend much along the way. Three copper coins can save him a lot of trouble.

"Take good care of my horse, or I'll let you know that my sword is not vegetarian." Cole threatened. Although he was willing to pay, he was not a sucker. He didn't want this man to feed his horse with random things.

The man nodded and bowed, "Don't worry, sir. I'll ask the bitch at home to find the best horse feed for your horse. Her father used to raise horses for noble masters."

"What are you still looking at? If the knight's horse is starved, I will beat you to death." The man kicked the girl. She staggered a few steps with her eyes closed, and the swaddling clothes in her arms also cried loudly.

"I have to take care of the child, Lance."

"This damn bastard should be fed to the wolves. It won't die if he is left at home." He cursed.

Cole frowned. He didn't like guys who beat women, but he didn't say anything when he thought it was someone else's family affair.

The girl bowed her head silently and took the child back to the room.

"Don't worry, sir. Your horse will still be full of energy even if it comes to all the mares in the Seven Kingdoms tomorrow." He said flatteringly.

The girl put the child among a pile of rags, and then gently comforted, "Don't cry, don't cry, mom will be back soon."

She turned around and saw Cole coming in. She couldn't help trembling, then hurriedly took a broken sickle and hurried out the door.

Cole touched his nose. Is he so scary?

There were only Cole and the babbling baby in the house. The man disappeared after sending Laurie to cut hay.

Cole sat on the straw pile to rest and took out a book. It was lent to him by Tyrion, but the little devil walked too fast and seemed to have forgotten that the book was still with him.

"Legendary Kingsguard Duncan"

This kind of biography is indeed a good choice to kill time. He gradually became fascinated, and suddenly a cry pulled him back from the world of knights.

The child was crying, and he stood up instinctively.

The baby in the pile of cloth waved his skinny little hands, his face flushed, and his little feet kicked.

He looked inside and outside the room, but there was no one in sight.

After thinking for a while, he picked up the child, lightly, as if he was holding a piece of cloth. The child seemed to be more stable in his arms, but he was still crying.

"Is he hungry? Where can I find food for him?"

Cole held the child and coaxed him. To be honest, he would rather fight with people than coax a baby.

With a bang, the door was pushed open. It was the child's mother, Laurie, who came back. She looked at Cole, suddenly rushed up, and took the baby back in front of Cole's astonished eyes.

Then she shrank back vigilantly and looked at Cole angrily.

"I just want to coax him. He must be hungry." Cole felt that he was dealing with a mountain lion at this time.

The girl was stunned for a moment, and then she turned back into the soft and sticky woman. She lowered her head in fear and whispered, "I'm sorry, Sir Knight."

Cole smiled, "You are a good mother, and the gods will bless you and your son."

"Thank you, Sir."

Cole walked back to his seat and continued to read his book. He took out some dried meat as a snack. Maybe because of his great strength, he would often feel hungry.

Laurie fed the child and went out to feed the horse. When she came back, she saw the knight eating and couldn't help swallowing her saliva.

The man came back very late, and Cole lay in the haystack in a half-asleep state.

"Laurie, damn it. You stinky cousin, open the door for your man." The wooden door was knocked loudly.

Cole got up and walked forward. The mother and son had fallen asleep. He opened the door and smelled alcohol. Lance rushed in and bumped into Cole directly. It felt like he had hit a steel plate.

He looked up confusedly, shook his head, and seemed to remember something, "So it's the Knight, hahaha, you really should have a drink with me, I can buy you a glass of beer."

Cole made way for him, and Laurie was awakened at this time. She stood up and greeted him, only to see the man drag her to him, and then said to Cole with a mouth full of alcohol: "Knight, as long as 10 coppers, I will let her serve you for a night."

"Lance, what are you talking about." The girl tried to break free in fear.

With a snap, the man's palm slapped the girl's face, and the bright red handprint could be seen even in the faint light of the moonlit night. "Stinky cousin, I don't know who gave birth to your bastard, go and serve the Knight well, I'm waiting for the wine money."

He was about to slap again, but Cole held his arm tightly, and he felt like he was firmly clamped by an iron clamp.

"Stop it, I don't need anyone to serve me." Cole's words were full of chill, and those who knew him well should know that he was already full of anger.

"My Lord, such a woman is not easy to find. Are you sure you don't want to give it a try? It only costs 10 copper coins." He seemed to be selling a product.

Cole looked at the girl's frightened eyes, and he finally knew why she was so scared when she saw him. Looking at a girl who was only slightly older than him, she should have lived under the bright sunshine at this age.

For a moment, a sentence from the biography of the knight flashed through his mind: "This man protects the weak, just as every true knight should do."

These words were the dawn of the legendary Kingsguard Sir Duncan the Tall at the most desperate moment. At that time, he was not a famous knight in the Seven Kingdoms, but a young brat who beat the royal family for justice.

He was forced to conduct the Seven Sons Trial because he rescued a female puppeteer who was molested by the royal children. This was the same as the trial by combat that Cole said in Winterfell, a way of deciding the trial by combat.

His enemy was the Kingsguard, who was famous in the kingdom and swore to protect the royal family, and he couldn't even gather six people to help him.

It was at this desperate moment that Prince Baelor came riding a black horse. He stepped on the morning mist, wearing a roaring dragon helmet, and said such ordinary words.

This battle took Prince Baelor's life. He stood on the side of the weak and the side of justice just like a knight.

You should know that his identity is: the first heir to the kingdom, the prince of the Targaryen family.

At this moment, Cole's eyes flashed with murderous intent. Although he could not reach the realm of Prince Baelor, as the saying goes, his sword should protect the weak. Facing such scum, he really couldn't find any excuse for him.

Suddenly, his hand that drew the sword was pulled by someone. It was the girl. Tears flashed in her eyes, "My lord, I am willing to serve you. Please don't kill my husband."

Cole's soul paused for a moment, and his eyes were full of confusion.

After a sigh, he threw the man to one side, then walked into the house, picked up his bag, untied the reins, looked at the house in confusion, and then rode away.

The whistling wind made his heart turbulent. It turned out that the justice he thought of was just a fantasy justice. He was like a noble son, with an innocent heart, yearning for the so-called knight's stories, but the reality was extremely cold. If he killed the man, what would happen to the girl?

He left after the matter, thinking that he had done a righteous thing. In the cold winter, without a man to support the house, how could the girl and her child survive?

The gentle world in his previous life took care of him too well, and the stories taught to him by Maester Aemon made him have too much hope for this world.

Sure enough, after leaving the nest, the eagle will understand the meaning of the storm.

Winterfell made him realize his status, and the farm girl made him recognize the world.

PS: The contract has been signed. I am very grateful to you for appreciating my work.

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