Game of Thrones: Lord of Winter

Chapter 189 The Failed Envoy

The heavy snow was falling, whitening the appearance of the world. This was a place where only the people of the North could live in peace. When the snow fell, covering the original color of the earth, the cold swept from the land of eternal winter. The owner of this land had only one enemy - winter.

They left the Black Castle through the worm tunnel. Today was the day for the commander-in-chief to go south. He was going to Winterfell to participate in the funeral of Lord Eddard Stark. Outside the fortress, there was a group of people waiting.

Cole had already organized the lineup. The tents were pulled up. The warriors from the Stormland rode on tall war horses, and carriages came and went.

The servant led Jon's horse, and behind him followed the dire wolf White Ghost. When the dire wolf saw Cole for the first time, it arched its back, its hair stood up, and it let out a series of hoarse roars. Its blood-red eyes looked angrily at the silver-haired knight on the war horse.

"White Ghost." Jon called out and reached out to comfort it.

This scene was clearly seen by Cole. His expression flashed with complex thoughts, but when Jon approached, he still gave a smile.

"Are you leaving?" Jon stroked the white ghost's fur with his hand. He could feel its restlessness.

"Go to Eastwatch." He and Jon had reached a consensus.

Jon Snow agreed to help him persuade Robb Stark. In Jon's opinion, they had common enemies, the Lannisters and the White Walkers. Cole told him what Cersei and Tywin did to his father and sister in the south, which made Jon very angry. He hated the despicable Lannisters.

In order to show his sincerity, Cole also sent Duran Bar Aemon to follow Jon to Winterfell. Of course, in addition to being an envoy of the alliance, Duran also had the mission of bringing back Princess Shireen.


Jon, who had mounted his horse, turned his head and looked at him with some doubts.

"Take care, brother."

Jon nodded, rode his horse and led the team into the King's Road. At the end of the field of vision, the White Wolf looked back and looked directly at Cole.

After Jon Snow left, Cole also led the army to the east. He was going to Eastwatch by the Sea next. No matter what Winterfell decided, he would go south. For the Wall, this was all he could do.

Castle Black was getting smaller and smaller behind him. Eastwatch by the Sea was at the easternmost end of the Wall, about 200 kilometers away from Castle Black. They walked for three days before they saw the sea and sky in the distance.

The sound of the waves crashing into their ears, and the horn of the Night's Watch was blown on the fortress of Eastwatch by the Sea, but this time it was only blown once. Garrison Captain Cotter Pike led the Rangers to greet them.

He did not choose to station troops around the fortress of Eastwatch, but on a hill facing the sea. The sea was patrolled by the Night's Watch from time to time. They wanted to catch those smugglers who smuggled weapons to the outside of the wall and the wildlings who sneaked south from the sea.

The ship brought by Cole from the south was docked on the coast, and there were two hundred people guarding it. The ship stood horizontally, flying the flag of the Julius family. He thought in his heart that maybe soon, he should replace the white bird with a white dragon.


The arakh scimitar cut the Dornishman's throat, and blood gushed out of the broken throat. Facing the Dothraki cavalry who came to kill, the Dornishman seemed extremely panicked. Only around a horseman wearing iron clothes, there were still people fighting hard.

In Hago's opinion, it should be the bandits of the iron-clad men at sunset.

They used long spears, rode a kind of slender horse, and their armor was mainly copper scales, just like the description of the iron-clad guard next to Khaleesi.

Hago shouted, asking the mounted warriors to prepare to attack the Ironclad Bandits' formation. The Dothraki warriors rode their horses around the Dornishmen, and waved their long whips to test them.

Hago, the bloodrider, picked up the grassland bow tied to the side of the saddle.

They roared and screamed, cursing these cowards in armor in Dothraki.

Hago pulled the bow with his arm, clasped his feet tightly to the horse's belly, and stepped on the stirrup to keep his lower body stable.

As the arrows flew out, the sharp iron cone arrows, like a hunting eagle, chased the prey with a sharp beak.

The Dornishmen were trapped in the encirclement of the Dothraki, and arrows shot from short bows came from all directions.

"Quentin, we have to rush out." Ser Garis Dinwater protected himself with a shield.

Quentin looked at the group of Dothraki circling around them. He looked at Maester Kedry who fell not far away and couldn't help but feel a headache. Except for Kedry, none of them understood the Dothraki language, and these barbarians on horseback obviously didn't understand the common language of Westeros.

"They don't understand the common language." Prince Martell said.

"Yes, if we continue to stand here, we will either be shot to death by stray arrows or have our heads cut off by their arakhs." Garys told him. "We have to take a risk."

He wanted to break out, but Quentin was thinking: Is this a good idea?

"People will praise your bravery for this, prostitutes will open their legs to welcome you, and drunkards in the tavern will sing the songs written for you loudly. If you kneel to these barbarians, the Dornish will laugh at you." Garys Dinwater looked at him hesitating, so he continued. "What are you still hesitating about? These grassland barbarians simply regard us as envoys, and they kill our people when they meet."

Adventure? Great adventures always involve death, this is what Garys always likes to say, but he also loves to do dangerous things. Quentin did not come across the sea with malice, he was still carrying the mission given to him by his father, but before they got close to the horse king's tribe, they were attacked by this cavalry.

"No matter what, we can only rush out first, then make plans, Your Highness." William Wells seemed to think that breaking through was a good way, but as soon as Sir William finished speaking, his throat was pierced by a sharp arrow.

The neck guard did not stop the arrow. Quentin Martell watched the blood gushing out of the hole in the neck guard. He wanted to reach out to help him, but one hand could not support him at all. Sir William fell to the ground with a sound of copper plates hitting each other.

Watching his companion fall, Quentin knew he could not hesitate any longer.

Rush out, when this thought was the only thing left in his mind, the horse was already galloping

In Drogo's tent, the vigilant Dothraki warriors patrolled here vigilantly, and the bloodrider Coholro rode on a Dothraki warhorse, he wanted to protect Karak (the heir) for Drogo.

In recent days, Khal's Karak and Khaleesi have been assassinated three times by assassins from the Land of the Setting Sun, and once poisoned.

Those iron men were afraid of them, and they only played some tricks of eunuchs and wet nurses. This was seen as a cowardly act by the mounted warriors, and the assassination of women and children also aroused the anger of the Dothraki.

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