Jon walked out of the tower. The night was gloomy and dark. The snow stopped falling in the afternoon. At this time, in the dark and cold, he felt that the sky and the earth were a deep blue.

The Stormland military camp was just outside the Black Castle, with wooden towers and stone castles arranged in a neat layout. The shadows of the military flags danced in the dark. The moonlight was shallow, and heavy fog enveloped the entire North. The snow on the military camp road was swept to both sides.

After the snow began to fall, Cole returned to his own military camp from the King's Tower.

Walking through the corridor, Jon approached the center of the entire military camp, where Cole's tent was located.

Candlelight could be seen from outside the tent.

When Jon approached, the patrolling knights found him. The knight in charge of patrolling around the tent was Duran. He was wearing armor and holding a weapon, followed by five or six heavily armed infantrymen. Without exception, they all held two-handed battle axes and armed swords on their waists. The sound of chain mail made a tinkling sound, and the black ringmail on the outside seemed to be colder than ice and snow.

They were all very tall, and there were few men taller than them among the brothers of the Night's Watch.

"Jon Snow, His Royal Highness has been waiting in the tent for a long time." Duran made way for him.

He pushed open the door of the tent. It was much warmer inside than outside. There was a charcoal steel basin in the middle of the tent, but Cole was sitting by the candlelight on the table reading a book.

"Do you like reading?" Jon asked him.

Cole closed the book. "Books are the greatest invention of mankind. We can learn a lot from them." He pointed to the chair next to the charcoal brazier. "Please sit down, Lord Commander." This brazier was originally prepared for him. Jon sat on the sheepskin chair. The smoke from the burning charcoal pierced his eyes, making him blink several times. "There are many records about the Night's Watch in the library of the Night's Watch. Maybe you can read them. It will be of great help to you as the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch." Cole said to him. "Sam has been in charge of the books there. He often praises you. Maybe you will have more topics to talk about." Before Sam, it was Cole who helped Maester Aemon take care of the library. "Samwell Tarly, this is the name I heard most on the Wall. Grenn told me that he killed a white walker. I wonder if you have seen that monster with your own eyes?" Jon shook his head. "They said you killed a wight too. What do you think our chances are of winning if we go to war with such monsters?" Cole asked him.

Confusion climbed up Jon's eyes, he didn't know.

"We know very little about the White Walkers. We don't know how many there are or what their purpose is. But there is no doubt that the White Walkers are enemies."

Jon agreed.

"So what do you want me to do?" Jon asked.

"Do you know how many wildlings there are outside the Wall?" Cole asked back.

"Ten thousand, one hundred thousand, no one has counted them. But Mance Rayder said he had tens of thousands." He only counted how many giants and mammoths they had.

"The White Walkers have the ability to resurrect the dead. The more dead people there are, the more wights they have. If there are 100,000 wildlings outside the Wall to the north, then the enemy may have 100,000 wights. Do you think you can stop 100,000 wights with this wall and the current Night's Watch, Jon?"

Although Cole's alarmist words were quite exaggerated, Jon still understood what he meant. Their enemies were not the wildlings, but those mysterious ghosts.

"No matter what, the duty of the Night's Watch is to defend the Wall." Jon told him.

"The long night is coming, Jon Snow." Cole's expression was solemn. "If you think this is just the business of the Night's Watch, you are wrong. This is a disaster for mankind. If the White Walkers break through the Wall, then what else in the south can stop them, Winterfell? King's Landing?"

"But who will come to support the Wall except my father and you?" Jon couldn't help asking.

Cole nodded in his heart. You finally saw the point, Jon.

"Yes, after Robert Baratheon's death, the South has been in constant war. Compared to the fate of mankind, the lords of the South are more greedy for the power in their hands."

"The Night's Watch will not interfere in anything in the Seven Kingdoms." He vaguely guessed what Cole wanted him to do.

"Do you know why I came all the way to the Wall, Jon? The Stormlands below need me much more than here. I can send a trusted knight to support the Night's Watch, but I still came." Cole said.

"Besides the Starks in Winterfell, there are actually your relatives alive." Cole told him, "Your father, Rhaegar Targaryen, and his sister, Daenerys Targaryen, are preparing for war in the Free Trade Cities across the Narrow Sea, ready to take back the throne of the Targaryen family at any time."

Jon frowned, and after a moment of silence, he asked, "Why are you telling me this? What do you want?"

"Look at my hair." Cole pointed at the silver hair, "This is all I can tell you for now."

He looked at Cole's silver hair and fell into deep thought.

Taking a bundle of scrolls from the table, Cole pulled out the knot on the top and spread the scrolls on the table. "This is a map of Westeros. As the commander-in-chief of the Night's Watch, your vision cannot be limited to the small piece of land of the Wall, Jon. Although the duties of the Night's Watch are separated from the Seven Kingdoms, as long as you live on this continent, it is impossible to cut off your connection with the kingdom."

Jon stood up and walked to the table.

Cole pointed to a small island with the word Dragonstone written on it. "This is where the Targaryen family first landed on the continent of Westeros, Dragonstone. Now it is occupied by the Golden Company." He pointed to another point, which was a bay. "This is Crab Bay, where the fleets from Lannister Port and Qingting Island are docked. There is a war in this sea area, and the purpose of my trip north this time is to end this war."


"Yes." Cole nodded. "Only when the war in the south is over can the Seven Kingdoms look to the north."

"The Golden Company is fighting for Daenerys, and I will fight for the Targaryen family." He continued, "Crab Bay gathers all the Lannister fleets, and this is the main force that prevents Daenerys and her husband Khal Drogo's army from landing in Westeros."

"You want to"

"Yes, my target is this fleet, to capture them or destroy them." This is exactly the purpose of his trip north this time. "So I hope to form an alliance with the North, and this requires your help, Jon."

It is difficult to do with the ships and manpower in his hands, so Stark must help.

If he was facing Eddard Stark, he would not say so much, nor would he express his support for the Targaryen position. He only needed to explain that he was going to deal with their common enemy Lannister. I think with his help to the Lord of Winterfell, the alliance would be easy to achieve.

Unfortunately, it did not go as planned.

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