Game of Thrones: Lord of Winter

Chapter 166: Dispatching troops

Davos counted the knights at the funeral, including Karen from Nightsong City, the Morrigan family from Crow's Nest City, the Fell family from Fallwood City, the Errol family from Hay Hall, and the Selmy family from Harvest Hall.

Not a single Cape Wrath knight is here.

He went to the borderlands and the rainforest, and was treated with courtesy but also rejected.

They only brought back Stannis's crown from Dragonstone.

A long line of soldiers lined up outside the gatehouse of Storm's End. Guards with spears were lined up in two lines. The Prince Regent himself rode in front, and a group of fully armed cavalry escorted the box containing the king's clothes and crown. On the box A crowned stag covered with a heart of fire.

They came to the coast, where a raft had already been placed. Cole placed the box in the center of the raft, and the soldiers on both sides put firewood on it.

As the raft floated to the surface, he drew his longbow and fired a flaming arrow.

The fire ignited thick smoke, and Davos saw Cole's eyes condensed. He stared at the sea for a long time.

At the funeral dinner, the drunken Lord Selwyn Tarth of Evenfall Hall loudly rebuked the Ismond family for their betrayal.

House Aemon has gained many supporters in the rainforest, and they have gathered an army in the rainforest, claiming that Ser Aemon is the legitimate heir to Storm's End.

The good old Duskstar's anger was echoed by the knights.

"The guy who knelt down to Lannister also wants to take over Storm's End?" Ser Richard Morrigan asked loudly. "We in the Storm Land only surrender to the stag and the dragon, how can we let the bastard climb on our head?"

The sigil of the Ismond family is a dark green turtle on a light green background.

"Yes, the turtles are not worthy of commanding us." Lord Heywood Fell of Fallenwood shouted.

"My lords, may I say something?" Sir Oakley Cullen stood up. He was a branch of the Cullen family of Nightsong City. Earl Bryce Cullen of Nightsong City died in battle at the Blackwater River. After the war, he was elected as the patriarch of the Cullen family.

However, Joffrey Baratheon has issued an edict to deprive the Cullen family of their ownership of Nightsong City.

"Those rainforest bitches are a group of despicable rebels. They kowtow to the enemy and have forgotten their own glory and shame." Sir Cullen said loudly, he turned to Cole and knelt down on one knee, "Your Highness, please Order, the Cullen family is willing to be the vanguard to bring down the wrath on those traitors."

Cole sat in the main seat with a normal expression, tapping his fingers on the table.

"Before his death, His Majesty Stannis made me the Prince Regent and put me in charge of all affairs." He said, "I know that this responsibility is important."

Cole sighed, "We have lost the king and Dragonstone, and the enemy is always peeping in the darkness. If the Stormlands cannot unite, we will only be engulfed by the waves in this chaotic storm.

I thought everyone would understand what we were facing next, but unfortunately I overestimated the wisdom of some ignorant people and the desires of some greedy people.

In this case, I will in the name of the Regent, the Guardian of the Stormlands and the Governor of the Storm, impose the punishment they deserve on the rebels. "

He pulled out the sword from his waist and pointed it at everyone, "Will you all go out with me?"

Suddenly, the whole hall was filled with the sound of a sword being unsheathed.

The Onion Knight also drew his long sword.

After the dinner, Davos walked to the study.

Opening the door, he saw Cole sitting alone under the candlelight, looking at a roll of parchment.

"I wanted to go to bed early, but I thought I had to ask for your advice." He put down the parchment.

"Suggestions?" Davos sat in front of the chair and shook his head, "I have no suggestions, Your Highness. Your decision is correct."

Cole showed a helpless smile, "Don't be like this, Davos, just wear a mask in the hall."

Davos understood his metaphor quickly.

He took out a roll of maps from the table and unfolded it, "Look, this is my plan."

Onion Knight looked at the words and arrows and felt dizzy.

Cole pointed to a place, "This is Ismond Island. If we want to board it, we can only take a boat, but you know, we don't have many ships at all. Obviously the Ismond family thinks so, so he A small fleet of about twenty large ships gathered in the narrow bay.

And as far as I know, they have also gathered an army of at least 3,000 people in Wulin City. It seems that they plan to advance by sea. "

Davos listened quietly.

He continued, "There is an army of 2,000 men stationed here in Bone Road. Our enemies must not know that Dorne has become an ally of Storm's End, so I plan to have this army withdraw from Bone Road. Heading towards Cape Wrath, I personally led the two thousand soldiers of Storm's End from the coast of the Crimson Mountains to the rainforest, forming a flanking situation."

Davos stared at the map. He became a knight just because he sent a boatload of onions. In terms of martial arts and fighting, any knight in the Seven Kingdoms is better than him.

"What can I do for you?" asked the Onion Knight.

Cole hesitated for a moment and said with a slightly bitter look, "Davos, we have no money. In order to arm knights and build weapons, while collecting war supplies and building ships, Storm's End's inventory has been almost exhausted. All."

In fact, this war must be fought, otherwise the soldiers outside the castle will drag them down, and they will have nothing to lose.

The battlefield has always been a money-burning project. Sometimes a protracted war requires logistics, but now Storm's End can't afford it.

Davos was stunned.

He only heard Cole continue to say, "I should have let you rest well, but there is really no good candidate in Storm's End, so I hope you can go to Braavos and raise a loan from the Iron Bank."

The Onion Knight took on this task without hesitation. He has been accustomed to running on the sea all his life. Sometimes he thinks that the ship is his woman. He likes to let the salty sea breeze blow across his face, which is like his wife's hand.

In fact, they can borrow money from Dorne, but there may be a bigger war waiting for them next, so it is always useful to get one more gold dragon.

And sending Davos away is also convenient for his subsequent plans.

Before the expedition, Cole held a military parade outside Storm's End.

He sentenced the enemy's crimes and read out the rewards, punishments and laws in the war.

The army passed in front of the castle and marched to the distant battlefield.

Cole led the vanguard and walked at the front of the team, sending out scouts to explore the way ahead.

They crossed the Red Mountains and entered the land of Cape Wrath.

The enemy had obviously also received the noise, and the two armies were slowly approaching.

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