"Master Cole, you are finally back." Gilbert greeted him happily.

With a tired smile on his face, the ancient walls of Storm's End were washed away.

The servant brought him a hooded woolen cloak.

Cole put on his cloak, "A bad trip, any news from Dragonstone?"

"Since Camilo left with his people, no ravens from Dragonstone have been here." Gilbert thought for a while, "But there are a few big ravens from Sunspear City. Prince Martell hopes to meet with them. We kept in touch."

"Prince Doran?"

Gilbert nodded.

Cole learned about his other uncle Martell from Prince Oberyn.

If Oberyn is a ball of brave and enterprising flame, then Doran is the shadow hidden under the flame.

Oberyn described him as "calm, cautious, and sickly."

The "unyielding" Martell family has never wanted to stay out of the situation as much as Arryn of the Vale.

They are waiting for their chance.

An opportunity for nominal orthodoxy.

The sentry in the gatehouse greeted them, and Cole walked in side by side with him. The arched doorway could accommodate at least four carriages walking side by side, and there were iron gates and iron-lined gates hanging in the doorway.

After entering the gatehouse, there was an avenue that led directly to the main tower. The stable house was built next to the main tower. They rode their horses over there, and the stableboys who were waiting to take shelter under the stable house ran towards them against the mud and water.

Stepping up the stairs and walking into the main building, the oak door of the hall was open. Servants and soldiers of the castle occasionally walked through. Cole shook his cloak. Rows of dining tables were placed in the hall. Arrangements were already being made in the castle to welcome the city lord. dinner party.

After grilling some fresh fish and onions and drinking some wine, he asked Gilbert about the current situation at Storm's End at the dinner. Afterwards, Cole took a hot bath and finally had a solid sleep.

By the time he was woken up, it was already noon the next day.

Gilbert tells him that Camilo is back.

They waited in front of the Watergate, which was the channel connecting the castle to the water of Shipwreck Bay.

Wait for the ship flying the white bird flag to slowly approach.

Camillo, Davos Seaworth, Hugh Granderson, many familiar faces, but only Stannis, Shireen and others were missing.

He thought they were placed on the merchant ship in the rear, so he got up first to greet the group of warriors.

The Onion Knight walked up to him listlessly. He glanced at Cole silently and tried to force out a haggard smile, "Your Highness."

This title really made Cole stunned for a moment, "Davos, it's great that you can successfully break through."

He just shook his head silently.

Cole didn't know what he meant by shaking his head, but he just continued to walk towards the next person, the much stronger Camilo straightened his back, "Sir Cole."

He patted his shoulder armor and said, "Not bad, thank you for your hard work."

Camilo made a fist and saluted.

"Maester." Cole continued to move.

Pyros saluted him, "Your Highness."

"Which ship is the king on?" When Cole came back from a circle, he asked the Onion Knight full of doubts.

Davos glanced at Maester Pyros, and Maester Dragonstone took out a parchment with understanding. It had the seal of the Baratheon family on Dragonstone. He unfolded the parchment and said loudly: " Stannis I, from the Baratheon family, personally delivers this edict, and I invite you all to witness it together.”

Cole looked at the parchment and stood up in shock.

Pyros unfolded his will and announced, "I make this will in the name of Stannis I of House Baratheon."

He read the last sentence, then raised the parchment high above his head, "This edict is witnessed by me and the king's hands." He handed the parchment to Cole, "His Royal Highness the Prince Regent."

"Prince Regent!" Someone shouted.

Then the entire Watergate of Storm's End boiled, and the soldiers shouted almost wildly, like bursts of drums exploding.

Cole took the edict with a blank mind and looked at the two ink mud fingerprints and the signature of Bachelor Pylos.

All he could see were boiling cries. His Adam's apple jumped up and down a little, and he swallowed a belly full of questions.

After glancing at the sea, Cole put away the parchment, nodded and looked around, and then said to the knight lords in front of him, "Enter the castle first."

He led the way with a solemn expression.

All the flags in the hall were removed and replaced with black curtains.

Cole met Davos in the study. In the will, he was appointed as the Hand of the King for life. It can be seen that at the end of his life, Stannis entrusted him with his funeral affairs.

Davos looked at the wooden door, then walked into the study.

Cole was standing on the window sill. He walked over and brought a chair and placed it next to the desk. "Your Majesty Prime Minister, please take a seat."

He turned back to his seat, picked up the copper jug ​​and set some wine for him.

Pushing the wine glass in front of him, Cole said, "What happened?"

"It's my fault." The Onion Knight blamed himself, "I failed to protect His Majesty the King."


Cole punched the table, "Davos, I didn't ask you to come here to say shameful things. I want to know what happened on Dragonstone?"

Davos looked into his eyes and sighed, "The king was shot through the chest by their crossbow when he led us to resist the attack of the Golden Company."

He saw the Prince Regent lowering his forehead slightly, closing his eyes, and remained silent for a moment before speaking again, "What about Shireen and Queen Florent?"

"They're not at Storm's End?"

Cole frowned, "Didn't they break out with you?"

Davos shook his head, "When the Golden Company first attacked, Ser Roland Storm suggested that we retreat. But His Majesty believed that it was his duty to defend Storm's End, so he only allowed Ser Roland and Axel Fro Sir Ren took the Queen, His Royal Highness the Princess, His Highness Edric Storm, and Melisandre and they left through the secret door and took the ferry to Storm's End Castle to ask for help."

In fact, the king wanted to give this task to him at first, but the Onion Knight told the king: The Hand of the King should stay by the king's side.

He always thought that they brought the news to Storm's End, and then reinforcements came to help.

"They never got to Storm's End."

Not to Storm's End? In an instant, the Onion Knight's heart fell into the bottom of the valley. From Dragonstone to Storm's End, it was only about two days' journey. They should have arrived long ago.

The smuggler Davos is very familiar with this sea area. How many ships have been swallowed up by it. Every time the crew goes to sea, they have to face an unknown fate. A storm or running aground on the rocks may destroy a ship to pieces.

Later in the War of the Usurper, the Targaryen royal fleet was completely destroyed by a storm.

He used to pray to the blacksmith every time he went to sea, so would the ship full of followers of the Lord of Light be blessed by the gods?

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