Game of Thrones: Lord of Winter

Chapter 155 Guest Gifts

"Did you give the order to the golden robe?" Lord Tywin's tone was filled with anger.

"I didn't let him kill anyone." Cersei looked away.

That idiot Loras wanted to kill people. I heard that the boy who was still lying in bed and killed the Mountain had already killed six golden robes when his uncle Kevan and his men arrived.

"In the meeting just now, Oberyn Martell mocked us severely, Cersei." Uncle Kevan said. "When they take our bread and salt, guest rights are in effect."

"They were never guests, uncle. Stannis wants to seize Little Joe's throne, and the boy named Cole is just a lowly person whom Stannis has no one to use and promoted." Cersei spoke fiercely.

"That's enough. The stupid things you have done have already broken the trust of the royal family." Tywin scolded.

A trace of fear flashed through Cersei's heart, but it was quickly covered up by anger. "If the gods have eyes, they should let the Mountain kill the white-haired boy. Xiao Qiao's body is still cold, and I will not let anyone go." Really murderous."

"Do you suspect he is the murderer?" Uncle Kevan asked.

"No, the murderer is the dwarf." Cersei's eyes were stern.

"If you are careful, Cersei. Tyrion is your brother after all, and the gods have declared him innocent." The Duke reminded her.

"We have been embarrassed enough. You should understand your father." Sadness flashed across Sir Kevan's face.

"Then who will understand me!" She was like a roaring lioness, "Do you know how I felt when I held Xiao Qiao's cold body?"

Tears rolled down her face.

"We understand your grief, Cersei. But if the royal family loses its prestige, it will no longer be able to restrain its ministers. Aerys is the best lesson." Tywin told her. "What you should be concerned about now is Tommen's affairs. Go back."

Cersei wiped away her tears and stood up angrily, "I am the Queen Mother, father."

She waved her sleeves and left.

"Mother and son are as willful. I'm thinking about whether I should take Tommen with me personally."

Ser Kevan sighed, "You were too harsh on her, Tywin. After all."

Cole held the Winter Night with the blade of the sword facing down. He squatted on the first floor, holding the hilt of the sword in a fist with one hand, and placed the other hand on the fist, tapping his index finger up and down.

He was like a bloody statue, with traces of solidified blood all over his body and face.

Hundreds of Lannister red-robed guards guarded the gate of the courtyard. Duran, who was seriously injured, was sent to the maester's residence for treatment, while only eleven of the soldiers and servants who followed him from Dragonstone remained. people.

Cole's face was terrifyingly gloomy, and he asked Caesar to stay far away from Dragonstone Island. Now Caesar was no longer suitable for close-air reconnaissance due to his size.

The war was raging on Dragonstone, and he saw a fleet surrounding the entire island.

"Sir, you can't go in."

There were noisy sounds outside the yard.

Cole's thoughts were disrupted. Oberon's figure appeared at the door, and he brought Tyrion with him.

"I heard that you beat up the Tyrell boy?" The prince came over.

"If the Lannister people hadn't come, he would be dead by now." Cole's voice was as cold as ice.

"Kill that boy. The tens of thousands of roses outside the city will not let you leave easily." Tyrion said.

"Humph" Cole snorted coldly. "Then crush them all."

This was the first time Tyrion had seen him so angry.

"Is there any news about Dragonstone?" Cole asked them.

Tyrion shook his head. "There are rumors in the streets that Dragonstone has been conquered by the Ironborn."

"No, although there are not many defenders on Dragonstone Island, it is by no means so easy to capture." Cole said with certainty.

"What are you going to do?" the little devil asked.

"They need support."

"Where are you going to find reinforcements now? The Seven Kingdoms don't have a fleet to rush there, and it's not sure what they are like," Tyrion said.

"Who said there were no reinforcements?" the prince said suddenly.

Tyrion looked at the Red Viper in shock.

"I'm going to meet your father, Tyrion." Cole suddenly stood up.

Tyrion shrugged, "Don't ask me, I won't go together. I have been persuaded by His Highness the Prince to go to Dorne to have a look."

"You have to say goodbye to your master, right? It just so happens that we can go together."

He walked to the door, and the Lannister soldiers looked like they were facing the enemy.

"Take me to see the Prime Minister." Cole said to the generals leading the group of Lannister.

"Sir, I have to send someone to ask the Prime Minister for instructions first."

Cole nodded.

As he stepped onto the spiral staircase of the Prime Minister's Tower, two guards stopped him at the door, "Sir, please leave your weapons here for now."

Cole unloaded the sword and handed it to him, and then the Lannister guards pushed the door open.

He walked straight in. Lord Tywin was sitting at his desk.

"You want to see me?" the Prime Minister asked.

"Yes, my lord."

Tywin looked at him, "You always remind me of an old friend. At that time, he was young and charming, and very decisive in doing things."

Later people said he was crazy.

"I heard that the child seems to have some grudge against you. I don't know anything about what happened in the morning." The Duke explained.

"You have managed the seven kingdoms in an orderly manner. I believe in your fairness and strictness, sir. I am not here to ask questions, but to resign."

"You want to leave? Where to go?"

"Of course, it's where you came from and where you return to." Cole answered him. "You should know more about Dragonstone than me, right?"

"I'm sorry about Stannis." Tywin's indifferent golden eyes were as calm as his tone. "Although he did some wrong things."

"Wrong things?" Cole asked him.

"We have no grudges, Cole. I have always remembered your achievements in the Riverlands, and Kevan also praised you highly." Tywin said.

Cole sneered in his heart. It's not necessarily true that there is no grudge.

"Shireen Baratheon is Tommen's cousin. We shouldn't fight. Now that the enemy is outside, the family should be united. What do you say?" The Duke continued. "The king is going to make you the commander-in-chief of the royal fleet."

"I was." Cole smiled lightly.

"A naval commander without a ship?" Tywin stopped writing, "We will rebuild a fleet for you, at least fifty warships."

"Don't bother with that, Prime Minister." Cole bowed slightly, "I will leave immediately, and I came to say goodbye to you. I am very grateful for your care over the past few days."

He turned and walked out the door, and said to Tywin with his back to him, "There is a guest gift for Sir Tommen outside the door. I hope he likes it."

When the guest leaves, the host will give the other party a "guest gift", which means that the sacred guest rights end here. At the same time, the guest will also give the host a "guest gift" to express his gratitude for the other party's provision of food and shelter.

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