Game of Thrones: Lord of Winter

Chapter 140 The Queen of Thorns

"My Lord, this invitation?" Duran asked breathlessly. He and José worked together to spar with Cole, and they were exhausted at this time.

Cole wiped the sweat off his face while looking at the content of the invitation.

Few people visited him during the days in King's Landing, and Cole had no time to visit the nobles and ladies in the castle.

"The Tyrell family invited us to the banquet."

The last guest who visited them was Tyrell, the Rose of Highgarden, the future Queen of King's Landing - Margaery Tyrell, who came to thank them in person. To be honest, Cole himself was confused by this sudden thank you.

This time Cole became the guest.

"Go in and pack up." He said to the two knights, they couldn't go to the banquet in this state.

Thinking that Lord Mace Tyrell was still in the dungeon of Dragonstone, he had some guesses about this invitation.

Sir Garlan came to the yard to greet them personally. He smiled politely, "Grandmother is eagerly looking forward to your visit, Cole."

"Lady Olenna Redwyne?"

"She has always wanted to meet you, the knight who defeated her two grandsons and son." Grandmother has been using this matter to distract him these days.

"I feel honored to be remembered by the Queen of Thorns." Cole said with a chuckle.

Duran put on a formal dress, and Jose put on a layer of armor.

"We are going to attend the banquet, not to a duel." Duran whispered in Jose's ear.

Jose looked at him in confusion, and then said, "I am Lord Cole's guard and sword."

He walked to Cole's side calmly.

This made Duran hesitate suddenly, and he only came over when Cole called him.

"Okay, everyone is here, we can set off."

Garlan nodded.

They walked out of the gate of the courtyard and just happened to see a few Dornishmen.

"I heard that more than 300 people came from Dorne." The courtyards and tents around Cole were full of flags of Dornish lords.

Garlan was much more informed than him, "Leaded by Prince Orenber, the Dart family, the Blemont family, the Manwoody family, the Coger family. Almost most of the Dornish nobles are here."

Of course, they were just representatives of each family.

The Tyrell family lived in the long slate-topped fortress behind the Royal Sepulchre, and Garlan took them up the spiral staircase.

The two knights with carved rose breastplates, gilded helmets, and green cloaks with gold thread saw Garlan, made way for them, and pushed open the big wooden door. The two guards were twins, and they were equally tall.

There were quite a few people sitting by the fireplace, but most of them were ladies.

A woman stood up from her seat and walked in front of them. She hugged and kissed Garland, and then asked, "Garland, won't you introduce this knight to me?"

"Cole Julius." Cole nodded slightly and introduced himself. "It's an honor to meet you, beautiful lady."

A smile also appeared on her face, "Lyonie Fossoway, I am Garland's wife."

"Sir Julius." A girl in a green flower-stamen dress with lace pattern came over to salute him.

Cole returned the salute to Little Rose.

"Brother, grandma has been waiting for a long time. If you want to introduce a girl to our Lord Julius, there is no rush now."

Isn't it true? As soon as Julius entered the room, all the girls became ladies. The original happy fights turned into gentle whispers.

Of course, the group of men who were originally drinking happily stopped at this time, and their eyes looked over here curiously.

"Grandmother's patience is not good, please follow me, sir."

In front of the long table, Cole met the Queen of Thorns, a white-haired old woman, short and thin, wearing a dark green gown.

"Sir, let me introduce you: my grandmother, Lady Olenna."

She looked at Cole with a gleaming look, "Are you Cole Julius?"

"Yes, ma'am. It's an honor to meet you." Cole saluted her.

"A charming face, no wonder my granddaughter always talks about you." The Queen of Thorns said in a teasing tone.

"Sir Cole is my savior, grandmother." Margaret said.

Lady Olenna looked at her granddaughter, "I don't think I should marry you to Joffrey."

The Queen of Thorns turned around, "My fool son was defeated by such a hero, I think it is his honor. I wonder if our inflatable fish Duke is doing well recently?"

"The Duke of Mace is accompanying His Majesty Stannis on Dragonstone. I think they should get along well."

"I know your king, child." Lady Olenna's tone became melancholy, "This brother of King Robert is a great man, but he is too harsh on himself and his men. The sharper the thorn, the easier it is to break. I am grateful that he didn't hang my son's stupid head on a spear."

"The laws of the kingdom are not made by your majesty. If everyone ignores the law, the Seven Kingdoms will fall into chaos. He just did what he should do." Cole said.

"Really? Then why did Stannis rebel against his nephew, I mean the little devil king." The Queen of Thorns asked him.

"Only silver and dark hair have sat on the Iron Throne. I have never heard of a blond, my lady." Cole answered her with a smile.

"Silver hair?" Mrs. Olenna stared at him firmly, and then changed the subject, "I'm not interested in who is sitting on that chair. My idiot son wants my precious granddaughter to be the queen. ”

"I am just an old mother, sir. The one who wrote the law must be hard-hearted. What price should we pay to let a foolish son come to his mother's side?"

Cole thought in his mind. To be honest, he couldn't make the decision.

"In Slaver's Bay across the Narrow Sea, the slave master determines the price of slaves, while in the Faceless Men of Braavos, the Many-Faced God determines the price of human life, my lady." Cole answered.

The Queen of Thorns nodded, and then said to Little Rose standing aside, "Margaery, entertain our guests well. Your father is in someone else's hands. If our Lord Marquis is willing to say a few words in front of the king, With good words, maybe our inflatable fish can return to Highgarden.”

"My pleasure, Grandma."

Until the end of the banquet, Cole and the Queen of Thorns never interacted again.

I thought I would only deal with roses today, but when Cole returned to his courtyard, another unexpected person came to the door.

He welcomed the Dornish people in, and it was Prince Oberyn Martell whom he had met once before.

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