The throne covered with sword blades and iron thorns, the golden necklace of the Prime Minister, the crimson velvet coat, the red cloak inlaid with gold threads and gems, with a large gold medal pinned on the chest, and a huge emerald saddle ring on the fingertips.

Lord Tywin Lannister was tall, broad-shouldered, and had indifferent light green eyes. He sat high on the throne.

The audience was filled with celebrities, wealthy businessmen and knights. They all heard who the king was going to meet today.

But Joffrey's figure did not appear in the hall.

There was still a commotion in the hall, and suddenly the master of ceremonies sang loudly, "Marquis Cole Julius."

The black and gold costume came from the bronze oak door, with a gray cloak around the neck and pinned on the chest with silver buttons. The steps were steady and majestic, followed by two fully armed knights.

The originally silent voice suddenly became noisy again, spreading throughout the hall.

"Quiet!" Sir Kevan stood up and shouted loudly.

He walked to the throne, bowed slightly, and said, "Your Excellency, the envoy of Stannis Baratheon, King of the Stormlands and the Narrow Sea, Cole Julius, greets you."

Countless eyes swept over him, and he saw Tywin and Kevan sitting on top.

Our Ser Kevan was almost bald, with a very short beard and golden hair.

Sitting on the other side of Ser Kevan Lannister was a blonde woman with golden curly hair, green eyes, and fair skin. She was staring blankly at something.

Then move down, Varys, and the green-dressed girl I met that day, Garlan Tyrell

The mighty Lord Tywin responded, "I greet your Storm King on behalf of Joffrey Baratheon I, King of the Andals, Rhoynar, and the First Men, Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm."

"I wonder if my son Tyrion's reception is thorough, I hope I didn't neglect you." Lord Tywin's clear, powerful and serious voice came from the throne.

"Thank you very much for your hospitality, young master."

"In addition to asking you to attend the king's wedding, did your Storm King bring any other commands or suggestions?" Lord Tywin tilted his body.

Cole looked straight up, "Of course, in addition to sending blessings to Lord Joffrey, my king also gave me an important mission."

"How dare you call the king by his name!?" Loras Tyrell, the Kingsguard standing under the throne, shouted loudly. The crowd responded to the rebuke.

Cole smiled slightly and said nothing.

Lord Tywin raised his hand, and the noise in the hall subsided instantly.

"Tell me?"

"My lords, are you afraid of death?" Cole looked at him, suddenly turned his head and asked.

No one answered him.

He only chuckled, "It seems that you are all warriors who are not afraid of life and death."

"Do you think we are all cowardly and afraid of death like Stannis?" Someone shouted in a teasing tone.

Cole looked over and saw a sturdy nobleman with a golden tree embroidered on his clothes.

As he spoke, the laughter rose and fell.

"My Lord Prime Minister, I feel relieved to see so many fearless warriors fighting for you. I heard that Daenerys of the Targaryen family and her husband, Khal Drogo, the Dothraki horse king, are preparing to cross the narrow sea with Euron Greyjoy, the 'King of the Iron Islands, the King of Salt and Rock'. I think you are ready to fight them." He ignored the ridicule and said in a clear voice.

"As far as I know, Khal Drogo has 40,000 cavalrymen and the Ironmen have hundreds of longships. I just don't know how many knights and warships there are in King's Landing now?" he asked again.

Cole sighed, "In the Battle of the Blackwater, my king was defeated with a weak force, and only a hundred warships were left at Dragonstone, and Storm's End had only tens of thousands of soldiers and 3,000 cavalry left."

Some people couldn't help but wonder, is Stannis still that strong?

Of course not, but bluffing doesn't cost money.

I only heard Cole continue to say, "With the strength of our army, we will definitely not be able to defeat the combined forces of the Ironborn and the Dothraki. It seems that the responsibility of guarding the peace of the Westeros continent will be entrusted to you fearless adults.

Although my king cares about the people under his rule and wants to fight to the death with the enemies in the narrow sea, he is unwilling to let the robbers invade the land of the kingdom even if he fights to the death.

King's Landing has honorable and powerful knights like you, and I think we will be able to repel the enemy. In this way, we can retreat to the north with peace of mind."

"Retreat to the north?" Sir Kevan asked.

"Yes, Lord Eddard Stark, the Duke of the North, and my king have already reached an agreement. During the long winter, we will watch over each other." His eyes scanned the surroundings, "I wonder if Miss Sansa of the Stark family is here?"

A tall girl suddenly squeezed out from the audience. She had auburn hair, delicate cheekbones, sapphire eyes, and was elegant and beautiful.

Cole saluted her, "Hello, beautiful lady."

The girl hesitated for a while and lifted her skirt to return the greeting.

"A king without a domain is no king, ser," Lord Kevan said to him.

"The bravery of the warriors of the Stormlands and Dragonstone has been witnessed by all present," Lord Tywin said. "The Dothraki and the Ironborn are just barbarians living on the grasslands and the sea. It is easy to repel them, but the continent has been through war for a long time and needs peace. As the motto of the Stark family says, 'Winter is coming', everyone.

The maesters of the Citadel speculated that this would be a long winter. Five, ten, or twenty years, only the cooperation of all parties could get through this long night. What do you think, Sir Julius? "

He nodded gently, "You are right, Prime Minister."

"Very good."

They left Cole alone for two days and met him in the hall today. It was noon when he asked to leave.

The crowd dispersed from the hall, and Cole strode out after a slight salute.

A figure passed by and came to his side.

A wrap-around belt, a slightly open neckline, a dark purple long skirt, and a gold-threaded waist.

"Miss Stark. "Kole nodded slightly.

Her heartbeat was speeding up. Sansa thought that Ser Loras, the Knight of Flowers, was already the most handsome man she had ever seen. But that day in the corridor of the garden, she saw a face that was even more handsome. He was taller and more handsome than Loras, with a gentle and elegant smile and a little melancholy in his eyes.

"Sir, you just talked about Lord Stannis and my father." She asked.

"Of course, your father stayed in Storm's End for some time, but now he has returned to the North." He apologized slightly, "Please forgive me, beautiful lady, I am busy with things, please allow me to leave."

He walked sideways and whispered something beside her.

A glimmer of hope suddenly emerged in the girl's eyes.

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