Game of Thrones: Lord of Winter

Chapter 109 Across the Narrow Sea

"Waaaaa!" It was a baby's cry.

The sky was just getting light, and the Dothraki in the tent were still sleeping soundly. Only the eunuchs and slaves were walking back and forth in the fog.

"Khaleesi." The maid greeted softly while holding the child.

Jhiqui and Irri were Dothraki girls with bronze skin and black hair. They were gifts Dany received at the wedding.

Daenerys Targaryen, born in the storm, Khaleesi of the largest tribe on the Dothraki Sea, and the mother of the horse that rode the world. She asked softly, "Is it Rhaegal?"

"It's Viserion, Khaleesi." The maid rocked gently in her arms.

Among Dany's maids, there was actually a Lys girl named Doreah. She was the oldest among them and had the most experience in taking care of children, but the Dothraki did not allow wet nurses to take care of the children of mounted warriors.

Drogo's bloodrider Cohollo said, "Weanlings are all useless cowards, and so are their children. Weanlings are not worthy of taking care of noble horsemen."

At this time, the child in the arms of another maid also burst into tears, as if the sound had awakened his sweet dream.

Dani hurried over, thinking that this was the real wrath of the sleeping dragon.

"Are they hungry?" Dany held little Rhaegal in her arms and prepared to feed him.

"We have fed him mare's milk." Jhiqui said. The great horsemen grew up drinking mare's milk. They knew how to ride horses from birth, regardless of whether they were men or women, and they would ride until the end of their lives. "It's fresh mare's milk, taken from pregnant mares at night."

But he still sucked hard, and he didn't cry when he grabbed it with both hands.

At this time, the morning light penetrated the tent, and the horsemen began to mount their horses one after another. They crossed the Forest of Qohor and set out from the Dothraki Sea all the way to the west coast of Essos.

When Dany mounted her silver mare, she was flanked by three girls and an armored knight, and behind her was her khas, the small tribe that she, the Khaleesi, ruled.

Rhaegal and Viserion were carried on the backs of the maids in silk slings.

"Where are we, ser?" Dany asked Jorah Mormont.

Ser Jorah was definitely well-informed. He was once the Earl of Bear Island and was loyal to the Stark family in the North, but he became a criminal because of selling a few slaves. He wandered in Essos for a long time and went to many places.

He swore to Viserys, and now he swore to Dany.

Drogo kept his promise and gave Viserys a golden crown, but that was not what he wanted. His brother had promised to take her home, the home across the narrow sea, but he did not keep his promise. But Drogo would take back their family's Iron Throne, and he would kill the usurper to avenge his father and brother Rhaegar.

"We're almost to Myr, Khaleesi."

Myr is renowned for its fine craftsmanship. They have the most exquisite craftsmanship in lace, lens and carving. Whether in Essos or Westeros across the narrow sea, people regard Myr silk as a symbol of wealth.

Viserys once said that there was a Myr carpet in the hall of the Red Keep that stretched from the Iron Throne to the bronze-inlaid door.

"Myr, Tyrosh and Lys were once allied with each other as the Three Kingdoms of the Daughters, but this alliance only lasted for thirty years." The knowledgeable Ser Jorah talked about the history of Myr.

"Aren't Tyrosh and Lys enemies?" Dany asked.

They were heading back from Lys.

"Volantis was once powerful. Their army broke through Myr and their navy broke through Lys, which made the three cities of the Daughters form an alliance to fight the enemy together. But the final victory was won by your ancestor Aegon the Conqueror riding the Black Death Balerion." Jory knew she liked to hear these words.

When he spoke of Rhaegar and Aegon the Conqueror, she always looked delighted.

"After the defeat of Volantis, Myr allied with Tyrosh and Lys," Ser Jorah continued.

But now they were outright enemies. He crossed the bay with Khal Drogo's khals, broke through the walls of Lys, and plundered the city-state.

The Lord of Tyrosh promised that if they helped him capture Lys, he would help them capture King's Landing.

With the combined efforts of pirates, mercenaries, and Dothraki, Lys didn't hold out for long.

Originally, they were supposed to take the ship directly back to Tyrosh, but Khal Drogo strongly urged them to land on the shore and then ride back to Tyrosh. The ship was not a wooden warhorse floating on the sea as Khal imagined.

Many Dothraki warriors were vomiting up and down on the ship, and when they landed, they had little energy left to fight. He told Dany that these mounted warriors should not cross the sea to Westeros until they can overcome seasickness.

"They can capture King's Landing just like they captured Lys, right?" Dany asked him.

Jorah thought about it. He had heard some news recently. "The grassland warriors are not good at sieges, Khaleesi. The walls of King's Landing are much thicker than those of Lys, and they will not let us land so easily."

"But you said that Robert Baratheon would fight Drogo."

"It is no longer Robert who sits on the Iron Throne now, but his eldest son Joffrey Baratheon. He is only thirteen years old and is not as brave as his father."

"The usurper is dead?" Dany's face showed surprise.

Sir Jorah nodded. He died, and died at the hands of a wild boar. This was such a frustrating and stupid way to die. If he had to choose, he would rather die on the battlefield.

Some people said that the wild boar was the incarnation of Rhaegar. Jorah would not tell Daenerys that it was an insult to call a real dragon a wild boar. He thought, unless the wild boar had silver hair.

He told Dany the news of Westeros. Now the western land seemed to be in war.

"Are you saying that Robert's brother Stannis and Renly were dissatisfied with Joffrey's accession to the throne, so they rebelled? But aren't they a family?" Just like her and Viserys, she didn't say the rest of the words.

"Stannis claimed that Joffrey was the illegitimate son of incest between Queen Cersei and his brother Kingslayer, and he was not worthy of sitting on the Iron Throne."

Dany said angrily, "They are not worthy of sitting on the Iron Throne. That is the position of the real dragon."

The two talked for a few more words. One of Drogo's bloodriders rode over. He was looking for Jorah, and heard that someone from across the narrow sea had come.

Jorah was gone for a long time before returning. Dany saw that his face was a little complicated, so she asked him what happened.

"Khaleesi, this is good news for us." He said. "The man calls himself Victarion Greyjoy. He came on the orders of Euron Greyjoy, King of the Iron Islands."

PS: A new chapter begins.

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