Flames, blood, screams.

King's Landing, a city built by the Targaryen family. Three hundred years ago, "Conqueror" Aegon Targaryen used this place as a starting point to sweep across the Westeros continent, hence the name "King's Landing".

When the sunset and blood filled the world with red, no one could tell whether it was light or blood under their feet.

In the King's Hall, a tall silver knight sat on the iron throne built by soldiers from all over the world with a sword.

The Targaryen dynasty began and ended in Alys Targaryen.

The king of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms and the protector of the whole realm, "Aerys Targaryen II", was the old man lying in blood in front of the silver knight. Later, people would rather call him "Mad King Alys".

At this time, a pregnant woman was crossing Blackwater Bay with a boy.

In the high tower of the Red Keep in King's Landing, a woman with a Dornish face was humming a lullaby, holding a sleeping baby in her arms. She had Dornish black hair and deep, vast purple-blue eyes.

The door of the tower was violently pushed open, and a tall warrior walked in, holding a child in his arms, "Princess, I found the child for you."

"Sir Granderson, thank you for your hard work."

The knight knelt on one knee and presented the child with both hands, "Your Highness, the people of Casterly Rock have come in, please move."

Elijah shook his head gently, then put the child in his arms into the knight's hands, and then put another swaddle around him.

"Without the king's order, I can't leave King's Landing."

Her voice was clear and gentle, but with a hint of weakness.

"Sir Granderson, your uncle is a glorious Kingsguard, and the Granderson family is also an honorable family, so should I believe you?" She asked the knight.

The knight held the child in one hand and hammered his chest with the other hand, "The Granderson family swears to serve the king until death."

"Take this child away, bring it to Targaryen on the Wall, and tell him: After the long summer, the stars will weep blood, and the cold darkness will cover the world. At this terrifying moment, the son of prophecy will pull out the burning sword "Lightbringer".

He is Aegon born of the stars, the dragon prince of Targaryen, the prophesied savior of light, the future ruler of the Seven Kingdoms and the protector of the whole realm."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Until the knight left, the woman forced a smile and looked at the child in her arms. The silver hairstyle and chubby face were really cute. She couldn't bear it, so she could only look away and look out the window of the tower. Her husband should be fighting against the rebels.

"Rhaegar, I hope this old man you often praise can really save our child." She murmured.


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