In the ghost forest outside the Great Wall.

Three men in black were riding on horses. The leader was Weimar Royce, who had just arrived at the Great Wall and was the youngest son of Runestone City's "Bronze Yohn".

He should not be the leader of the three. The other two rangers, Gary and Will, are both experienced rangers. Gary has served in the Night's Watch for 40 years, and Will has experienced hundreds of times. Inspection.

"Sir, a total of 8 people died. They had no wounds... A woman was lying on the sentinel tree. I originally thought she would find her, but when I got closer, I found that she was also dead." Will reported the results of the inspection.

"They must have froze to death, right?" said gray-haired veteran Gary.

"You must not have been on guard these days. If you had been on guard, you would have discovered that the Great Wall is weeping!"

"The savages are wearing animal skins, so the weather won't freeze them to death!" The two experienced rangers looked at each other and couldn't help but think of a certain rumor.

"Take me to see it!" Sir Waymar Royce ordered in a proud tone, "Old man, you stay here to guard the horses, and you are not allowed to light the fire!".

Will and Gary had no choice but to obey orders.

When we arrived at the savage camp, not to mention the corpse, not even a hair was found.

Weimar ordered the rangers to climb up the tree to keep a lookout, and then he continued to investigate under the tree.

"Rustling..." The two heard the sound of trees rubbing together.

A figure appeared quietly from the darkness of the trees. It was very tall, haggard and firm as bones, and its skin was as pale as milk.

Its armor seemed to change color as it moved, sometimes white like fresh snow, sometimes black like shadows, punctuated everywhere with the deep gray-green of the forest.

With every step it takes, the patterns on it keep changing like the sparkling moonlight on the water.

Weimar Royce pulled out his beautiful sword, shouted loudly, and rushed towards the tall figure...

It was wielding a long sword that seemed to be made of thin crystal shards that emitted a strange blue light.

One tall figure emerged from all around.

Will hid in the tree and did not dare to make a sound. Amidst the sharp collisions of steel, the young knight screamed in pain, and then the tall figures onlookers swarmed up, and blue ice swords fell one after another...

When there was no more sound, Will moved his frozen body down from the tree, only to see the young knight with half of his body broken, staring at an ice-blue eye, and pinching his neck with both hands... …

The Green Bard and Albert went to the Great Wall with the Lannister dwarves, the Stark bastards and the chief ranger of the Wall.

The king took the new prime minister south, but the Lannister dwarf did not accompany him. He proposed to go to the Great Wall in the northernmost part of the continent to have a look and experience what it was like to stand on the Great Wall and release water. experience.

The bastard son of the Stark family hopes to join the Night's Watch. His father went south, and there is no longer a place for him in Winterfell.

Albert wants to return to his hometown to complete his unfinished business.

The green poet used it as an excuse to see the scenery north of the Great Wall.

The group of people was quite harmonious. After arriving at the Great Wall, they heard the unfortunate news that Bronze Jon's son disappeared during a patrol, and the two rangers who patrolled with him also disappeared!

When Bronze Yonn sent his son here, he brought a lot of supplies. The Night Watch must give an explanation to the Earl of Runestone City.

The commander-in-chief Xiong Lao asked Benyan Stark to immediately lead the men and horses to search.

Jaehaerys knew very well that he was probably dead, and by the way, even Benyan would disappear. He would not appear again as "Cold Hands" until Jon and his party were on their way to capture the wights.

The last trip to the north did not go deep into the Haunted Forest, and Jaehaerys did not want to ride a dragon to the land of eternal winter to look for White Walkers. To be honest, he was quite curious about these creatures made of ice magic.

In particular, I want to know, can the females of the White Walkers really be able to intermarry with humans?

It is said that the White Walkers are extremely tall. Do they match up in that aspect?

Now that the White Walkers are in the Haunted Forest, he has to catch one and take it home to show his wife and wife!

Erbei had already disappeared halfway along the way. As the only bard heading north, Jaehaerys naturally received warm hospitality.

Mr. Xiong hopes that he can spread the plight of the Night Watchmen through singing and encourage more people to join this enthusiastic, warm and honorary family.

The green poet said that he hopes to follow the chief ranger and truly feel the hard work of patrolling, so as to inspire inspiration. Moreover, he is not a weak person with no strength. As a bard, he may not always be able to meet the lord. castle.

Elder Xiong thought for a moment, thinking that Bunyan had rich experience and superb martial arts skills. He had brought many people with him on this trip, so the safety should be safe, so he readily agreed.

After dawn, the group of people explored northward along the ghost forest path outside Castle Black. When passing Custer's fortress, Benyan asked the wild man Custer about the whereabouts of Weimar.

The Green Bard sat on a tall horse and heard that this Craster sacrificed his sons to the White Walkers to gain their blessing, while his daughters were...

Even if the savages are shameless people, such a desolate person is unheard of.

He watched Benyan deal with him coldly, and there were several eyes vaguely looking at everyone in the gaps of the attic.

It should be Custer's wives. He doesn't allow them to come out to meet strange men.

"Guys, something seems wrong!" Benjen got some information from Custer, and he looked a little worried.

"My lord, what's wrong? Are the wildlings causing trouble again?" asked Jeff Flowers, the illegitimate son of the River Bend. Compared with the worries of the chief ranger, he wanted to communicate with Custer's wives. Compared with Mole Village, the female wildlings were more interesting!

"According to Custer's information, the wildlings seemed to gather together with unclear intentions! Dog-headed Hammam once harassed him and asked him to take all his wives to the King Beyond the Wall..." Benjen said, "Fortunately, Custer rejected them, but he hasn't seen them for a long time recently... This is definitely not normal!"

"Maybe, so you mean that maybe Weimar also found a similar situation, so he went to find them without knowing what was good for him?" asked another ranger, Oser.

Generally, the Rangers have a fixed route for patrols, but in special circumstances, the Rangers will change the patrol route, but this situation has become very rare in the past ten years.

The Rangers are the elite of the Night's Watch. They occasionally encounter sporadic wildlings during patrols, but they will not take the initiative to attack the wildling tribes. This is not their mission.

If it is the newcomer Weimar who wants to make some achievements in a hurry, it can be explained, but Will and Gary are experienced people, and they will definitely not allow him to act rashly!

Custer's wife-Gilly

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