While the temperature rose, Hela's size did not increase significantly. Jaehaerys had accumulated a lot of Dao Fruits suitable for beasts in the past ten years. Whenever Hela wanted to kick up a fuss, a Dao Fruit would always soothe her young heart.

Perhaps too few of her kind had become immortals, so Hela had not learned any useful skills... Only one bat from another world had become immortal, and contributed a skill called "Wing Shield Technique", which was to refine the wings to be indestructible and act as a shield...

It had been tested before in the Dreadfort in the North, and the effect was only average...

However, the spiritual energy in the Dao Fruit was more useful to her. Her flesh and blood were once full of violent magic power. Even if Jaehaerys had wanted to make her embark on the path of cultivation, he was powerless in the face of this situation. He was a human immortal, not a celestial immortal, and human power was limited!

Now, after being sorted out by the Dao Fruit, the magic power has become neutral and peaceful. According to Jaehaerys's estimation, in a few decades, Hela will be able to slowly evolve into a physique suitable for cultivation.

Hela's appearance has also changed. Her fierceness has greatly decreased. Even her once ugly wings have grown tiny golden scales. The first impression of people who see her is holiness...

Anyone who has been to Dragonstone can experience a quality that is different from any other place.

It also has dilapidated houses, but people's mental state is very different. They are no longer numb and empty, and their eyes are full of hope.

Workers have become the largest group under Dragonstone. Civilians are still subordinates of the lords in name, but most of them have their own jobs and get paid through labor.

In terms of taxation, they no longer need to deal with the lords and the king's tax officials repeatedly. The company will properly handle everything for them.

The tax rate is not high, "one tenth of the value", and since the value of fish and agricultural products is no longer measured separately as before, tax collection has become simpler.

From the perspective of workers' disposable income, it is far higher than before. Thanks to the long summer of the mainland for ten years, Dragonstone's supplies are now extremely prosperous, with abundant supplies and low prices. One person working can earn enough to support the whole family in one month.

In ten years, the population under Dragonstone has increased dozens of times, and even the small fishing village at the foot of Dragon Mountain has expanded several times, with a population of more than 50,000.

Natural population growth alone cannot reach this number, and it mainly relies on the supplement of foreign population.

After the population growth, the need for housing naturally arises, and land sales and the construction of residential areas have become rigid needs.

The land under Dragonstone's jurisdiction is all owned by the Targaryen family and the major lords, and they have made a lot of money just by selling land.

At that time, a smart person came up with the good idea of ​​making money out of nothing and making the money come from the sheep, but it was soon stopped by the law, and the person himself was also imprisoned.

Housing can become a commodity, but it must be paid for and delivered...

The scarce land has long forced Dragonstone to relocate some industries, and some aquaculture and primary processing industries have been transferred to surrounding areas. Most of the murex farming that brought huge profits to Dragonstone in the past has now moved to the Crab Claw Peninsula, Cape Marseille and the coastal area of ​​the King's Territory.

Of course, since Jaehaerys developed the artificial breeding technology of pearls, some mother-of-pearl oysters have been kept as a secret by the royal family and are kept in the original murex breeding ponds of Dragonstone.

Artificially cultivated pearls are larger, mature faster, and have the same color and quality as natural pearls, but the price is far different, so merchants are profitable. Pearl trade has become another punch product of Dragonstone, and countless jewelers have been defeated and can only submit obediently.

According to incomplete statistics, more than 90% of the pearl necklaces and accessories in Westeros today come from Dragonstone.

More and more people on the mainland are exposed to Dragonstone, either passively or actively.

People have a special liking for Dragonstone's exquisite jewelry, tortoise shells, pearls, gemstones... They have unique shapes and exquisite inlay craftsmanship...

In recent years, Dragonstone has launched the most beloved leather bags for noble ladies, which has transformed the ladies' and young ladies' interest in horseback hunting into a real demand for physical goods.

An exquisite color-blocking or contrasting leather bag can always transform women's love for animals into another form.

A medieval noblewoman wearing a long dress, carrying the latest leather bag from Dragonstone on her back or on her arm, will give people an absurd but wonderful new experience.

Whenever the Dragonstone leather bag franchise store launches a new bag, especially a limited edition, there will always be a lot of traffic outside the franchise store blocking the intersection.

Men can't imagine why a small piece of animal fur is worth 2-10 gold dragons. Can't a linen bag hold more?

The franchise store is located in the most central location of the city. The layout inside is said to be a restoration of the Queen's reception room, including the clothes, bags and shoes designed by the Queen herself...

Each of them has attracted the pursuit of noble ladies and earned a lot of gold dragons for Dragonstone.

Outsiders have no idea how profitable the franchise store is. Thanks to it, the maintenance and repair of the entire Dragonstone Castle, including the generous salaries of the inner guards and servants, did not cost the Ministry of Finance a penny.

Men also found their own fun in the shops opened on Dragonstone:

The strong liquor preferred by the northerners is like drinking fire, and the whole body warms up instantly.

This is a strong liquor brewed by Dragonstone with sorghum, corn and sweet potatoes as raw materials, using a distillation process, and then blended with distilled water. It is called "Votka", which means men's wine.

Southerners love the shell porcelain of Dragonstone, which is a kind of exquisite porcelain fired with bone snail powder. It is as white as jade, smooth and delicate, and the price is also enough to make ordinary people stay away.

Shell porcelain shops accept special customization for masters. Since the white porcelain surface can be coated with glaze, it can present colorful and gorgeous patterns under the hands of excellent painters. Many masters like to customize shell porcelain with their own coats of arms and family language.

Of course, some people prefer magnificent war scenes, mostly to reflect the long history and noble bloodline of the family.

Whenever guests come, the host's high-end shell porcelain can always attract everyone's attention. At this time, with the host's ups and downs to introduce his family heritage, the style will go up immediately.

In such an era when paper is expensive and books are difficult to preserve for a long time, a set of porcelain with gold edges telling family heritage is undoubtedly the best interpretation of one's own heritage.

What Dragonstone gives to porcelain is not daily necessities, but a kind of cultural and historical heritage!

Of course, in this case, most lords had to order another set of exquisite shell porcelain for daily use, and put the porcelain with family inheritance paintings on it in a special cabinet for display rather than actual use.

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