The origin of the company system started with the ocean fishing company on Dragonstone, and then the momentum was unstoppable.

Risk sharing and profit sharing, each shareholder only needs to spend a small part of idle funds to buy shares, and then he can sit back and enjoy the benefits at home, and enjoy ten times or even a hundred times the benefits.

Nowadays, many lords around Dragonstone have become accustomed to the happiness brought by the company model, and they are proud of owning company shares.

When the Narrow Sea Bank was established on Dragonstone in 289AC and started business in Westeros, the safe deposit box business was once scheduled for a year later, and it contained various shareholding contracts of the lords...

At the same time, the Narrow Sea Bank established a cross-continental stock trading center in 290AC, and then there were more than 10 companies listed on the Narrow Sea Stock Trading Center, and this number is increasing every year.

The transaction volume of the Narrow Sea Stock Trading Center in 296AC exceeded 10 million gold dragons for the first time, and relying on handling fees and stamp duties, it achieved a profit of more than 100,000 gold dragons!

Stocks and the shareholding contracts and gold dragons of listed companies can be exchanged at any time, and can also be entrusted to the stock trading center for holding.

In a sense, stocks have become a more convenient credit currency than gold dragons. At first, people were skeptical about the credit of stocks, but since the Narrow Sea Bank removed a small part of the handling fee, they can be exchanged almost in time.

The lords are more in love with stocks, shareholding contracts and the Narrow Sea Bank...

Similarly, since stocks use new papermaking technology and add anti-counterfeiting marks, they have become a kind of art in themselves. Many collectors would rather not exchange them and keep them in the safe of the Narrow Sea Bank.

Futelland Territory.

On the vast plains that stretch as far as the eye can see, farmers are harvesting wheat, oats, soybeans and corn. The land here is fertile, and with the arrival of the long summer, two harvests can be harvested in a year.

It is not appropriate to call them farmers. They should be called agricultural industrial workers. Since these lands were acquired by Dragonstone, the Futelland Agricultural Company was immediately established.

The agricultural company hired industrial workers to sow, weed, kill insects, fertilize and harvest.

The workers do not have their own land, but they can get a house of their own in the newly built collective village. The company delivers it to the workers through leasing instead of selling.

Although the workers' wages are not high, they are enough to meet the living needs of the family. They can even occasionally buy pork, canned fish, and rabbit meat in the company's store or at small vendors outside to improve their lives.

It doesn't matter if you can't afford it. There are wild game all over the mountains and seafood on the vast beaches. As long as you have the ability, you can hunt them.

All of this is a gift from the Targaryen family to the people on this land, and people are praising the generosity of the royal family.

Compared with the hands of slave owners, there is no personal freedom and private property, and even life is sometimes like grass.

Although the work is a bit heavy, it is worth it to be able to exchange for food, freedom, and property to fill the family.

In the distant pasture, surrounded by simple wooden fences, there are cattle farms and sheep pens; further away, there are huge stables and horse racing tracks, where countless knights are holding lances to practice stabbing, long sword fighting on horseback, and formation changes.

"You must remember that S-shaped movement is the basic movement of equestrianism. When two cavalrymen are confronting each other, 30 degrees in front is the best attack distance... Through S-shaped movement, we can bypass the enemy's frontal attack. Horses have the nature of tending to the same direction when running. We use this nature to reach the left rear of the enemy, and we can poke their horse's butt unscrupulously..."

When Jaehaerys brought his newlywed wife Rhaenys and rode the private flying dragon Hela to Fortelland, the Royal Cavalry Academy established here was also conducting primary teaching for the newly enlisted cavalry.

All the newly recruited cavalry here are teenagers who have a certain foundation in equestrianism but are ignorant of formations and arrays.

Most of them come from this plain. They look like Andals and a mixture of many ethnic groups. Most of them are the youngest sons of workers in the royal agricultural company and animal husbandry company. They are young and energetic, but they are unwilling to follow their parents, working in the fields all their lives and living in a few dilapidated houses at home.

This is the general idea of ​​the people of Foltelland. When boys grow up, they will have one more mouth to feed. The eldest son will inherit his job and property, and the younger son should be sent out to do business or join the army.

In recent years, Dragonstone has been expanding continuously. It trains soldiers on the plains. After training the soldiers well, it arranges the new recruits to eliminate the evil bandits in the hilly areas of Andas.

Small-scale and intensive battles are used to promote the rapid growth of new recruits into experienced warriors, and cavalry are sent to fight against the invading Dothraki Khalasar.

Death is inevitable, especially at the beginning, whether it is newly recruited infantry or cavalry, the mortality rate is extremely high. However, as the soldiers' combat experience continued to improve, and their tactics and equipment continued to improve, the soldiers who survived quickly accumulated excellent military merits.

In the territory of Fortelland, all the land belongs to the royal family, but with military merits, you can exchange a small piece of private land on this land!

Nowadays, most of the soldiers who have been promoted to junior officers and senior sergeants can be called the bourgeoisie.

Their examples have been seen by others, and countless young people are vying to follow suit.

Gradually, this place is no longer the flat land where many bandits and Dothraki people can freely come and go, but has truly become a place full of martial virtues.

In this context, Jaehaerys proposed to establish the Royal Cavalry School and Infantry School in Fortelland, and to select elite backbones from the grassroots army for in-depth military theory, tactics and strategy training.

The generals of Dragonstone Island with many years of foreign combat experience were selected to serve as instructors to test various new tactics and tactics and improve the interspersed combat capabilities of infantry and cavalry corps.

At the same time, the soldiers of Fortelland were reorganized to strengthen the loyalty education of the soldiers. Jaehaerys called it ideological and political class...

After the reorganization was completed, a 3,000-man heavy infantry was formed. Everyone was strong and sturdy, wearing double to triple armor, holding iron-clad oak shields, wearing iron nose helmets, holding spears or war hammers, two-handed swords, etc. Queen Leila gave them the number of the Royal Guards and the Longshan Banner, which means immovable as a mountain and slow as a forest.

A 3,000-man armored cavalry was established. There was no other way. Who said that heavy cavalry was the favorite of boys? A full set of heavy cavalry armor weighed about 40 kilograms, and horse armor weighed about 20 kilograms. They were awarded the number of black armor heavy cavalry and the war hammer flag, which means black torrent and hammer that breaks the enemy.

A 5,000-man light cavalry was established, of which 2,000 were archers, equipped with soft horse bows and sabers, wearing standard leather armor, and mainly responsible for combat tasks such as horse shooting, harassment, and luring the enemy. The remaining 3,000 were lancers, equipped with weapons such as horse lances, small shields, and sabers, and were awarded the numbers of rangers and hussars respectively.

Finally, there were 3,000 light infantry and 2,000 crossbowmen, equipped with standard infantry lances and self-defense hand-and-a-half swords or ring-headed knives, wearing light armor or leather armor, and the numbers were fearless and falcon.

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