In the fifth year of Jaehaerys's retreat, the Iron Fleet was lured into a trap by Stannis Baratheon on Fairy Island in the West. More than 100 Ironborn longships were destroyed, and the Iron Islands lost their control of the sea.

Half a year later, Pike was captured, and Balon Greyjoy took off his driftwood crown and knelt down to swear allegiance to Robert Baratheon.

His only surviving son was adopted by Lord Eddard as a son and hostage.

In the tenth year of Jaehaerys's retreat, the Iron Islands were resolved. Because of the arrival of the long summer, after the people's livelihood had recuperated, Robert was ambitious to rekindle the war against Dragonstone.

But at this time, the lords who had already benefited greatly from the transaction with Dragonstone opposed it.

It's okay to fight the Ironmen, after all, the Ironmen are a nest of robbers, but it's not fair to fight the God of Wealth! Sorry, I won't accompany you!

In the end, only the Lannister family of the West and its vassal responded, but before the battle started, Queen Leila rode a dragon and wandered over King's Landing...

Looking at the dragon Hela, whose wingspan covered the sky and was like the rebirth of the "Black Death", the whole King's Landing immediately fell into panic.

Moreover, the dragon and its dragon rider were particularly cunning, always out of the range of scorpion crossbows and bed crossbows.

They didn't come down to spit fire at all, but just soared in the sky. Are you afraid?

A large number of royal fleet soldiers would rather be beheaded than board the ship.

The deterrent power of a dragon is so terrifying!

296AC, the southern plains of Andes.

A group of rich and powerful Pentos merchants dressed in gorgeous clothes rarely gathered together. In a sedan chair with ivory and gold, the rich merchants stepped on the backs of slaves to get off the sedan. They were the rulers of this city. Even the nominal Prince of Pentos was just a chess piece they controlled at will.

"My lords, I'm sure you have also received a request to purchase Dragonstone, right?" One of the wealthy merchants with a big belly said.

"This land is rich but we are completely unable to defend it. The gold given to the khals every year is enough to offset the output!"

As he spoke, the governors began to whisper to each other.

Pentos is rich but weak, which is not a contradiction. It can only be said that Pentos is too far away from heaven and too close to Braavos and Dothraki. Now there is another Dragonstone rising!

Less than 20 warships and a defense force of 1,000 people. They are not allowed to hire mercenaries or sign contracts with free mercenaries...

The peace agreement signed after many defeats in battles with the powerful army of Braavos directly disintegrated the resistance of this rich city-state. It still has huge walls and huge wealth, but these things cannot guarantee their safety in front of swords!

"Now Dragonstone wants to purchase land, then give it to them!" A wealthy governor began to shout! "After all, we can't afford to offend anyone!"

"That's right! If it weren't for my family business here, I would have wanted to move to Dragonstone to settle down. They have the protection of dragons and dragon gods, and no enemy can get through!"

"..." The leader was speechless. You are the only ones who can calculate. My wife and children have already spent a lot of money to obtain the permanent settlement rights of Dragonstone. Am I proud?

He touched the statue of the dragon god hanging around his neck. Not to mention, since the dragon god blessed his ship to escape from the lost, his business has been getting bigger and bigger. Now he has become an important governor of Pentos, and his wealth has increased exponentially.

And all this only requires him to speak for the "acquisition" of Andas Pingdao for Dragonstone when necessary!

This deal is of course done!

"I agree! I've had enough of those barbaric and greedy Dothraki!" another governor shouted, "Can you believe it? They come several times a year. Even if they are harvesting wheat... they don't come so often!"

"I agree too!"

"Second! Raise your hands and feet to agree!"

Of course, there were also people who disagreed, but their number was small and their voices were quickly covered by the shouts of the majority.

"Very good! Then we warmly welcome the distinguished guest of Dragonstone-Prince Viserys to make a grand appearance!"

Amidst the applause, Viserys Targaryen, who looked a bit like the dragon god statue, appeared on the stage. His reserved expression carried the pride of the royal family of Dragonstone.

Dressed in a bright silver silk robe, his body was covered with dragon crystals, pearls and gold everywhere he could see. A long sword decorated with rubies and emeralds was hung diagonally on the sword belt around his waist!

"Governors... sent by my mother, Queen Rhaella, the legitimate king of the Seven Kingdoms..." Viserys thanked everyone in a high-pitched and highly contagious tone, and said that Dragonstone bought the flatland not to threaten everyone's safety.

Instead, it was to allow Pentos to permanently get rid of the harassment of the Braavos and Dothraki people. Dragonstone came with peace and wealth!

One sentence made the point clear. I want this land from Dragonstone. If others want to attack you, we will fight for you!

Is Dragonstone so righteous?

The governors are not three-year-old children. They just listen to this kind of words. Isn't the real reason to expand their strength? Who can't see it!

For the people of Pentos, the flatland belongs to them legally, but in the face of absolute strength, what is the law?

As landlords, they can't come here once a year, and they can't make much profit. They also have to pay tribute to the Dothraki Khalasar in due time.

Of course, what they said was "I'm not afraid of you Dothraki, I just think it's not worth it for such a small matter..."

If you are not beaten up, you will never say such a cowardly thing in such a tough tone. If you have the guts, why don't you try it?

I'm afraid you will die if you try.

So, if Dragonstone wants it, give it to them. As for the conflict between Targaryen and Dothraki and Braavos.

Sorry, it has nothing to do with me, Pentos!

Amidst the compliments, Viserys was a little intoxicated. Even though his twin brother had not appeared for many years, his legend was still circulating in the world.

Viserys felt that he had been living under his shadow. Sometimes he even thought, if there had never been a person like Jaehaerys in the world, how great it would be!

"Dingling Ding" a crisp sound of horse bells came with the shaking of the earth.

The faces of the governors of Pentos suddenly changed. It was bad. Something was wrong. Why did the Dothraki come so quickly?

In the distance, dust filled the air. Countless Dothraki cavalrymen wearing painted leather vests emerged from the flying dust. They whistled, screamed, and shouted. The arakhs in their hands were like crescent moons.

As the leading cavalry surrounded the crowd, the rear cavalry followed, and the number of people was so large that it was impossible to see the end at a glance!

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