After handing over the inner guard to Queen Layla and making the final arrangements, Jaehaerys said goodbye to everyone one by one and headed deep into Dragon Mountain alone. He had already built a small stone house on the top of the mountain.

Before leaving, he told everyone that if they were in trouble, they could go to the Dragon Temple for help, and never forget that their own homes were also protected by gods!

Since he went into seclusion, the top of Dragon Mountain has been designated as a forbidden area. Residents of Dragonstone Island often see golden dragons soaring on the top of the mountain. From time to time, the sound of dragons and tigers roaring can be heard from the mountain. Occasionally, in the absence of wind or clouds, There were thunderbolts and fire again.

Everyone knows that this is Jaehaerys receiving the teachings of the gods. When he returns from his studies, he will surely return like a king...

At the secluded beach at the foot of Longshan Mountain, many people have sworn that they have heard mermaids singing late in the evening, with graceful songs...

Time flies, Dragonstone's economic industry is now on the right track, with the support of a large number of golden dragons, professional fishing and foreign trade are being carried out in an orderly manner, and the foreign trade economic system created by Jaehaerys is gradually gaining strength.

Along with the trade of "Crimson Purple" wool and silk fabrics, dragon crystal jewelry, and canned fish and meat, a large number of ships from the Free Trade City State brought these expensive fabrics, ornaments and food back to Erso. Sri Lanka continent.

The Dragon God belief gradually became known to the Free Trade City. When the crew of the first Free City ship lost in the storm knelt on the deck to pray to the underworld Dragon God and returned safely, the Dragon God returned safely. God planted a seed in the hearts of sailors, sailors, and pirates.

They began to enshrine the Dragon God's statues on the ship, with different sizes and materials. These statues were brought back from Dragon Mountain on Dragonstone Island. It was said that they were made by Prince Jaehaerys, a disciple of the Dragon God.

And the statue of the god is indeed somewhat magical, so even the most demanding and stern captain on the sea will not prohibit people from this kind of worship.

Gradually, before boarding a ship, it became a custom in the Narrow Sea to offer a stick of incense to the Dragon Temple to pray for peace.

Just like a wand is necessary to enter Hogwarts, offering incense has also become a spiritual bridge to communicate with the Dragon God.

I don’t know when it started, but people spread the news that the higher and stronger the incense burned, the more sincerity the Dragon God can feel, and the more his wishes will be fulfilled.

So in front of the Dragon Temple, the incense burned higher and higher, and everyone seemed to be holding a big sword.

But all the incense candles will not exceed three feet. After all, the monks (temple blessings) of the Dragon Temple have said before, "If you raise your head three feet, you will see the gods."

More than three feet, what, you want to knock the Dragon God over?

Human beings' desire for creativity is really endless, and later they came up with a series of various "flavors" of incense. No matter how rich the fragrance is...

Then the initial sandalwood evolved into agarwood, cypress, musk, ambergris, saffron and various spices for incense.

As soon as you entered the Dragon Temple, you felt like you were entering the spice market and kitchen. It was so smoky all day that Jaehaerys' incense sense didn't even recognize that this was his home!

The Dragon God had to ask for a dream again. Only sandalwood, cypress and other grassy incense were needed to burn incense. Other spices were a waste of resources and wealth, and would not produce additional effects!

As a result, people began to think of ways to shape the incense offerings...

Incense coils, incense sticks, incense sticks, tower incense, etc. have been developed one after another...

There are also some fanatical believers who will design their own special incense. Once burned, the green smoke will form their own coat of arms in the air!

Forget it, the Dragon God has no energy to care about why people spend all day trying to please Him.

For a long time to come, He did his best to fulfill the wishes of his believers.

Everyone is equal before Him, but believers must not make a wish at will, because they never know in what form it will be realized.

There was once a wealthy businessman who was so fat that he couldn't walk. He promised to lose 10 stone (63.5 kg), but he actually lost weight later, but it was because he had aphthous sores and sore throat. He couldn't eat any delicacies except liquid food, and he was starved to death. Thin...

There was that beautiful lady who secretly came to beg for a child. After she got pregnant, her husband broke off the engagement not long after she came back to express her wishes. It is said that her husband had hurt his roots in the early years...

Someone asked for money, but was hit by a carriage when he returned home, and got a windfall for no reason...

Someone made a wish for an annual salary of 5 gold dragons, and it was later confirmed that he got it, but a year later he was fired by his employer because he was too lazy to work...

The Dragon God uses an efficient and straightforward method to make wishes to believers. He just wants to fulfill them. The spirit is spirit, but it is a little too spiritual!

So much so that how and where it is realized does not fall within the scope of His work.

Later, the believers summed up their experience and made a wish to him with clear logic and no loopholes to exploit... It is best to speak the common language of the continent or Valyrian without an accent, with clear pronunciation... The meaning should be expressed in detail and clearly, and do not let him guess. The wording should be as careful as when signing a business contract... use honorifics at the beginning and thank you at the end!

In the first few years of Jaehaerys' seclusion, Dragonstone and the Iron Islands cooperated with each other, focusing on helping each other, and indeed achieved good results. Blackwater Bay once became Dragonstone's private territory.

But Robert also had smart people under his command. They built two chain winch towers on both sides of the Blackwater Estuary!

It was to gather the power of all the blacksmiths in the city to create a huge chain. If the Dragonstone Island fleet dares to break in, the chain will rise and the iron chain will cross the river!

Then use wildfire to carry out indiscriminate attacks on the river, causing the invading ships to be unable to advance or retreat, and the entire army is bound to be annihilated!

What a brilliant idea!

After careful calculation, Robert thought the cost was within the acceptable range, so he gave the task to Ser Jaden who came up with this idea!

Since the money was in place, Robert gave an order and soon built tall towers on both sides of the Blackwater River. The tower on the north bank was under the cliffs of the Red Castle, and the south bank was well protected, which was as solid as a rock!

Jehaerys didn't know that his fleet had intentionally or unintentionally caused the Blackwater River Capstan Tower, which was supposed to be built during the War of the Five Kings, to be built more than ten years ahead of schedule!

However, the Dragonstone Fleet also knew that the army was weak, the navy was wasteful, and it was always a taboo for military strategists to go deep into the enemy's territory alone.

So since the construction of the Capstan Tower, they have never gone deep into Blackwater Bay. Even if it was tactically necessary, they mainly harassed the coast and never launched a large-scale offensive.

It was called harassment, but it was actually a recruitment. When the people along the way saw the ship flying the three-headed dragon flag, they really signed up enthusiastically, wanting to go to Dragonstone to live a good life!

No one would notify the coast guard sent by Robert.

In terms of shipbuilding, Caesar Weaverwater built the monkey version of the clipper ship according to Jaehaerys's opinion, increasing the deck height and reducing the sail area and mast height.

Although the speed did not meet expectations, it was still more than 1 times faster than the large sailing ships of the free trade city-states. This type of ship is called a Caesar ship.

Now hundreds of such ships have been built. It used to take 3 days to travel between the narrow sea and free cities such as Braavos. Now with a favorable wind, 1 day is enough. Such an efficient and fast ship has certainly attracted the attention of the Dragonstone fleet.

Under the order of Admiral Tretimon, the Targaryen Royal Fleet replaced the old ships with a large number of new Caesar ships as a rapid response fleet and tax collection ship.

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