Of course, these discussions and debates about the Dragon God gradually heated up the atmosphere.

People's lives these days are quite boring. What could be more exciting than witnessing the birth of a god with your own eyes?

Even on Chaotou Island, Crab Island and Crab Claw Peninsula, some people began to believe and doubt, until after the establishment of Dragon Temples, they personally experienced the magic of the Dragon God, and set off a wave of believing in the Dragon God throughout the Blackwater Bay!

The reputation of the Wang family and Prince Jaehaerys also became more prosperous! People and families favored by the gods are the real kings of the world!

Of course, these are all later stories!

In the depths of the flowing water palace in the distance, a god suddenly opened his blood-red eyes, and his blue lips moved slightly.

"The new god... interesting, Lillian, you go to Dragonstone in person..."

Since the old king has been dead for a long time, the Targaryen family on Dragonstone does not seem to have made any moves to claim the throne.

Everyone has been privately rumored that the Targaryen family is ready to give up the Iron Throne, after all, they don't even have dragons! The only territory left is such a small island, and even many of the surrounding lords who once swore allegiance are now only a small part.

But who would have thought that, with the name of the Dragon God, the Targaryen family actually announced that they would be crowned king soon!

As soon as this news came out, people were immediately encouraged.

In fact, many lords and nobles don't mind pledging allegiance to the Targaryen family again, but if they don't even dare to be king, then what reason do people have to persuade themselves to be loyal to a cowardly monarch and a cowardly kingdom?

Queen Leila and Jaehaerys can certainly understand.

Compared to being unjustifiable, their mission in the first 60 chapters is to ensure that they can gain a foothold on Dragonstone!

After all, if they can't even survive, how can they be crowned and take back the Iron Throne?

Isn't that a foolish dream? !

But now the time is ripe!

Dragonstone first seized the mint in White Harbor and traded gold with the pirates, successfully solving the financial crisis on the island. At this time, this kind of trade was still carried out sporadically.

The main reason was that the price of pure gold in the Stepstones had been hyped up to 2 gold dragons per pound, and most of the pirates' stocks had been cleared out. Dragonstone made a lot of money in this trade (but then spent a lot of it!)

It's a bit exaggerated to say that he became the richest man in Westeros, but among the princes of the Crown, Stormlands, and Riverlands, it's probably no problem to say that he is second to none.

Then he took the initiative to launch a war against Cape Wrath, crushing Robert's ambition to build a fleet to destroy Dragonstone.

Finally, under the pretext of avoiding the storm, he deliberately made Dragonstone a big trap, borrowed the power of the gods, and defeated half of the Qingting Island fleet in one fell swoop!

In the past two days, the fishing companies that have resumed their main business of fishing have salvaged many white and swollen bodies and relics of soldiers with the purple grape emblem of the Redwyne family, proving that what people said is true.

Now Robert can only dispatch half of the Qingting Island fleet with less than 100 warships, as well as some family fleets in the Shield Islands.

There are threats to Dragonstone, but not many!

In addition, Dragonstone is still constantly building new warships and improving crossbows with spring thunder. It can be said that the offensive and defensive situation is different now!

Many noble families in the king's territory have secretly sent people to contact, and as long as Dragonstone needs them, they can immediately fight back!

As for what they said, "The three-headed dragon flag has been sewn, and only His Majesty can raise his arm and call for people to respond...", Jaehaerys said, "I don't even believe a single punctuation mark of them..."

There is a place where people have always recognized the Targaryen family and still refuse to pay taxes to the Iron Throne!

That is the Crab Claw Peninsula!

The Crab Claw Peninsula is located in the northeast of the Crown. The peninsula extends into the Narrow Sea, close to Crab Bay in the north and Blackwater Bay in the south.

Historically, Aegon the Conqueror sent his wife, Queen Visenya Targaryen, to the Crab Claw Peninsula to recruit them. The lords heard about King Harren's fate, so they all knelt and surrendered, and Queen Visenya accepted them as direct vassals.

Since then, the Crab Claw Peninsula has been loyal to the Targaryen family. In the "War of the Usurper", only the lords and knights from the Crab Claw Peninsula fought to the last moment, but in the final Battle of the Trident, Rhaegar was killed and the army was demoralized, so they finally surrendered.

The peninsula is barren and barren, full of swamps and pine forests. For the Iron Throne, it is like chicken ribs, tasteless to eat and a pity to throw away, but for Dragonstone, this is the best source of soldiers and raw materials.

When Dragonstone started trading with the surrounding lords, the residents of Crabclaw Peninsula were the first to respond. Now it is also the place with the closest trade with the three islands of Blackwater Bay.

Most lords and residents benefited from the trade with the three islands of Blackwater Bay, and it is no longer a barren and poor place!

When they were poor, they didn't know to pay taxes to the Iron Throne, but now they are rich and have a stronger back. They directly drove away the tax officials sent by the Iron Throne. They are so powerful!

Seeing that the time is ripe! Jaehaerys took the lead in proposing that Queen Rhaella be crowned queen, and this proposal was unanimously agreed by all the subjects!

As for why little Aegon was not crowned...

First of all, Queen Rhaella, as the daughter of King Jaehaerys II, the elder of the two princes and grandsons, has an indisputable right of succession.

Secondly, if others don't know, don't the members of the Targaryen family know? The Aegon on the island now is a fake, how can he be crowned?

In the original plot, Queen Rhaella died after giving birth to Daenerys, and she didn't know that Aegon Targaryen was still alive, so she gave the throne to Viserys according to the order of succession.

Now that Queen Rhaella has given birth to a child, she is in great health. She looks like she is in her thirties at the age of forty, and she is fully capable of taking on the responsibilities of a queen!

If she doesn't inherit the throne, who will inherit it?

Although outsiders did not know at this time that she had amended the succession law of the Iron Throne in the sept of Dragonstone, and the Lannisters were not destroyed, but as Jaehaerys advised:

"If the name is not right, then the words will not flow!"

"As the legitimate owner of the Iron Throne, our Targaryen family cannot leave the throne vacant for a long time, otherwise it would be equivalent to showing our cowardice in front of the world!"

"How can a cowardly person regain the hearts of the people?!"

It was these words that touched everyone's heart! So the coronation ceremony was soon prepared in full swing!

On this day, Dragonstone released all the ravens and announced to the lords of Westeros: Queen Rhaella of the Targaryen family will be officially crowned as "King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm", and asked all the subjects to send people to Dragonstone to pledge their allegiance!

Directly challenge Robert across the sea!

But this move also put the lords in a dilemma...

One is the king who is legitimate in law, and the other is the king who has occupied the Iron Throne by force but has been crowned by the High Septon...

This is very difficult to deal with!

Taking advantage of the news of the coronation, Jaehaerys sent people to Braavos, Pentos and the Shadow Lands of Asshai. Now that the treasury of Dragonstone is full, he wants to see if he can buy some dragon eggs from outside. After all, if the dragon eggs are not hatched, they are just some precious collections.

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