"Execute the second phase of the plan!" Jaehaerys ordered, and the flag officer conveyed his order.

For a time, the Wang fleet, which was neatly lined up, broke away from the array and began to move freely.

The plan agreed upon by Jaehaerys and the others is divided into three stages:

The first stage is to disarm, bypass the opponent's coastline unexpectedly, and insert it into the opponent's secret base like a red-hot iron rod. First, take advantage of the opponent's hand length and destroy the opponent's long-range attack capability.

The second stage is hand-to-hand combat, taking advantage of the soldiers of the Royal Fleet who have experienced hundreds of battles, to force violent hand-to-hand combat with the enemy's young sailors, thereby putting their own stamp on the enemy's survival.

The third stage is to pick up the pants and leave. After the first and second rounds of attacks, the enemy has generally been dizzy, confused, and defeated. At this time, grab if you can. If you can't grab, burn them all with fire. Resolutely not Leave a piece of underwear for them, then pat your butt and leave.

The entire offensive plan highlights a white prostitute!

The soldiers of the Royal Fleet quickly put on hard leather armor with iron nails, and were armed with spears, shields and long swords. However, their opponents had incomplete armor, and most of them only wore a suit called "Gambler's Son". Armor lining.

Is this kind of thing defensive? Yes but not much!

Can I wear it on the battlefield? It can be worn, but most people can only wear it once... Whether they survive depends on luck.

Wearing it on the battlefield is like going to a casino to gamble with your life, so it is called "the son of a gambler."

Stannis's fleet was in panic, heaving anchor, hoisting sail, and rowing oars like ants on a hot pot.

The Dragonstone battleships equipped with ramming horns were surrounded from all directions and suppressed remotely by crossbows, crossbows, and bows. All boatmen and soldiers who dared to take the lead were shot to death, providing long-range support for the soldiers who jumped into gangs to seize the ship.

Hooks and ladders were attached to the target ships one after another. It looked like a torture art with a binding style!

During this period, there were also warriors who came forward, using long swords and sharp axes to cut the ropes, but they were soon called out one by one and punished to lie down. Jaehaerys observed that his side had suffered losses, but they were not large and could be tolerated. .

On the other hand, the commander on the opposite side saw that some ships had been captured. In anger, he used his only remaining trebuchet to adjust the direction of the attack and strike indiscriminately towards the dock.

Since the enemy and ourselves are basically entangled on the dock at this time, even the best military commanders can only rely on the courage, equipment and skills of the soldiers on both sides in this situation. It is obvious that the Dragonstone Royal Fleet is more prepared , morale is higher.

As the flags of crowned stags were thrown down one after another, and the flags of the three giant dragons were raised, the plan to seize the ship was mostly completed!

"Let our trebuchets and scorpion crossbows kill those obstructive trebuchets!" Jaehaerys continued to order. He saw with his own eyes that his own side and the battleships that had not yet been captured were shattered under the attack of boulders. Fortunately, the first stage was over Burn most of the enemy trebuchets, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

The combat mission of the ten large warships is not to seize ships, but mainly to keep an eye on the trebuchets on land and not let them threaten our own warships!

So round after round of spring thunder was sent to the coast, the flames continued, and a large wet forest had been baked dry, and then joined the burning party.

Not a single trebuchet or scorpion crossbow could be fired again, and everything was reduced to ashes in the sun-green flames!

The fighting on the ship gradually stopped. Most of the soldiers had been killed. A few survivors followed the boatmen and oarsmen and knelt down to surrender!

Only the giant warship still parked in the dry dock was lying there quietly at this time!

"Your Highness, there is no way we can drive it away..."

Well, the timing of their attack can only be said to be just right. If this giant battleship is completed, then under its leadership, the entire fleet will form a joint force, and then support it until the ground troops arrive for reinforcements. It is very possible to seize the ship. will fail.

And of course we can't leave it to Stannis at this time!

"Save some spring thunder and put in asphalt barrels and oil barrels!"

"Yes, Your Highness!"

After the order was issued, various burning asphalt barrels and oil barrels finally came into use. They used to be Little Tiantian in naval battles, but after Chun Lei was born, they became Mrs. Niu!

Not only is it bulky and needs to be lit in advance, the only saving grace is that it is cheap enough and can be consumed in large quantities!

Dozens of barrels of burning asphalt were thrown into the docks and warehouses on the shore. Flames that were a hundred times more intense than the first wave and the second wave of attacks burned. The heat wave could be felt even a mile away!

Even the ships at the docks on the shore had to leave quickly to avoid the sparks flying everywhere from falling on their sails.

At this time, the third stage had been completed. Jaehaerys ordered people to clean the battlefield, treat the wounded, and tally the gains and losses.

The status of each ship was soon compiled. A total of 20 enemy warships were captured in this battle, and more than 1,800 people were captured. Most of them were construction workers and oarsmen, and only about 100 soldiers were captured.

Our side damaged three large warships. Two of them had decks and masts damaged and lost their sailing capabilities. One had a big hole in the side above the waterline, but it was still able to raise its sails and sail independently. After passing the emergency pipe damage, it returned to Dragon Stone. Island repairs are not a big problem. Five small warships were lost, mainly destroyed by stone bombs dropped by enemy trebuchets when they were close to the coast. Even the five battleships that had been captured were destroyed together.

Fortunately, the casualties of the soldiers were not large. Most of the soldiers and crew members who fell into the water held onto the floating wooden boards on the sea and were rescued after the war.

During the entire operation, more than 50 soldiers died on the spot and were missing, more than 70 were seriously injured, and about 200 were slightly injured.

At this time, the loss rate of the Dragonstone Fleet was close to 10%, but because the opponent's large equipment and ships were almost lost by 100%, the morale of the Dragonstone Fleet was high, and they all thanked Robert for being the transport captain!

The biggest gain was still in the 20 warships, including 5 large warships with 200 oars, 10 warships with 100 oars, and 5 auxiliary warships. According to the cost, a total of 550,000 gold dragons were seized!

The key is that at this point in time, even if you have 1 million gold dragons, you can't buy these shipbuilding materials!

Dragonstone can also quickly replenish a wave of sailors by bringing new recruits with veterans. As long as they are trained a little, these 20 warships can immediately exert their due combat effectiveness. This wave is full!

As the smoke was thick on the coast, the specific situation could no longer be seen, so Jaehaerys ordered the trumpet to be blown and the people to return home!

Exactly: The wind blew and the flames rose, and the masts and oars rose up in smoke. The brave generals were all turned into ashes, and the brave men died in the flames!

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