Jehaerys kept practicing martial arts in the cold wind. Autumn turned into winter. The seasons in this era were very strange. Winter and summer were the main seasons, and spring and autumn were like short transitional seasons. When he first came to Dragonstone, it was still summer, but then it was autumn. In about a month, fine snowflakes had already fallen.

Although Dragonstone was in the south, it was obviously not far enough south. Even the warm and humid air currents in the south could not break through the cold front from the north in winter.

It would only be forced to move upwards and upwards under the lifting of the cold front, and finally form snowflakes or freezing rain.

The maesters of the Citadel released white crows representing the change of seasons to the whole continent. They were distant relatives of crows and black ravens, but they were larger and smarter than them.

With spiritual energy and sufficient nutrition, Jaehaerys grew very fast. He grew from 4 and a half feet to 5 feet in just half a year, and the terrible year of 283AC was over.

When he realized the flaws in his swordsmanship a few months ago, he calmed down and began to learn systematically from Sir William. At this time, he was able to use an unsharpened blunt iron sword and fight with the latter in a small chain mail.

The old knight has lived long enough, but he has never seen such swordsmanship in any knight, cunning, treacherous, unexpected, and anticipating the enemy. Although he thinks that this kind of swordsmanship may lose the honor of a knight in a battle, he should be more tolerant of an 8-year-old boy.

"Prince Jaehaerys has a talent far beyond Rhaegar in swordsmanship. At the same time, he is strict with himself with more than ten times the patience and perseverance of ordinary people. He quickly practiced swordsmanship to a level that ordinary people can hardly understand. With all due respect, I can't teach him more before he led his troops away from Dragonstone for the first time..." This is what Sir William Darry said in a letter to his brother, the Earl of Darry City.

After the news spread, everyone was in an uproar, but more people thought that Sir William was exaggerating the blood of the Dragon King.

As his physique and cultivation grow, his strength becomes stronger and stronger. Although Jaehaerys is not tall, his strength is not inferior to that of an adult. After arriving on the island, he has to take out half of his time every day to make spring thunder. He can only make three cans a day at most. It’s not that he can’t make more, and the raw materials can only support this level.

Gogos brings a group of assistants. Now his daily work is to provide him with raw materials with great difficulty. From the boiling and purification of fish oil to the purchase and grinding of green amphibole, they have consumed all their energy!

The alchemists did not have no objections. Many people began to miss the days in King's Landing, but when they heard that most of the wise men of the Alchemist Guild in King's Landing were hanged, they immediately said that doing this little work was nothing!

And after seeing the spring thunder, Gogos was completely convinced. The storage problem that alchemists have not been able to solve for thousands of years was solved by an 8-year-old child!

Rosat the Wise, you are right indeed. With His Royal Highness Prince Jaehaerys here, our Alchemist Guild will return to its peak sooner or later!

So, as long as someone keeps talking nonsense, Golgos will suppress them directly. If you have the ability, you can do it! A bunch of little Karamis are not good at anything, complaining about the first place!

But even so, the output still cannot be improved. This is because productivity and manpower cannot keep up!

Jaehaerys told Queen Rhaella about sending more people, but Queen Rhaella had no choice. Now Dragonstone is in financial distress. The Targaryen family did not reserve much property on Dragonstone back then. Although there are some weapons and equipment in the armory, they have been in disrepair for many years, and they are barely enough after repairs.

The dock is also in tatters, and the accumulation of silt has caused the berth to be unable to stop the three-masted warships. Now the three-masted warships can only be moored at high tide.

In the short autumn last year, a strong wind broke the masts of several warships, and they are still unable to be repaired.

The above are still minor problems, and the soldiers' salaries are the big problem!

Because they had been on guard against Robert sending troops to attack Dragonstone, patrol boats were arranged to patrol the throat every day. The soldiers who came to Dragonstone with the Targaryen family did not dare to be dismissed. Some lords and knights around Dragonstone had already returned to their fiefdoms, greatly reducing military expenses.

But these 3,000 sailors were not allowed to go back, and Dragonstone had to bear their military pay alone.

Nowadays, each ordinary sailor has a monthly salary of 20 silver deer, the lower-level officers are 50 silver deer, and the middle-level officers such as flag officers and oar officers are 100 silver deer. The monthly salary of senior officers such as warship captains and first mates is even higher. The royal fleet has 10 large warships (two masts, more than 150 oars), and nearly 100 small and medium-sized warships. The monthly military pay alone reaches 1,000 gold dragons. If there are patrols and combat missions, the military expenditure will double.

I won't mention the expenses of the infantry and knights, because they are really insignificant compared to the huge fleet expenses.

The Arbor was able to survive because of the wine trade of the Arbor. The Iron Fleet was able to maintain its huge size because the crew lived on plundering, and the more they worked, the more they earned, and there was almost no military pay!

The Royal Fleet used to be able to survive by relying on taxes from King's Landing and the Crown!

But now trapped on this small Dragonstone Island, without production and without plundering, life is really hard!

The new Dragonstone Finance Minister, Earl of Wonder Harbor, Gunther Sanglas, is a devout Christian, but the gods cannot bless him to immediately change the financial predicament of Dragonstone.

The only solution he could come up with was to levy taxes! Tax the fishermen and farmers!

It must be said that this was a bad move, at least in the eyes of Jaehaerys.

Not to mention that the taxes added could not support a month's military expenditure.

Just the loss of popular support brought about by the tax increase was definitely a life-threatening burden that the Targaryen family could not bear at this time!

In addition to the legal rights and interests of the Iron Throne and the islands around Dragonstone, what other territories did the Targaryen family have at this time?

Once the people's hearts were lost, it would be too late to save them again!

So Jaehaerys could not hide his shortcomings and could only stand up to refute. Earl Sanglas spread his hands and said that the finance minister should let Prince Jaehaerys come?

Jaehaerys was angry on the spot. I'll come if I want to. I'm a college student from the new century of Blue Star. Even if I didn't graduate from the economics major, who hasn't watched a few episodes of the rise of great powers?

These days, there are actually many opportunities to make a fortune. Just relying on a trade scissors gap is enough for a family to earn a lot of gold coins!

But would Jaehaerys do this? Of course not, at least not now, because time does not allow!

The two continents of the known world trade frequently, and the sea trade has long been monopolized by the nine free trade cities. It is conservatively estimated that the three major guilds of Qarth alone have more than 3,000 large merchant ships, and Braavos is even more of a behemoth. This is not about how big its area is, but how strong its economic strength is!

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