Edard sat on the Iron Throne, recalling the night a few days ago, when the streets were littered with corpses, and blood mixed with mud flowed into the stinking ditch...

That night, the capital garrison arrived only after Jaehaerys left with the knights.

Queen Cersei was furious and shouted that she would send troops to hunt down Jaehaerys Targaryen, but was stopped by important ministers. The Lannisters were only killed by soldiers. The only knight, Captain Tregg, died of continuous bleeding and infection after the internal organs ruptured. Moreover, this person's sneak attack was despicable!

A mere twenty-odd soldiers were not enough to start a war with Dragonstone. Of course, if Jaime had not escaped safely, the Iron Throne would certainly not give up!

Queen Cersei was relentless and even mocked Robert for wearing women's clothes, while she would wear armor to fight, which completely annoyed the king.

Robert's fat bear-like palm slapped her charming face, and a palm mark appeared on the queen's face immediately, and it became visibly red and swollen, just like a ripe sweet plum in summer!

At this time, someone reported that a white stag appeared in the Royal Forest, and Robert took Joffrey, Renly, Barristan and half of the courtiers away. Before leaving, the "Barrel" King threw the silver hand badge symbolizing the Prime Minister to Stark again.

Compared with the original plot, Eddard was not injured and his legs were not broken, and his three men were not killed, and there were 100 Northern soldiers in King's Landing!

As for Lannister... 20 elite soldiers were lost, and there were less than 30 people left. Even if Cersei was the queen, the Red Castle guards she could command added up to less than 100 people. Moreover, Jaime fled King's Landing, and the Mountain and the Pig-Headed Knight were killed by Jaehaerys. Only Sir Ilyn Payne was left. Lannister fell into an unprecedented weak situation in King's Landing!

Weak mountain lions and strong direwolves, politicians are a group of gamblers who follow the trend, no one will bet on the weak side.

So Lord Eddard's Prime Minister's Tower has been visited by many visitors recently. The octopus spider Varys is friendly, and even Grand Maester Pycelle, who is considered to be a supporter of Tywin, has become fair in his behavior.

Littlefinger is always at the service of the Prime Minister, and Janos Slynt is like a Prime Minister's servant.

After Robert left, Eddard had to take the Iron Throne in place of the king. The domestic situation became more and more turbulent. The river lords stationed troops at the mountain pass outside the Golden Tooth City to prevent the invasion of the westerly troops.

However, Tywin Lannister sent a small army to go deep into the river to burn, kill, rob, and commit all kinds of evil!

Now, the knights of Pyber and Vance, as well as the petitioning people under the river lords, have come to the Iron Throne one after another, asking the king to do justice.

"What proof do you have that these are Lannisters?" Eddard asked. "Are they wearing red cloaks or flying lion banners?"

"Even Lannisters are not stupid enough to do this," said Ser Marq Piper, heir to Piper Castle.

"My lord, they all rode on fine horses and wore armor," replied Ser Carel Vance, the heir to the City of Travelers' Rest, calmly, "with steel spears and swords in their hands, and battle axes used to slaughter villagers."

"About the horses they rode," said an old man, "They rode war horses. I have worked in the stables for many years and can see the difference. None of their horses have ever plowed the fields, I swear by the gods in heaven."

Whether these evildoers were assigned by Lord Tywin or not, he had to respond to this. On the same day, he sent Beric Dondarrion, Thoros of Myr, Ser Gladen, Ser Rosha and his own guard Alyn, each leading 20 people, carrying the king's crowned stag and Stark direwolf flags, to attack.

Since the "bandits" are unwilling to fly flags, it is also appropriate to let them die like bandits!

However, the Knight of Flowers, Loras Tyrell, was a little unhappy. He volunteered, but was ignored by Eddard and left the meeting hall angrily.

Afterwards, Eddard arranged for Vayon to prepare the ship to the north. Now King's Landing was in danger, and his weakness was his two daughters...

But when he told them the news, Sansa, who had always been obedient, was immediately unhappy. She had seen the prosperity of King's Landing, loved the magnificent court, and the noble men and women dressed in silk and satin.

The Prime Minister's Tourney was the most wonderful time in her life, and she had not seen many things, such as the harvest banquet, the masquerade and the pantomime performance.

Sansa burst into tears! She shouted what if Joff fell in love with someone else after she left? Not like the barrel king at all! She is going to be the queen, they will love each other and have children...

After hearing this, a flash of lightning flashed through Eddard's mind. He remembered the book, the blacksmith and the baby named Bara...For a moment, he felt cold all over!

He thought for a long time, asked the guards to send a letter to Cersei, and waited alone in the godswood of the Red Castle. In the end, Cersei admitted that all three children were hers and Jaime's...

A few days later, Robert's butler invited Eddard to meet with Maegor's Holdfast. When he arrived at the king's room, he found that the king was seriously injured and dying. He was disemboweled by a wild boar while hunting. After he returned to King's Landing with all his strength, Pycelle was unable to save him!

"Eddard, I appoint you as regent and protector of the realm. You must assist Joffrey... until he comes of age."

Edard didn't have the heart to tell Robert that his so-called heir was not his own at all. He just secretly modified his will and then wrote a letter asking Jory to escort his two daughters out of King's Landing and personally deliver it to Stannis, Duke of Summerhall!

He would try his best to delay the new king's accession in King's Landing and control the entire King's Landing. When Stannis led his troops into the city, he would naturally support the latter as the new king.

At present, he still has more than 70 guards under his command. If he can win the 50-100 people promised by Renly and bribe the capital garrison through Littlefinger, he will win! But he didn't expect that Sansa secretly ran to say goodbye to the queen...

After Jaehaerys returned to Dragonstone, he was called over by Queen Rhaella as soon as possible. His actions in King's Landing were naturally reported to the queen by the inner guards. No one knows a son better than his mother. Rhaella immediately realized that the twins were playing a trick of replacing the pillars with the beams.

It's funny to say that when Jaehaerys and his brother were young, they often played this kind of childish routine, but... Leila hasn't seen the brothers so harmonious for a long time.

"You'd better change Viserys back quickly. He has to go to Dorne. I have promised Prince Doran that I agree to Viserys' marriage with his eldest daughter... But this little girl wants to see her husband. She is really much more naughty than her aunt!"

"Report to your majesty, your highness!" A few days later, the commander of the inner guard, Long Yi, came to report, "News came from King's Landing. Robert died unexpectedly, Cersei launched a palace coup, Eddard Stark was imprisoned, and all his men were killed!"

"His two daughters, the older one is under house arrest, and the younger one is missing!"

Jaehaerys was confused. What's going on? He personally went down and created a good situation for the Stark family, but Cersei could still overturn it like this? !

Eddard, he is not a direwolf, he is a live pig!

Jaehaerys didn't even need to count to know that the Lannisters' comeback was inevitable, unless he rode Hela again and turned "Emperor Joe" and his vicious mother, the little prince Tommen, and Myrcella into ashes with a breath of dragon flame!

Forget it, the matter in King's Landing has come to an end for the time being, and prepare to start the S2 season!

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