Game of Thrones: I'm flying a dragon on your face, how do you respond?

Chapter 10 The question of succession to the kingdom

"My Lords" Aerys II saw that the atmosphere had arrived. Three of the lords were 70% drunk, and some of them were even more unruly. They frequently measured the size and smoothness of the palace maids with their hands. He spoke immediately.

In an instant, everyone sobered up. Varys had clear eyes, bowed forward, and looked respectful. Lord Velaryon was reluctant to leave, so he put his finger on his nose and sniffed, and then gradually returned to normal. Rosat was the worst. He was old and ugly, and his drunken state was annoying.

"Everyone knows that my son Rhaegar, the heir to the Iron Throne, has died in battle, and I am old. The state is in danger. If something unexpected happens, the heir must be determined in advance. Everyone who came here today is someone I trust very much. Please speak freely." The king dismissed those who were irrelevant, and then released a heavy bomb, like a huge rock thrown on the calm water.

The important ministers looked at each other!

"Your Majesty, I think there is no room for negotiation on the issue of the heir," Varys said first. With his understanding of the king, he must be dissatisfied with Aegon, the son of Rhaegar, inheriting the Iron Throne. As a king, he can designate an heir and also has the right to depose the heir.

"After the death of Crown Prince Rhaegar in battle, the Iron Throne should be inherited by His Royal Highness Prince Aegon. Of course, you are the king, and your will is above all else..." As the king's adviser, Rosat has always followed the king's footsteps. The wildfire that the king used to burn people was provided by this guy, and he never gets tired of it, and is happy to show the power of the Alchemist Guild in front of everyone.

"Your Majesty, Prince Aegon is too young and weak. The current state of affairs is precarious, and a wise lord should be chosen..." Lucerys and Rhaegar don't get along. Although most of the time he just speculates on the Mad King's thoughts, it is hard to say that there is no bad feeling after years of rifts. It's not easy to wait until Rhaegar dies, and his son takes the throne? What if he causes trouble for me in the future?

Jaehaerys didn't care. Anyway, the throne would never come to him. Besides, with cultivation, he didn't pursue worldly power so much.

How to say it, the pleasure of cultivation is more exciting than power. How many kings and generals have become dead bones after thousands of years? How can it compare to the freedom of eternal youth and longevity?

There is a saying: "You can be as good as a god without being a fairy in heaven. You can taste all the sufferings in the world, but it's just two taels of money."

At first glance, this is right and seems quite philosophical, but people are not only troubled and miserable because of money, but also oppression, bullying, coercion, love and hate, hate separation, and can't get what they want.

The sufferings of life are far more than lack of money.

The king held his chin. He felt more and more tired recently. Since Rhaegar died in battle, he realized that he had already become old and frail. The original suspicion, doubt, and jealousy of Rhaegar were just resentment for his own aging!

When he understood this, the pain in his heart was like an ant gnawing at his few remaining sanities, making him almost crazy!

Listening to the chaotic voices below, he felt a headache.

Now is a critical moment. In the first few years of his rule, he was also a wise monarch and could still see the situation clearly. At present, the lords of the Reach led 30,000 troops to besiege Storm's End, and there were 200 warships of the Redwyne family on the sea to block the sea, but they were slow to come to support King's Landing.

How many troops can a Storm's End have now? At most, there are only a few hundred people!

Even if Mace Tyrell is a fool, Lord Randyll Tarly has been in the army for a long time. Can he not understand that leaving a small number of troops to contain and the large army to rescue King's Landing?

It can be seen that they are not stupid, but bad! Watching Rhaegar lead a hasty army to fight against the traitors who are ready for battle! Watching King's Landing is about to be besieged!

They should all be burned to death!

Varys had informed during the day that the cavalry of the North had already arrived at Sow Corner, and the vanguard commander was Roose Bolton, the Earl of the Dreadfort, not Eddard Stark as rumored.

Eddard Stark led the powerful troops of the Riverlands, the North and the Stormlands, and slowly advanced from behind. The two armies were only a day's ride apart, and they could reach each other in a flash.

In fact, even if the two armies were disconnected, King's Landing had no army to intersperse between them. The army of King's Landing only had a hundred knights and 3,000 infantry. If civilians, merchants and rogues were forcibly recruited, the number of infantry could probably double, but for King's Landing, it was still a drop in the bucket.

Since its construction, King's Landing has been mainly positioned as a market town and capital, not a military fortress. It was just the foothold for Aegon the Conqueror to land on the continent of Westeros, and gradually formed a residence. The terrain is relatively flat, and the only three hills are not steep.

After the conquest, Targaryen had dragons, and at the peak, there were more than ten dragons. Who dared to touch the reverse scale?

So the walls of King's Landing are not tall, at least not as tall and thick as Storm's End and Casterly Rock. Secondly, it has too many gates, 7 gates, which means seven key defense areas. More defense means that the power is dispersed.

The wall with a circumference of about 10 miles also needs to be guarded? Even if there is a soldier every 10 meters, it will take 16,000 soldiers to defend the wall!

King Aerys is ready to give up the outer city of King's Landing. He asked Rosat to lead the wise men of the Alchemist Guild to bury wildfires in various places in King's Landing in advance. Once there is a discord, the wildfire will be ignited directly, and the outer city and the traitors will be burned!

By then, the power of the wildfire will surely scare the lords with ill intentions, and the Red Castle will still stand, and the Targaryen family will still be able to sit firmly on the Iron Throne!

The king's idea was good, but he had suffered the loss of a desperate bet. There was no doubt that the wildfires would turn King's Landing into rubble, but the rebels were not dead things like houses and castles. They could not wait for the wildfires to burn in front of them and run away!

So he had to pave the way for the Targaryen family, determine the heir to the Iron Throne, and send the family members out of King's Landing.

Even the poor people in Flea Bottom knew that eggs should not be put in the same basket, and His Majesty the King certainly would not put all the Targaryen family members on the powder keg of King's Landing. He could die, but the bloodline of the Dragon King could not be cut off!

At present, the three important ministers in front of the king were the ones he trusted and relied on the most, so he wanted to listen to their opinions, but unfortunately, the husband had his own reasons, and the wife had her own reasons, and finally they merged into one sentence, allowing him to make the final decision!

Damn it! I wasted a big meal! The king was angry, but he had no good solution. At this time, he noticed that Jaehaerys was eating and he became interested instantly. In this environment, he was still calm in the face of danger. At least he had a strong psychological quality.

"Jaehaerys, what do you think?" The king said.

"What? What do you mean I think? Of course I sit and watch!" Jaehaerys complained in his heart, you guys discuss yours, I eat mine, isn't it good not to interfere with each other?

The enemy is at the gates of the city and the war clouds are urging, people's hearts are not in favor of the world, the change of dynasties is common, who is the master of the ups and downs of the country?

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