The distance between the Greatjon and Robb was only a few steps away, and the momentum of doomed death instantly filled the entire room.

The soldiers who were still fighting did not feel the strange and terrifying momentum, but they were also staggered by the vibration.

The Greatjon quickly retreated, his movements were like ghosts, nimble and fast, even in a crowded hall, he could dance freely like in an empty dance floor.

The soldiers only felt a flash in front of their eyes, as if something flew past them, and the next second, the huge Greatjon appeared behind him.

Seeing that the Greatjon was about to leave the hall and flee to the free world outside.

Robb, who had been sitting, finally made a move. He knew that the soldiers under his command could not stop the Thousand-Faced God alone.

Robb tapped his toes slightly, and the whole person's figure instantly became illusory, disappeared in the air, and then quickly appeared in front of him.

[Hound Step]

The Greatjon's movements were ghostly, but Robb's speed was faster!

At the entrance of the hall, Greatjon was surprised to find that Robb had already been holding a dagger that exuded a terrifying aura, waiting for his arrival.

"Since you want to see me so much, don't be in a hurry, stay a little longer before leaving."

Robb's low voice, accompanied by the waving of his arm, and a half-meter wide black and red sword energy instantly came to Greatjon!

! ! !

Greatjon couldn't dodge in time, and he was directly hit by a fatal death!

The sword energy cut his body, and his entire left arm fell directly. At the moment of landing, a black and red aura appeared instantly, dissolving this arm in the air.


Greatjon's face became ugly, as if there was a breath stuck in his chest. After finally spitting it out, he was horrified to find that a large part of his vitality disappeared instantly!

And this is not a simple consumption, which can be restored by sacrifice and plunder in the future, but a real disappearance that can never be restored!

The reason why the fatal death can kill gods is that when it hits the opponent, it will always erase the opponent's vitality limit!

Until the vitality is completely cut off, even if it is a god, it will fall!

Black and red sword energy appeared in Robb's hand again. Looking at the ashen-faced Great Jon, he said coldly: "I don't know if you are satisfied with my hospitality. I hope you are satisfied, because if you are not satisfied, then the following things, I think you will find it difficult to accept."

If the other party only sent an envoy to assassinate him, Robb could understand that it was for business.

But the other party's body is a god, what else can be said?

No matter what the reason, if you want to kill me, it will be a fight to the death!


Essos continent, Braavos, the House of Black and White.

The bottom of the temple, the third floor, the temple.

Only senior priests can set foot here. On the walls of the temple, there are countless faces, which is an important source of disguise for the believers of the Thousand-Faced God.

At this time, a priest was counting. He was wearing a simple gray robe and had a pious face. He looked like a kind and loving priest.

But what he was thinking about at the moment was the information about the assassination of the faceless man he had sent out.

He picked up a face, checked it, and put it back.

Everything was normal until...


Just as the priest checked the mask in his hand, a black and red breath suddenly appeared and swallowed up the mask in his hand.

"What the hell?!"

The priest was frightened and took a step back, looking at the incomprehensible scene in front of him in horror.

Just when the priest was at a loss, all the masks hanging on the wall burned for no reason and were wrapped in black and red breath.

No, maybe this is not burning, but swallowing, disappearing!

It took less than five minutes for all the masks in the entire temple to disappear!

The black and red breath also receded like a tide, and the room returned to calm. Everything was the same as before, as if nothing had happened.

The priest stood there blankly, at a loss.

"Pastor, priest! It's bad, come and see!"

Outside the church, a member of the church was banging on the door in a hurry. He was not of high enough rank to enter the church, so he could only shout outside.

The pastor's heart tightened, and a bad premonition came to his mind in an instant. He walked out of the church quickly and grabbed the shoulder of the member who reported the news: "What happened?"

The member was panting, obviously frightened, and ran like crazy to report the situation: "The hall of the Black and White Courtyard... the hall... the statue..."

The pastor recalled the strange black and red breath just now, and cold sweat instantly flowed all over his body.

He left the members and ran to the hall quickly.

In the hall, all the members knelt on the ground, with fear on their faces, trembling all over, as if they had encountered something terrible.

The ground was rubble and the dust had not yet dissipated.

The pastor felt the hot blood rushing to his head, and he almost fainted.

He looked at the more than 30 statues on the wall of the hall with trembling eyes. The statues of the Weeping Woman, Night Lion, Hooded Walker, Bakalon, Pale Moon Maiden and Mermaid King, which symbolized the Thousand-Faced God, were all broken at this moment!

All of these statues began to break from the head, and the whole body collapsed.

It's over... It's all over!

What happened to God?

The priest looked at the horrific scene that had never happened in thousands of years, and his heart was dead. His faith, his God...

collapsed on this day.

The pastor's eyes were dull, his faith collapsed, his idol collapsed, and thoughts of suicide filled his mind.

In the hall at this time, the most devout believers of the Thousand Faced God were frightened by this scene.

Many people couldn't stand the reality before them. In despair, they took out their daggers, made a cut on their necks, and then lay on the ground waiting for death to come.

The priest was also about to do the same. Suddenly, his eyes saw a statue that had not been completely destroyed!

The Stranger, one of the Seven Gods!

Believers of the God of Many Faces believe that Stranger, one of the incarnations of the Seven Gods, is actually one of the many identities of the God of Many Faces, so they also enshrine a statue of Stranger in the main hall.

Unlike other statues that had long since collapsed, a huge crack was clearly visible on the neck of this Stranger statue, and it seemed that it was about to fall down at any time.

However, although it was shaky, it still held up!

The priest's grip on the dagger loosened somewhat, but he looked around him with a feeling of sad despair.

In the main hall, those believers whose faith had collapsed had lost too much blood and had fallen asleep ever since.

The blood of countless believers dyed the Court of Black and White red today...


In the hall of Luanhe City, no one dared to breathe, as they were shocked by the strange scene in front of them.

Robb was carrying the Greatjon in one hand. No, he was no longer the Greatjon.

The face of this weird creature is constantly changing!

Old people, children, knights, prostitutes...

Countless people's faces changed crazily on his face, and his body shape also kept changing with the changes in his face. When he turned into a child, he almost escaped from Robb's hands.

But Robb's movements did not stop because of these strange changes.

Robb stood behind him, holding his head with one hand, and holding the dagger filled with rich black and red aura in the other hand.

In His horrified gaze, Robb slowly put the dagger to His throat.

"Greetings from Robb Stark."

He wanted to say something, but there was a dagger at the throat.

Robb didn't want to listen to his nonsense, so he greeted him gently, and then cut his throat easily.

No blood flowed from his throat, and he fell to the ground limply, and the ever-changing movements on his face stopped.

Everyone looked at Him who was lying on the ground, and then realized that this man had no face at all, only a hollow skin.

After doing all this, Robb clapped his hands and threw the dagger in his hand to the ground casually.

The old weasel sat on the chair, his eyes full of despair.

From the start, his plans never worked, and Robb treated him like a clown.

He is the tool in Robb's hands, the tool he uses to fish.

But he didn't know it, and he was still immersed in the illusion that he was strategizing and playing tricks.

The old weasel said to himself: "You...this is impossible, you should die, you should die..."

The soldiers of the Frey family instantly threw away their weapons, knelt on the ground and cried to their brother Steve Lun: "It's that old beast who forced us, please spare us!"

"It's all the old beast's fault. We are really innocent. I can prove our loyalty to the King of the North right now!"

"Brother, please, have you forgotten that you hugged me when you were a child?"

"Yes, we can prove our loyalty, and we can prove it now. Brother, please pray to the King of the North to spare our lives!"

The members of the Frey family who had thrown away their weapons cried bitterly and looked at the helpless old weasel, their faces instantly becoming vicious.

"It's all your fault! You old beast, you deserve to die for forcing us to do such a thing!"

"Old beast, I'll kill you!!"

The old weasel couldn't hold his face at all. He was terrified and wanted to run away, but he couldn't move at all. He screamed desperately: "'s not me, I...shouldn't be like this. It should be the fake king who died." It's in my hand...

You... don't come here, you are my sons, what are you going to do! ! "

The sons and grandsons of the old weasel faced their old father like enemies and began to beat and bite him crazily.


Steveron couldn't bear this farce and punched one of his younger brothers: "Damn beasts, tie them all up! Only the King of the North can judge Marquis Walder Frey, you beasts! "

The old weasel was rescued, but there was no good piece of meat on his body, and there were wounds all over his body. The old wrinkled skin was torn off by his sons, and it looked bloody and ugly.

His consciousness was blurry: "Don' me..."

Without even looking at him, Steveron came to kneel down in front of Robb and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, the rebellion of the guilty Frey family has been suppressed. In addition to the Frey family, there are also people in the river. The Bracken family and the affiliated Charles family...are involved and are now all bound!"

Finally here, old weasel, kill, kill, kill!

The North will never be forgotten!

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