
Since he had a minister, Robb's burden has been lightened a lot.

Today, Robb was free and sat on the throne, stroking the two-handed giant sword in his hand - Ice.

As a symbol of the Stark family, Ice can only be worn and used by Starks who inherited the title or throne.

Robb didn't care about its symbolic meaning. What he cared about was the raw material of ice, Valyrian steel.

Valyria is a region on another continent. It is a place full of magic and legend. It is said that the Targaryen family with dragons came from Valyria.

Valyrian steel is a magical substance created by the Valyrians through special means.

Just as Robb thought before, ice can reduce the mental consumption of some magic use, and it will also have a certain amplification effect on spells.

"Get up."

Robb waved ice, and the blue magic light behind him flashed, and several blue long swords composed of magic appeared behind Robb.

As long as Robb wants, these long swords can fly out and stab the enemy.

"The consumption of mental power has decreased, and the recovery speed is also accelerating."

"I don't know if it's my illusion, since I came to this world, my mental power has recovered faster and faster."

After dispersing the magic swords behind him, Robb closed his eyes and felt his own mental power.

"It should be that the magic level of Westeros is recovering, similar to the aura mentioned in the previous life... No, magic is reviving?"

"The Lord of Light and His opponent, the God of Cold, are recovering, and the dragons can also be hatched. Perhaps because of my arrival, the magic elements of this world are more active."

Robb doesn't know what the truth is now, he can only guess.

But his strength is constantly improving, which is a good thing.

Mental power is recovering faster and faster, and the consumption is getting lower and lower because of Valyrian steel, and Robb's strength will become stronger and stronger.

When Robb can release meteorite magic without limit, all the gods on the entire continent together can't stop his steps.

"Well, I'm missing a staff. Maybe I can make one out of Valyrian steel..."

"The ruins of Valyria seem to be quite famous. People have been exploring there, but no one has ever come back. I can go and see it myself when I have time..."

Just as Robb was thinking, the scouts under Lord Blackfish and the wolf guards under Lord Wildraven sent intelligence messages.

Robb temporarily put aside the matter of Valyrian steel and began to read the intelligence.

"After Euron ascended the Seastone throne, he severely punished those who supported Asha and Balon's other brother, and killed several captains who resisted fiercely. Now they are preparing to gather troops to rob the Reach."

"Tywin and the Imp have joined forces to marry Princess Myrcella, Cersei's daughter, to Dorne in the hope of gaining political support."

"Stannis has assembled an army and is preparing to attack King's Landing from the sea. It is said that he has a red witch under his command who can cast all kinds of dark magic and kill anyone who dares to stop him."

"Recently, a belief called the Lord of Light has spread in the South. With the support of Stannis, some nobles have burned the statues of the Seven Gods and converted to the Lord of Light."

It's a pity that there is no intelligence from another continent, and the whereabouts of the Dragon Mother cannot be grasped.

Robb finally feels a little like an emperor now. He can know what is happening in the world without leaving his house in Riverrun.

Although it cost a lot of money.

Although the changes in other parts of the world are drastic, they have little impact on Robb. His current goal is very clear, that is, to take over the Iron Islands.

First of all, it was the question of naval training. I had never been involved in this aspect...

"Your Majesty, Sir Wendel has arrived with the Manderly family."

"Your Majesty, Asha Greyjoy has been escorted outside the city."

Just as Robb was thinking, two groups of servants brought good news.

Robb first met with the Manderly family. As the strongest vassals in the North, Robb must pay attention to them.

Soon, Wendel Manderly walked into the study with seven or eight brothers.

After Wendel Manderly stopped guarding Catelyn, he was mainly responsible for selecting sea soldiers. After the Manderly family members arrived, they also contacted Wendel first, and then came to see His Majesty Robb.

Wendel held a gift box in his hand and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, Earl Manderly is ill in bed and cannot come, but as soon as he received your edict, he immediately sent all the children of the family to help."

Robb smiled: "This time Earl Manderly is very active."

Wendel smiled awkwardly.

The last time Robb issued a call for troops, the Manderly family's performance was only fair.

Compared with the perfunctory nobles in the Streamlands and the Tomb of the Ancients, they were certainly okay.

But compared with the nobles in Karstark, Severn, and Bear Island, their performance was not so impressive.

Especially Bear Island, it is said that there are no more than a hundred adult men and women on Bear Island, and almost all the fighting forces followed the Young Wolf Lord to the south.

So when the cake was divided, the Manderly family seemed very embarrassed.

The big pieces of the cake were divided, leaving only some scraps for the Manderly family. Although it was not bad and there was nothing to criticize, the Manderly family was the richest family in the North!

Apart from anything else, compared with the bitter and cold place of Bear Island, White Harbor could at least buy five Bear Islands.

But what about now?

After fighting several great victories with the Young Wolf Lord, Bear Island got a lot of meat.

Not only was he appointed as the Minister of Military Law, but one of his children became a newly promoted noble and was assigned the territory of the West. The overall strength caught up with the Manderlay family at once.

Robb's rewards and punishments were clear. The Manderlay family got as much as they worked for.

Although they made a lot of money, Robb gave them all the gold, livestock and materials they should have.

But does the Manderlay family lack these!

The big families are all dividing the territory, the position of ministers of the kingdom, and sharing power.

It's really a bit ugly to share money with the small families.

So when he heard that Robb was going to form a navy, Earl Manderlay suddenly woke up. He realized that whether the Manderlay family could make up for their mistakes depended on this time!

So he sent all the people in the family over and told them to help the King of the North do things well and not to slack off at all.

Wendel raised the gift box in his hand a little higher: "This is a gift from my father to congratulate His Majesty for taking over the Golden Tooth and obtaining another gold mine."

The attendant beside Robb took it and carefully opened it for Robb to see.

Robb glanced at it and exclaimed: "This gift is even heavier than the one I gave when I ascended the throne."

Inside was a steel sword, which looked ordinary, but Robb could recognize it at a glance. It was made of Valyrian steel.

For such a steel sword, Earl Manderly must have shed a lot of blood.

Wendel said respectfully: "My father hopes that Your Majesty will not misunderstand. The Manderly family is definitely the most loyal supporter of Stark. No matter when, as long as Your Majesty gives an order, the Manderly family will charge for Your Majesty!"

Robb couldn't refuse this generous gift. It just so happened that he wanted to make a Valyrian steel staff, and it was delivered to his door.

"Then I will accept this gift as a testimony of the friendship between our two families."

Wendel was delighted: "Thank you, Your Majesty, thank you, Your Majesty!"

Robb was a little emotional, this is power.

Others give you gifts, and they have to beg for it, for fear that you will not accept it.

Before letting them leave, Robb reminded them: "You will have to worry about the navy. I will go to see your results in a month."

Wendel was determined: "I will never let your Majesty down!"


After sending the Manderly family away, Robb ordered people to bring Asha in.

Asha had a rebellious face. Even if she was pushed, she was not afraid. From time to time, she broke free from the guards' arms.

After arriving at Robb's study, Asha saw the so-called King of the North sitting on the chair at a glance.

Hmph, Asha snorted in her heart. He looked like a pretty boy. Although he was quite majestic, he was still a child after all.

For some reason, although she was indignant in her heart, she was a little more honest in her actions and did not dare to be presumptuous again.

Robb looked at Asha, exuding an aura different from the one he had when he met the Manderly family. He looked down at her and said in a cold tone: "Your father is dead."

Asha was a little confused: "What?"

"Killed by your uncle Euron..."

Robb told Asha the news he knew, so that she understood her current situation.

Just as Asha was about to speak, Robb raised his hand slightly and directly pressed her to the ground with gravity magic.

Asha looked terrified. She wanted to speak and curse, but her lungs felt a sharp pain and she couldn't say a word.

"Listen to me. I can give you a chance for revenge. You help me train the navy. Then you can follow me to the Iron Islands, and your brother Theon will not die."

"Agree, and I'll go to work right away."

"If you don't agree, you and your brother will die now."

"You have ten seconds to choose."

After Robb finished speaking, Asha felt the restraints on her body loosened. She immediately stood up, panting, staring at Robb with doubtful eyes.

A second later, Asha said decisively: "I will help you."

Robb smiled: "Smart man, you have a month, and I will check your results after a month. Don't let me down."

Of course, Asha was not really surrendering at this time. She didn't even know if what Robb said was true.

Live first and see the situation outside.

Make plans for the future.

Asha's face was calm: "Then, I will help you, um... Your Majesty?"

Robb waved his hand casually, and Asha ran away.

Leaving the study, Asha whistled briskly. The king of the Green Land is so easy to fool!

He believed what I said casually, hahaha... What is this?

Asha was not happy for more than a minute, and she felt something strange on her hand.

She raised her palm and saw that a red, enchanting red spot appeared on her palm.

The red spot was like a flower, but it exuded a terrifying breath.

Asha's face darkened instantly.

"When? What the hell is this?!"

Thanks to [月粑粑Ah] for the reward.

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