When Robb and his wolf riders arrived at the Wall, the commander of the men in black, Jeor Mormont, had just returned from beyond the Wall.

Jeor was a noble of the Mormont family on Bear Island. He gave up his status as an heir and came to the Wall to become the commander of the Night's Watch.

To show respect for him, others called him "Old Bear".

After hearing the news that the King of the North was coming, Old Bear temporarily put aside his idea of ​​exploring beyond the Wall and returned to the Wall to meet Robb with some headaches.

Old Bear was unsure of Robb's thoughts.

The new King of the North came to the Wall when the battle in the south was in full swing. Did he want to get the support of the men in black?

The men in black always remain neutral and never participate in the disputes of the dynasty. This is an iron rule.

If it was any other messy king, Old Bear believed that his men could handle it, but Robb's identity as a member of the Stark family forced Old Bear to come back in person to meet him.

The title of the King of the North has too much influence on the people of the North.

The Great Wall was built by Brandon Stark, the builder of the city. The Night's Watch system was also founded by Brandon. Even the land under their feet was given by Brandon, the first King of the North.

And the Stark family will send a family member to defend the Great Wall at any time.

The Night's Watch is said to be independent of the major kingdoms, but how can they cut off contact with the Stark family?

Old Bear prayed in his heart: I hope this matter will not embarrass me...

The cold wind was biting, and heavy snow fell near the Great Wall of the North.

The Night's Watchmen in black were shivering with cold and all hid in the castle.

In the reception room of the Black Castle, Robb finally met the commander-in-chief of the Night's Watch.

Old Bear looked at Robb who pushed the door in and said hoarsely: "Has the Stark family finally become king again?"

Robb looked at the old man with a little white hair in front of him with respect. This reminded him of the group of Red Lion Knights who used fire to build the long wall to protect the general and prevent pollution from leaking out.

The Night's Watch and the Knights of the Red Lion are both worthy of respect. They are a group of people who stick to their oaths and keep their original intentions.

Robb bowed slightly as a salute: "It's just the restoration of the ancestral system from three hundred years ago."

"Ancestral system, haha. Your Majesty Robb, you know, I haven't been able to sleep every night these days. We just came back from the Wall. The wildlings over there told us that a King of the Wall also appeared outside the Wall. He summoned the wildlings. I don't know if he wants to build a castle or organize an army."

Old Bear knew that he had to speak softly to young people like Robb. Young people are energetic and easily infected.

So he began to complain: "A few days ago, your uncle Benjen Stark took a few rangers out of the Wall, but he never came back.

We found the bodies of his followers and brought them back. Guess what, they all came back to life, but they are no longer the same as before. They have become vicious and want to kill living people without saying anything..."

Robb raised his right hand slightly to stop Old Bear from continuing.

Picking up a bottle of wine, Robb poured a glass for himself and Old Bear.

Old Bear was a little unsure of the routine of the young man in front of him. He was so calm, with an unpredictable smile on his face, making it difficult to see through his mind.

Like an old fox... Old Bear took the wine glass and thought secretly.

Taking a sip of the bitter wine, Robb slowly said: "Wildlings, White Walkers... I know what you want to say. The long night is coming, the winter is coming, the power of the cold god in the north is reviving, and the ancient legend will become a reality again."

What Robb said is a historical legend that every northerner will never forget: the White Walkers went south with endless darkness and cold, sweeping across the entire Westeros continent.

"Ah?" Old Bear was a little surprised. He didn't expect what Robb said to be more serious than he thought.

Will there be another terrorist incident of White Walkers going south on a large scale?

He had always thought that the enemy outside the Wall was the new King outside the Wall.

Robb nodded and made it clear: "The power of the God of Cold is reviving, or rather, the mysterious power of the whole world is reviving.

In another continent, a dragon was born, and the power of the Lord of Light can already affect our continent.

The old gods also began to look for green prophets to resist the God of Cold, just like before, my brother Bran has already shown signs of becoming a skinchanger.

The wildlings don't want to go south, they gather to deal with winter."


Old Bear was a little at a loss. He wanted to make it clear what difficulties he was facing, and no matter what Robb wanted, he could push it back.

Unexpectedly, Robb was more ruthless than him, and directly came with a set of chain wildfire bombs, making him not know what to do.

Although the people of the North believed in those ancient legends, it was really hard for people to accept that all the things in the other world were said at once.

Robb didn't say much, and directly demonstrated it with actions.

Pulling out the giant sword Ice that had just been sent back to the Stark family, Robb wiped the giant sword, and golden thunder immediately attached to Ice.

In the stunned eyes of the old bear, Robb gently stroked the blade of the ice sword again, and this time a blazing flame appeared on the sword.

"This... is this a miracle?! Green... Greenseer!"

In the beliefs of the North, the Greenseer is the incarnation of the old gods in the world, and can perform many miracles.

The most incredible one is the black magic called Hammer of the Sea. A thousand Greenseers united together and directly destroyed the connection between Westeros and another continent - the Arm of Dorne.

Compared with the legendary magic that changed the terrain of the continent, the miracle Robb showed was insignificant.

But Robb proved to the old bear that the legend and what he said were true.

Robb saw that Mr. Xiong was already convinced, and continued: "The White Walkers are about to attack. You have seen what my uncle's men have become before. So Mr. Xiong, you should know that the current vigil People cannot resist the White Walkers."

Old Xiong was speechless. He knew that Robb was right.

The current strength of the Night Watch is far less than one-tenth of that of the past.

In the past, there were endless disputes between the kings of the mainland. The Great Wall could often be supplemented by troops from the defeated forces, and the nobles were proud to serve as night watchmen on the Great Wall.

However, after the Targaryen family was unified, the disputes were greatly reduced, the number of soldiers dropped sharply, and the White Walkers disappeared for too long. Peace confused the eyes of the southerners. Only prisoners and people with low status would become the Night's Watch.

This resulted in a reduction in the number of troops and a sharp decline in quality.

The power of the Night's Watch has been weakened beyond recognition.

Robb stood up and looked at the old bear: "The power of the Night's Watch alone is not enough to fight the White Walkers. We need the support of the North and Westeros."

"Now, as the King of the North, I declare here: Stark will lead the Night's Watch and every Northerner through the cold winter and repel the White Walkers, just like his ancestors thousands of years ago!"


Mr. Xiong finally reacted at this time.

Robb casually brought out the legal principles from ancient times and made the Night's Watch belong to the King of the North again by name.

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