Game of Thrones: From Lord Elden to Young Wolf

Chapter 53: Empty City Retreats the Lions

After hearing the scout's report, the faces of the Bracken family showed nervous expressions again.

There are limits to human power.

The defenders of Shili City were exhausted after a series of bloody battles.

Coupled with the momentum that just broke out, they were completely exhausted, and some of them were so weak that they couldn't even pick up their weapons.

If they were to fight so many enemy troops at this time, they would definitely not be able to play any role.

Will he be captured by the enemy again just after being rescued?

Beth Bracken looked at the uneasiness emanating from her family, but felt an inexplicable sense of peace in her heart.

She secretly glanced at His Majesty Robb. There was no fear on His Majesty's face. Maybe even if the dragon appeared in front of him, this man would not show any emotion.

Just follow His Majesty, everything will be fine, she thought.

Sir Steveron Frey stood beside Robb: "Your Majesty, the ceremony of the red monk Thoros is still being prepared. The dead wolf cavalry cannot be resurrected in a short time. If the enemy attacks now..."

Robb glanced at the battlefield. Three centurions of the Wolf Cavalry were dead and two were dying. Their combat effectiveness was greatly reduced.

Although the defenders of Shili City have good momentum, their combat effectiveness is not good.

If you fight with the opponent at this time, you will indeed suffer some losses. After all, you are the only one who is intact.

"Skin the magic mountain and a few of his men, and hang them all on the city wall."

"Hold my flag high on the city wall and arrange for a few wolf cavalry to stand on the city wall."

"Open the city gate. As a host, you must be polite to your guests."

Ser Stevron Frey glanced at Robb in surprise, not knowing the meaning of His Majesty Robb's actions.

Why should the city gate be opened?

It's better to have a city wall guarding it than to have the city gate wide open.

The Brackens also looked at each other, not knowing what to say, but no one would contradict Robb's order now.

After killing the Mountain, the Bracken family believed that their father, including many people like their father in the Riverlands, would no longer doubt His Majesty Robb's orders.

It's not because His Majesty Robb has excellent strategic vision.

It was His Majesty Robb who had the ability to slaughter all the Mountain troops with a few hundred men!

And they couldn't even resist the Magic Mountain troops for an hour with their backs against the city wall!

If you don't obey His Majesty Robb's orders, do you want to become the next Mountain?

When the criticism of weapons is strong enough, nothing else matters.

The remaining wolf cavalry took the garrison of Stonehedge into action and began to carry out His Majesty Robb's orders.

But when peeling the Magic Mountain's skin, they encountered difficulties.

Although Magic Mountain had been trapped by several iron chains, the ferocious expression on his face still scared away the skinned soldiers.

"Let me do it, I'm over sixty, this look won't scare me."

Sir Stevron Frey took the initiative to ask for help, and under the guidance of the knight born in the Dreadfort, he began to dance the knife slowly and gracefully.

Ah ah ah ah ah! ! !

Countless screams came from Shili City.


An hour later, when Kevan Lannister came to Stonehedge City holding the lion banner high, he saw an unforgettable scene in his life:

There are spears all over the city wall.

A flayed soldier was fixed on each spear. They were wailing under the scorching sun. No one knew what power kept them alive.

There was one person (or body) among them that was particularly eye-catching. His figure was obviously much larger than the others, and his screams were louder than anyone else's.

He needed three spears to hold him in place, because even after he was skinned, he was still struggling violently.

Beneath him, huge armor bearing the emblem of House Clegane made everyone aware of the monster's identity: The Mountain.

Under each spear stood a wolf cavalryman.

With solemn expressions and sharp eyes, they looked at the phalanx of Lannister soldiers, like falcons soaring in the sky staring at their prey.

"Sir...sir, that seems to be Lord Clegane..."

Kevan Lannister's guard shivered, frightened by what he saw.

That's the Magic Mountain!

The most loyal dog of the Lannister family, the most terrifying anger!

Now it is like a real dog, skinned and hung with a mobile phone on a spear, without any honor or dignity.

Kevan Lannister turned around and yelled angrily: "You don't need to talk nonsense, my eyes are not blind yet, I know that is the Magic Mountain!"

"Yes... sir."

Kevan Lannister looked at the torsos and elite soldiers on the wall, and then at the wide-open city gate, and fell silent for a moment.

According to the original plan, Magic Mountain attacked Shili City.

Robb will get the news and fight with the Mountain's team in Stonehedge.

He is only an hour away from Shili City. This distance cannot be shorter. The movement of the five thousand people is not small, and there is a high possibility of being discovered.

By the time they arrive to support, the battle situation between the two sides should be very anxious.

That's the Magic Mountain!

But why is it hung directly on the city wall now?

This is different from the script as promised!

From Kevan Lannister's point of view, the quiet city gate at this time was like the black abyss of a huge monster.

As long as you rush over with people, the monster will swallow you up.

While Kevan Lannister was hesitating, the guard pointed at the wall and shouted again: "My lord, look, what is that!"

Kevan Lannister looked up and saw a young man sitting on a wide chair under the protection of many people.

Reddish-brown hair, blue eyes, young man...

It was Robb, the self-proclaimed King of the North!

At this time, Robb was also looking at Kevan Lannister with interest, but unlike his cautiousness, Robb did not take him seriously at all.

Robb was not surrounded by guards, but women from the Bracken family.

Beth Bracken sat on Robb's lap and poured wine for him carefully.

The other women squatted beside Robb with fruits, without any panic on their faces.

Their absurd appearance made Kevan Lannister furious.

How unreasonable!

They didn't take me seriously at all!

And if the other side had enough troops, they wouldn't have to put on such a show for him to watch. Wouldn't it be better to just kill them directly? !

This must be Robb's trick!

But knowing it and doing it are two different things. Kevan Lannister looked at the Mountain who was still screaming and struggling, and he couldn't do this little thing of ordering the troops to attack.

To fight or not to fight, this is a question.

After waiting for a while, Robb on the city wall seemed a little impatient.

Robb raised his right hand slightly, and the thunder gun appeared in his hand, and then threw it towards Kevan Lannister.

Kevan Lannister saw the thunder coming, and he was immediately frightened and broke out in a cold sweat.

He was already in a state of mental tension, and at this time it was like a string was pulled apart, and his panic was revealed: "Retreat!"

He was actually still some distance away from the city gate, not within the range of the thunder gun.

But how could he have time to judge these now?

The miserable condition of the Mountain was still echoing in his mind, and he just wanted to run away now.

The Lannister army slowly retreated before the battle began.

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