For Robb, his Westeros Empire has just been upgraded from a world of low demons to a world of high demons. It can be regarded as changing the underlying logic of the world and barely reaching the lowest standard for promotion.

Robb just felt that it was a pity. If he could work harder in Westeros and push the maesters more, he might be able to light up the technology tree of the entire Westeros continent. .

By then, the dual development of magic and technology will have basically subverted the underlying logic of the entire world. At that time, swallowing the magic potion will definitely be foolproof.

But at this time, Robb was enough to swallow the potion, so he looked at the last Sequence 1 potion in his hand and swallowed it directly. Then the Elden Ring in his hand began to shine, and the Unique Brass Book began. Fusion.

The Brass Book most likes rules with aesthetics and a certain degree of activity in itself. Although he is not very willing to be accommodated by Robb and lose his own autonomy, he is still attracted by the Golden Law.

There is no way. This Elden Ring has been revised and perfected by the Golden Sun. It is the most perfect Golden Law and has the most perfect operating system.

These things are simply a fatal attraction for brass books!

It was like a pervert seeing four beauties. Even though he still had some concerns, his body was already approaching them honestly.

If you can come into contact with such a perfect golden law, then you don't care about its own activity or inactivity, just fuse it and that's it!

So Robb accommodated the brass book very smoothly. In the far beyond, the occult connection between the Westeros Empire and Robb began to work, and the anchoring of the ritual began to work, helping Robb digest the potion.

Drinking the magic potion is a wonderful process, especially at the stage of becoming a god.

The potion itself has a lot of spiritual residue, and the more powerful it is, the closer it is to the original creator, and the greater the spiritual impact it will receive, so it requires a lot of anchoring to help you determine that you are still the original person.

On the way to becoming a god, Robb began to hear all kinds of voices in his head, which were noisy, shrill, and even crazy.

Robb is now in a very dangerous situation. If someone or a god takes action against Robb now, Robb will have no ability to resist at this time.

However, Robb is still in the Southern Continent, and no one knows clearly about Robb's situation.

After a night of entanglement and entanglement, Robb successfully became a brand new god-the Judge!

The judge has two new powers: one is to change the underlying logic and rules of the world, that is to say, it can turn the flames into cold and the seabed into hot water. The murderer will lose his life, and the murdered person can be alive and kicking.

However, such changes cannot last long, and can only have an effect on opponents of the same level within their own sphere of influence.

Starting from the Arbitrator and the Sheriff, they have always emphasized the need to have their own territory and jurisdiction. Even the name of the source of matter is the "country of disorder". In other words, this sequence attaches great importance to its own territory.

Many abilities depend on whether your territory is large and strong enough, and should be viewed comprehensively.

The power of a judge who loses his territory and supporters will be greatly weakened.

The second ability is naturally judgment.

The judge can create rules in his own territory, and anyone who violates the rules will be severely punished. For example, if a god kills people in the judge's area, but does not follow the judge's rule of "the murderer will die", then They will be suppressed by the law, directly judged, and their abilities and strength will be weakened.

If the strength is not as good as the gods, they may die suddenly.

These two abilities are a collection of all previous abilities and can be regarded as a master.

After becoming a god, the first thing Robb had to do was build his own empire.

Because the Judge still has to be the strongest within his own territory, Robb has to rely on himself if he wants to consolidate his strength and continue to obtain the Black Emperor's uniqueness and Sequence 1.

Robb dodged and came directly to the Sea of ​​Storms.

This is the storm that the God of Death set off before he died in order to maintain the faith of the Southern Continent. This way he could save the chance of his resurrection. But it is a pity that now Robb has separated Mr. Azik's soul and handed over his uniqueness to the night. The goddess basically cuts off all possibilities of resurrection from the dead.

But now, Robb wants this thing to die down once and for all.

"Winds and thunder are prohibited here."

Robb opened his mouth, holding Tianxian in his mouth, and an invisible force instantly enveloped the entire Storm Sea. The storm sea, which was originally closed by dark clouds, suddenly calmed down with violent winds and thunder, and golden rays of light penetrated the dark clouds that were about to dissipate. Be a holy light and shine freely on the sea.

In just this breath, a sea that had been violent for thousands of years suddenly became calm, just because of Robb's words.

Originally, as a judge, Robb could calm down the Storm Sea for a short time, but it could not last too long, because the person of Death was actually half the level of the Old One. Although he was dead, as a god, he was still half of the Old One. At the daily level, it also has enough follow-up power.

But in addition to his ability as a judge, Robb also has the power of the Circle of Elden.

In addition, the God of Death had completely cut off his consciousness and his remaining power was not enough, so Robb easily calmed down the stormy sea.

"Now the sea is calm, all routes can go directly here, and then we can directly transport the resources of the Kingdom of Loen, strengthen trade, and build the South Continent well."

Robb's current thinking is still very clear. It is very difficult to develop the South Continent alone, which is poor and broken, quickly. It is necessary to trade with developed areas and get rid of the status of a colony.

Robb's current plan is to build the South Continent and develop the ability of the judge.

In the Kingdom of Loen, Robb still has some connections.

The first is the spokesperson of the Storm Church, Duke Negan.

Duke Negan's current position among the Loen royal family is very embarrassing. Although he is still the most powerful person at the top, his power has been greatly weakened in this war because of the conservatives.

And because the war is now won, the people of the Progressive Party of the Loen Kingdom have received the greatest benefit. The power represented by Duke Negan is basically at an absolute disadvantage, and they also need a strong enough foreign aid to help themselves.

Reaching an agreement with Robb means that each party gets what it needs.

Robb came to the South Continent and found Azik.

"Mr. Robb... You... You have become a god?!"

The moment Azik saw Robb, he instantly understood that Robb had become a god at this time, so he quickly changed his attitude, and the memories of the Archon of Death immediately surfaced, revealing a very respectful state.

Robb nodded: "Now the entire South Continent will be included in my hands, you will build a new empire here, no one will stop you, and establish a new belief called: the Golden Law."

The Judge is a law-based one, and with the Elden Ring, the Golden Law just corresponds.

Azik nodded: "I know."

Robb nodded and came to the spirit world, ready to teleport back to Rune to contact his nobles.

Just after entering the spirit world, Robb's inspiration had problems again.

As a judge, Robb was still very clear about the things related to the Black Emperor sequence at this time, so the moment he entered the spirit world, Robb felt that there was a mysterious power calling him on a certain island in the real world.

In addition to the power of the Black Emperor, there was a more familiar feeling, just like the strange creatures he faced when he just came to this world.

The power of the starry sky?

Robb felt very familiar, so he immediately used the power of the secret wizard and came to a very strange island.

"This island seems to be stained with the breath of the starry sky. There are all strange creatures on it, but there is also the breath of the Black Emperor. I will go and check it out."

Robb has the Elden Ring, and the blessing of the golden tree can always reduce the pollution brought to him by the starry sky, so it basically has no effect on him.

Along the way, Robb directly used the legendary prayer: the flame of the evil god, burning all the strange creatures and plants here to ashes, and added a new ban: no peeping here, isolating all starry sky peeping.

After making all the preparations, Robb began to explore the island and finally found a very familiar place: Isn't this the tomb of the Black Emperor?

Although it is a little different from the tomb of George III that Robb had destroyed before, the induction of mysticism here is still very clear. This is one of the nine tombs of the Black Emperor, just like before.

Robb walked in directly and could feel that his aggregation instinct was getting stronger and stronger, and then he saw a dark figure directly.


The black figure rushed directly in front of Robb, but Robb waved his hand directly and used the ability of the judge to pull the distance between himself and the other party infinitely large. No matter how the other party ran faster, he could not reach Robb.


The other party's black shadow was not powerless to fight back. He directly used the ability of distortion to shorten the distance between the two.

But his current status is not at the same level as Robb, so the distortion distance is not enough, so there is still a lot of distance between the two sides, and Robb can't be touched for a while.

Then, Robb summoned the starlight, lighting up the entire mausoleum, and saw the true appearance of the black shadow.

"Huh? Roselle?"

The moment he saw Roselle, Robb recognized him. It was not because they had met before, but because the portrait of Emperor Roselle had long been circulated throughout the world, so Robb was very familiar with Him.

Emperor Roselle, with a dark gray mist on his face, was also stunned: "You... have heard of my story?"

"No, but your face is full of stories."

The two sides exchanged the secret code and immediately confirmed their identities.

Unlike the goddess of the night who is devoted to her career and looks like a strong woman, and the old and sinister God, and unlike the cautious and stingy Klein, Emperor Roselle is a very casual person.

In short, he is a bit middle school and second-rate.

Therefore, his character is more straightforward, without so many tricks. Although he has tempered most of his character on the road to becoming a god, when facing his fellow countryman, the true nature in his heart is still exposed.

It was also because he was too suffocated in this mausoleum that Emperor Roselle suddenly became active: "My Chao, why is there a fellow countryman?"

"I've read your diary."


Robb's words directly killed the topic. Emperor Roselle had already become a god, but after hearing what Robb said, he still couldn't help wanting to die.

It's like, although you are already an executive of a listed company, but suddenly one day, you find that all the non-mainstream opinions you posted in your QQ space when you were a child have been printed out and spread all over the company.

At this time, no matter how many cruel things you have done in the position of executive, it is inevitable that you will still be a little embarrassed.

"Let's not talk about the diary first, how did you find this place?"

"The aggregation of extraordinary materials."

Emperor Roselle glanced at Robb, his eyes full of surprise: "I didn't expect you to be a judge. So what you want now is to become the Old One?"

Emperor Roselle still knew about the blasphemy of the stone tablet, otherwise he would not know that he would risk half madness if he forced a job change.

But now, he and Robb have become competitors.

Because the Black Emperor and the Judge are of similar sequences, the two sides are originally enemies.

Roselle smiled easily: "I'm really lucky. If I were still the Black Emperor in his prime, we might have to fight each other. That would be very bad. I don't want to kill each other. Now all my extraordinary characteristics have disappeared. Fortunately, I don't have to fight with my fellow villagers."

Robb was in a good mood: "Fellow villagers meet, and stab each other in the back. How can I be reluctant?"

Robb was joking. It was also the first time for him to meet his fellow villagers. It was still very interesting to say some jokes that everyone knew.

"You should be able to be resurrected, right? I see you look healthy. There is also a mausoleum. Logically, you should be able to be resurrected in this mausoleum."

Emperor Roselle sighed softly: "Resurrection, it's all polluted. If I were to be resurrected, I would be a guide and help the evil. I, Old Huang, can't do such a thing."

Emperor Roselle told all about his experience of being polluted by the starry sky, and said that he would only be resurrected after all the pollution in the starry sky was removed. If he died, he could only blame his bad luck.

Rossel also told the information he had: "The extraordinary characteristics of the Black Emperor are basically in Adam's hands. I can feel it."

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