Game of the World Tree

Chapter 978 The truth and the final chapter (7): The origin of the world tree

Ahem, be serious.

So, as you can see, this is my whole plan to resurrect the World Tree.

In addition, when I chose to implement the World Tree Project, I also did some thinking about the future of mankind.

Since the future is going to create a new world, then... shouldn't human beings also go further?

The basic genes of human beings are too poor. Even if they have extraordinary awakening, most human beings will only live a few hundred years more in their lives.

In this case, can I also use the power of the World Tree to create a body more suitable for extraordinary power for humans while resurrecting the World Tree?

Longer lifespan, stronger extraordinary talent, and of course... also have a more perfect body and a more beautiful appearance.

Hey, after all, who made me Yan Control?

Seeing this, I think you may have some guesses about another matter...

That's right, the race of elves was also designed by me and the super-intelligent brain.

It's not so much an elves, but a new human being I imagined. Humans have a short lifespan and their extraordinary abilities are extremely low, but if a new race can be created based on the laws of the world tree, perhaps a better species can be created. .

This is the spirit.

Haha, in my vision, when everyone recovers in the future, they may be able to use the body of an elf as their body...

Of course, these things are not within the scope of my responsibility. After all, in a sense, this matter is more like my personal preference and private goods.

I sometimes get confused as to whether my thinking is right or not. After all... If it's just that genes have evolved from humans to superhumans, then from humans to elves, it's almost another species. already.

I don't seem to have the right to make this decision for everyone.

Now, I put all the options in the future into your hands.

Take it as if I want to escape responsibility.

Your Majesty Eve, since you have become a real world tree, it is not difficult for you to create things, and the path of human beings in the future will be decided by you.

I know that now you have become the world tree. In theory, you are no longer representing humans, but the entire new universe.

However, for the sake of your relationship with human beings, I still hope that you can take care of the people of the Blue Star United Nations...

And this is my only wish.

Finally, I will give you another gift as a gift to congratulate you on your transcendence.

The real origin of the World Tree is also related to this.

After reading the letter, you can ask for it directly from the super intelligent brain. Now you have become its new owner, and everything here belongs to you.

Your Majesty Eve...

Transcendence is not the end, but the beginning.

There is a long way to go, I hope you will cherish and lead the new world to a more brilliant future...


This is the end of the letter.

Eve breathed a long sigh of relief, and her mood was churning like a turbulent sea.

Although he has already made psychological preparations, and even though he has already vaguely had some premonitions, but... when He knew his true origin, he couldn't help but feel complicated.

However, the past has passed, and since He has now become detached and become a complete World Tree, then... He is the World Tree Eve Uktrehir.

Next, it was time for him to go his own way.


The elves are the new human beings created by you and Neo? Since they are new human beings, why are they designed to be that silly and sweet?

He couldn't help turning his head and looked at the Professor on the other side, his face full of expressions that suppressed the desire to complain.

Professor smiled slightly:

Your Majesty Eve, the original character of the elf was the most suitable in the Seggs universe at that time. This is the result of my repeated calculations, and it is also the most reasonable choice.

Huh? Why?

Eve raised an eyebrow.

The professor continued:

Your Majesty Eve, you should know that all my procedures are aimed at the continuation of the human beings in the Blue Star United Nations, so... all threats that may threaten the existence of the Blue Star United Nations human beings need to be controlled.

Eve was stunned for a moment, and instantly understood what the other party meant.

without him.

The potential of the elves is too strong...

If it weren't for the kind of silly and sweet personality set in the world, I'm afraid the elves would have dominated the entire Saigos universe long ago.

Not even...becoming another race that threatens the New Universe and the humans of Blue Star.

In fact, even if it is a silly and sweet character, in the history of Saigos, the elves have dominated the entire Saigos universe for tens of thousands of years...

Later, when the players have the body of the elf, they are invincible in the Seggs universe.

Of course, players are not the same. For them, this is just a game, and it can be resurrected with the buff blessing of the Fourth Calamity.

But even if it is not the courage that the identity of the fourth natural disaster brings to the players, judging from the changes that the players have brought to the elves over the years, as well as the living conditions of the reincarnated players in the elves, the elves' bodies plus the human The soul is also enough to become a very bug.

Humans have many, many flaws.

But at the same time, human beings also have many, many advantages.

Solidarity, self-confidence, inner strength, and strong curiosity about everything.

In order to achieve their own values ​​and ideals in life, they are even willing to give everything...

Not only that, but at this moment, Eve thought of more...

From this point of view, perhaps from the moment when the elves dominated the Seggs universe, this super-intelligent brain named Professor has begun to limit the power of the elves.

Star Guardian Rigdal listens to his command.

It is said that the Eternal Lord Iteo once regarded the starry sky guardian Rigdal, who is good at prophecy, as a military advisor.

If so calculated...

So... the downfall of the elves was also caused by you through the hands of the human gods?

Eve couldn't help but ask.

Your Majesty Eve, you have misunderstood me. In my calculations, the native character of the elves is no longer enough to pose a threat to the humans of the Blue Star.

What really caused the catastrophe of the elves were the human beings in the world of Seggs who were inherited from clones, and the ambitions of the gods they believed in.

Professor replied.

Eve nodded slowly.


If the answer of the super-intelligent brain is that the downfall of the elves was also planned by it and Neo, then...he, who has become the guardian of the elves, really doesn't know how to deal with it.

Listening to your tone, you don't seem to care much about the humans in the world of Seggs?

Eve's heart suddenly moved.

Of course, my program is only set up to protect the citizens of the Blue Star United Nations, the elves and humans of the Seggs universe, and it is not within my protection.

Professor continued to answer with a smile.

Eve nodded slightly.

All of Neo's purposes are for the humans of the Blue Star United Nations.

The same goes for professor.

In order to achieve the ultimate goal, they will choose to do everything possible, even unscrupulous.

In this regard, Eve has nothing to say.

After all, strictly speaking, He is also a beneficiary of this plan.

With a slight sigh, he put away the letter.

At the same time, it can be regarded as a remnant who has been entrusted by Neo to guard the Blue Star United Nations.

No, in fact, even without Neo's entrustment, He would have done it.

Even if everything is within the vision of Neo and Super Brain, his growth is inseparable from the support of Blue Star players. In a sense, these sleeping remnants of the Blue Star United Nations are kind to him. of.

Of course, there is also the kindness that memory brings.

Although this memory is false, for Eve, this memory has been his spiritual sustenance for a long period of time.

Your Majesty Eve, do you want to see the gift Neo gave you?

Professor asked.

Eve nodded.

Please come with me.

Professor said with a smile.

After he finished speaking, he turned around, and the illusory electronic projection walked towards the research hall.

Eve followed and quickly returned to the hall.

In front of the electronic screen in the hall, the Professor paused slightly.

With its movements, the scene of the Seggs universe projected on the electronic screen suddenly changed, turning into a deep darkness.

This is……

Eve's eyes narrowed.

This is the present universe.

Professor replied.

After finishing speaking, it lightly tapped, the picture suddenly zoomed in, a coordinate appeared, and there... a looming wormhole could be seen.


Eve was slightly taken aback.

But soon, his eyes narrowed.

The Bluestar universe has been heat-dead.

In theory, only the galaxy where the World Tree is located is sheltered by the dark energy shield and the power of laws that do not belong to the Blue Star universe, and everything else, even black holes, has been destroyed.

But now, in the deep darkness, a wormhole can still be seen!

There is only one answer.

That is this wormhole, which also has higher-level laws and energies that do not belong to the Blue Star universe.

According to the records left behind, Eve knew that wormholes were themselves supernatural channels that communicated between different spaces.

So... where is the other side, it's interesting.

This is the real origin of World Tree?

Eve's expression became solemn for the first time since breaking out of the Saiggs universe.

That's right.

Professor nodded.

Since the heat death of the universe, Neo and I have never stopped researching the World Tree, of course, including the origin of the World Tree.

The more we understand the World Tree, the more we feel the mystery and greatness of the World Tree, and at the same time... we also realize more deeply that such a stalwart existence is absolutely impossible for the Blue Star Universe to appear naturally.

And in the end... we discovered this wormhole by accident.

Through observation, Neo discovered the power homologous to the World Tree in this wormhole.

Unfortunately, this wormhole is very unstable, and the twisting power inside is too strong, even He, who has become a powerful divine power in the Saiggs universe, cannot enter.

According to Neo's speculation, perhaps the world tree of the Blue Star Universe was also twisted by that unknown force when it passed through this wormhole, and thus died.

This is also consistent with some of the law residues and energy residues we found inside the World Tree.

Fortunately, according to our observations, perhaps because of the heat death of the universe, the twisting force in this wormhole has been attenuated by about 97.43 compared to before the heat death of the universe, and... It will be in the future for a period of time. Inside, continue to decay.

According to Neo's and my calculations, eventually, it will be a stable channel.

At that time, even the most common cargo ships of the United Nations will be able to pass through safely.

Of course, it will be a long, long time, but before that, I think... now you should already have the ability to pass through it.

After all, Neo's and I's calculations were also ten million years ago.

As for what we will encounter after crossing it, we can't give an answer.

But the only certainty is that on the other side of the wormhole, there are also advanced intelligent life.

Advanced intelligent life?

Eve's heart skipped a beat.

That's right.

Professor nodded.

He looked at Eve and continued:

Your Majesty Eve, do you remember the words of the place of origin?

Eve moved in her heart, thinking of the records she saw in the place of origin.

The words there are words that He has never seen before, but with magical power, they can all be understood.

what do you mean……

His expression was slightly solemn.

That's right, just as you guessed, those words came from Neo's observation of the escaping energy in the wormhole, which is the proof of the existence of intelligent life, and... it must be the intelligent life that has come into contact with the power of the law level. .

Professor nodded and said.

Having said that, it smiled slightly:

Your Majesty Eve, this is Neo's gift to you.

Your name is Eve. In English, the word means eve, eve.

The night before, the starry sky was still dark, and the dawn has not yet come.

Early after Neo discovered this wormhole, he realized that detachment is actually just a starting point...

A place where a majestic existence like the World Tree can be born, and a place where even He who is already a god can feel amazing words, will definitely be a wider and more vast world.

Of course, there are bound to be more dangers.

But again, with more danger comes more opportunity.

Although there is still a long way to go before dawn, in fact, it is only one night.

After the night, the dawn will come, and it will be greeted by a brighter and more brilliant sun.

Your Majesty Eve, your future path... is only up to you.

Embarrassing, not finished yet.

I have to write another chapter tomorrow...

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