Game of the World Tree

Chapter 973 Truth and Final Chapter (2): Destruction and Creation

This power scares me... I have collected a lot of information and have not found a second person other than me in the UN records...

I'm timid. I didn't tell others about my power. I know that if this power is made public, I will definitely become the target of public criticism...

Humans desire to be strong, but they also fear the unknown...

However, maybe I can study this power secretly and find a way to fight the Thorin...


On April 24, 3122 AD, I finally determined that this power is the 'law'!

However... I prefer to call it 'the power of creation'!

Utilizing this power, with enough energy, I can create anything I understand!

This is really scary... This is the power that only gods have. I think... If there are gods in this world, then I have stepped into the realm of gods!


June 6, 3126 AD.

The Sorin Zerg's offensive is getting more and more fierce, and more and more, they are still evolving, and there are observation records that they have even evolved a special species with extraordinary power!

It's terrifying...isn't there really no power to contend with them?

According to the calculation of the central super-intelligence brain, at this rate, even with the research and promotion of our various new extraordinary technologies, at most three hundred years, we will not be able to maintain a balance with them...


On August 19, 3127 AD, the experiment failed again... After about 3,000 creation experiments before and after, I have determined that I cannot use this power perfectly in my state... Others are even more exposed to it. Probably not...

The level of human life is too low. Although I already have a powerful extraordinary power, it is not enough.

After the optical brain calculation, if I want to completely control this power, I must change my biological form and turn myself into a 'law'...

'Law' is a more rooted form of energy that can create all things. In other words... Only when I become an energy life can I completely control it!

Outrageous... As a materialist, now I've become rambunctious.

However, I don't think this is the only way. Maybe there is a way to create a body that can control the 'law'...

I'm going to speed up, there's not much time left for humans.


September 3, 3135 AD, it has been 120 years since I came to the research center. I finally determined that, relying on the current environment, I cannot do further research, because the existing scientific and technological conditions have exceeded the analysis. The scope of the 'law' power.

However, I found another way, and that is to parse it in a world that can parse the law!

This is an unexpected discovery! After my research, I found that in our universe, although the activated dark matter brings incredible extraordinary power, it also imprisons the inherent state of the law, making it difficult to Being exposed also made my research more difficult.

But! If you can open up a universe with less dark matter and dark energy, maybe you can make it more accessible and study it in that world!

It sounds crazy, but it's not impossible!

Although I don't have the power to open up the universe, after so many years of research, I have determined that there used to be many special spaces inside this dead world tree, and these spaces together can be called another universe!

Although most of the space has been corrupted and destroyed, I want to use our existing technology to select a well-preserved one, which may be able to revive and expand into a new universe!

I think... I can submit this crazy plan to the coalition government. Even if I don't mention my research and open up a magical universe, it may bring new hope to us humans!


May 5, 3140 AD, which is a special day, just today, the coalition government officially adopted my proposal five years ago, and named it 'The Creator Project'.

Because the central government hopes to use this universe to develop super creatures that can fight the Thorin swarm.

But my mood is very complicated, because the interstellar situation is getting more and more serious, and the expansion rate of the Thorin swarm is too fast. After the calculation of the central super-intelligence brain, no matter what method we use, I am afraid that we will not be able to defeat them... Failure probability It reached 99.99%...

But it's not 100% after all, is it?


On May 6, 3141 AD, the creator plan was officially launched. We will spend fifty years building a giant building in the center of the decaying world tree, connecting the most well-preserved space, and opening up the world.

This is the only hope. After intellectual calculation, although my proposal is risky, it is indeed feasible.

However, the Central Coalition Government has added another task to the plan, which is to allow us to study ways to close the door to the new universe while opening up the universe.

I know what the coalition government means. It's really a last resort. This will give us humans a way to retreat into the new universe...


September 3, 3150 AD, it has been 125 years since I came to the research center, and the Creator's plan is progressing very smoothly. Thanks to the water of life, my body is still young, let alone 200 years. I feel like I'll have no problem living another thousand years.

However, not everyone is as lucky as I am, and not only that...we may not be able to wait for the day when the new universe takes shape.

Because...we're running out of time.

According to the calculation of the central super-intelligence brain, the formation time of the new universe will be measured in hundreds of millions of years, and this long time is enough to despair...

Even if I can live for a thousand years, it doesn't make any sense.

The central coalition government has decided to turn on the supercomputing of the brain again, gathering 95% of the power of all supercomputers of all mankind to find a way out, just like nine years ago to calculate whether it is feasible to open up the universe.


On July 6, 3153 AD, after nearly three years of calculations, Zhinao finally gave the answer...

Although the Thorin swarm has occupied most of the galaxy, we still have the last chance, that is, the destruction of the world...

The plan given by Zhinao is to use the extraordinary power we have mastered over the years to trigger the heat death of the universe in advance, and destroy our universe together with the Thorin Zerg...

And we humans enter the sleeping cabin, hide in the star system where the World Tree is located, use extraordinary power to isolate from the main universe, wait for the new universe to take shape, and enter it to take refuge and survive...

Destroying the world requires a lot of energy, but... The brain has calculated a chain formula that can trigger a chain reaction. It only needs to use a small amount of active dark energy, that is, the extraordinary power we control, to destroy everything...

But even a small amount of energy, calculated... 99% of our extraordinary population will be sacrificed.

This is a cold and ruthless plan,'s the only hope, could this kind of plan, which almost involves all mankind and must be voted collectively, pass a referendum?


On March 14, 3155 AD, the referendum is over.

Now my mood is unprecedentedly complicated, because I didn't expect such a cruel plan to be passed unanimously...

I don't know if it is the supernatural power of the same source that makes our spiritual connection between people closer, and we can understand each other more, and I don't know if it is because this is the only feasible measure, in short...for human beings The continuation of different countries, different ethnic groups, all superhumans have made the same choice.

In the words of the chief executive, we have lived long enough for these years of extraordinary power. For the future of mankind, it is time to burn our own power.

Of course, including me.

My extraordinary strength is very strong, I think I can contribute more energy in the process...


On May 6, 3181 AD, the Central Coalition Government once again rejected my application to participate in the 'World Extermination' plan...

Outrageous! I have lived for so many years, am I still afraid of death? Why can't I even pass the professor's application?!


On August 1, 3182 AD, I saw the professor again, maybe because of the water of life, he looked a lot younger, these years... It is said that he has been teaching in the university of the home planet, and he has lived a good life. hapiness.

I was very happy. I asked the professor how he remembered to come to the research center. Does the government want him to come back and continue to conduct research, but the professor shook his head.

He patted me on the shoulder and said, I have already surpassed him now, not only won the highest Galaxy Science and Technology Award of the United Nations, but also the idol of all young researchers, and there is no one in the entire Blue Star United Nations who is more capable of creating the world than me. Great job.

I had an ominous premonition in my heart. Sure enough, the professor told me frankly that this time he was specially sent by the Central Coalition Government to persuade me not to participate in the 'World Extermination' plan.

He told me that under the instruction of the ruling committee, the central super-intelligence brain made a secret calculation and calculated that to complete the new universe, a guardian of the Creator's plan was needed to guard everything in the long years...

And the best candidate is me.

Everything has to start with the creation plan...

After submitting new research materials, the calculation of the super brain has also become more accurate. In the latest round of creation calculations, the brain believes that to create a world suitable for human survival, it may take several reincarnations. …”

In other words, the creation may need to be carried out more than once, and the time for humans to wait... may be longer.

At this time, even if the anti-entropy technology brought by extraordinary power can greatly enhance the lifespan of our various devices, it may not be enough... The equipment parts must be replaced regularly.

The central coalition government wants me to stay and fall into a deep sleep with the 1% Blue Star citizens who have not been injected with the water of life after the heat death of the universe, and wake up at a fixed time in the long years to maintain the operation of the entire creation system, Until a new world suitable for human beings is formed...

Of course, I'm the only one who wakes up regularly. Only I, who have extraordinary power, can withstand the side effects of waking up again and again.

Not only that, the Central Coalition Government also wants me to carry out another task at the same time, that is, in the process of creating the world, continue to explore ways to deal with the Sorin Zerg...

Although theoretically destroying the universe can destroy these evil bugs together, this is not insurance. No one knows whether there will be a lucky guy who will survive. Even if there is only one, it will cause irreversible consequences...

For this reason, the professor also handed me a Thorin worm egg for research purposes.

I was taken aback, but the professor told me that it was an inferior egg brought out of the Thorin protozoa brood by an extraordinary person from the United Nations, and it was safe.

The Thorin swarm is a swarm of bee creatures with a collective consciousness. They are uniformly controlled by a maternal consciousness. However, when new worms are born, it is inevitable that accidents will happen and bad eggs will be born.

Inferior eggs have no connection with the mother and cannot mature, but they possess all the genetic material of Thorin. As soon as such eggs appear, they are often swallowed by the female worms, so we have never succeeded in obtaining them, and at most we are only pioneers. seen in the records of the

Professor said, I hope I can use this bad egg to develop a method for Sorin.

Professor is sorry to tell me that in the distant future... I can only rely on myself to explore and research by myself in a long time...

At the end of the day, everyone has their own tasks and paths, and mine...will be the loneliest, longest, and most important one...

Finally...I agree.

The professor left contentedly. Before leaving, he waved to me with a smile. I think... this may be the last time I see him.


Haha... Since I plan to accept the mission, then... I have to think about it.

Creation and research...may be able to be combined, but, I may need a script...a script that spans several reincarnations...

Hey, when I was young, I wanted to be a film director, but unfortunately, after the college entrance examination, I accidentally chose the stupid biology major, but... Maybe I can fulfill my childhood dream next.

This time, it's my turn to direct and act a story behind the scenes...



January 1, 3200 AD, today is the 1000th anniversary of the Blue Star United Nations breaking through the solar system and heading towards the starry sky. At the same time... it is also the day when the 'Plan of Destruction' was officially launched.

We will sacrifice 99% of the extraordinary population, a total of 764,532,820,843 citizens, burn extraordinary power to detonate the heat death chain reaction, and Sorin The Zerg perished together in the last radiance of the starry sky...

At the same time, we will also take the remaining 1% of hope, a total of 7,262,310,000 ordinary human beings, enter the sleeping cabin, fall into a deep sleep and wait for the arrival of the new world...

The starry sky is vast, we humans are just dust and insects, but even if it is dust and insects, we will burn the most beautiful splendor.

We used to stand on the vast ground and look up at the stars,'s our turn to create our own starry sky.

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