Game of the World Tree

Chapter 948 Plane Development (2): Set sail

Thunder tribe? The lost elf tribe that has yet to be found?

The optimist raised his eyebrows.

Yes, it's them.

Xiao Xianmiao nodded.

The optimists moved in their hearts, and their eyes brightened:

Could it be...they have news?

He is very excited, because all the old players of Elf Kingdom know that if they can find the Thunder Tribe, one of the seven major tribes of the elves, it must be accompanied by a huge reward.

This was the case in Cyberspace at the beginning. The experience of leading the Frost Spirit back home made him jump from an unknown ordinary player to a legendary figure in the entire game.

Even now, whenever the elves mention him, they always carry him with reverence, which makes many players envious.

Not to mention, his experience has even been included in the official archives of Elf Nation and the chronicle of the elves in the game!

In other words, just taking the Frost clan home is enough to make Cyber's name in the game's history.

Several players in the pioneering group thought of this. They looked at each other and saw eagerness to try from each other's sights.

Everyone is an old player, even in the entire Even Kingdom, the strength is the top group. After so many years, they have already reached the peak of the golden rank.

For them, there is no longer the pressure to advance, and the equipment is almost ready. All they can do is to constantly improve their skills through battles and become famous in the game.

And these things are both the most difficult and the most interesting to do in Elf Nation.

However, although the interest of several people has been caught, they are still calm, because they still need to determine whether the news is true or not.

After all... Over the years, there have been many players who wanted to find the whereabouts of Thunderbolt, and there were also a lot of various news, but in the end, almost all of them proved to be false.

Xian Miaoju, is this true? Is the source reliable?

several people asked.

Facing the expectations of several players, Xiao Xianmiao smiled slightly:

Yes, not long ago, Sister Gugu obtained a mysterious void star map from an ancient document, which recorded the coordinates of a mysterious plane.

Those documents are recorded in Elvish language. According to Gugu's conjecture, it is very likely that they were left by the Thunder Tribe.

Not only that, after we reported it to the eldest sister, we also got the revelation from the goddess from her. This is exactly the destination of the Thunder tribe after they left Saiggs!

After listening to Xiao Xianmiao's words, several players immediately had no doubts, and they almost cheered.

Great! With the revelation from the eldest sister and the goddess, this must be the whereabouts of the real Thunder Tribe!

Chopin said excitedly.

However, Hulu has some doubts:

Wait... If it's true news, then why is there no world announcement? And no hidden mission trigger?

That's what makes us weird.

Cuckoo bird pushed his glasses and said:

We thought that after finding the eldest sister and determining the true and false coordinates, we could directly trigger the epic mission, but there is no following...

However, after the completion of the floating city, we triggered a task related to the floating city, which is [Set sail], and one of the optional destinations is the coordinate of the plane I found.

The optimists moved in their hearts:

So... do you plan to send a development team directly to investigate?


Xiao Xianmiao nodded.

Is it just us?

I am invincible asked.

No, you are the most outstanding development team in the guild, even if it is placed on the whole server, it is the top. I plan to let everyone lead the team and recruit some volunteers from the guild participating in the construction of the floating city, with a planned number of 30,000 people. , Among them, there are 25,000 people in the silver rank and 5,000 people in the gold rank.

Xiao Xianmiao said.

Good guy... so many people? This power can destroy a low-level plane, right?!

Hulu couldn't help but let out a burst of amazement.

In the endless void, there are almost no mythical planes whose energy level can be compared with the world of Saigus. There are very few legendary planes that can accommodate legends. Most of them support the gold rank at most, or the silver rank. The higher and lower planes of the order.

There are even planes that can only support the black iron rank.

In this plane, even gold players must seal their strength before they can enter, and black iron rookies can walk sideways.

That plane, if there are no errors in the literature, should be a demigod-level mythical plane with an energy level similar to Wendell's.

Cuckoo Bird pushed the black-rimmed glasses again.

The optimists and others were speechless.

Good guy... If it is this strength, it is normal to transport tens of thousands of players, maybe it is not enough.

But... what if so many people can't be used after the probe?

The gourd said again.

With the experience of cyber, if the population of the Thunder Tribe is large enough, and it is just a job to go home, maybe... it really doesn't need so many people.

Then just grab a few seats around, anyway, the star map shows that there are some small and medium-sized low-level planes around, pick a few with good resources to fight, and after the rest are developed, sell the qualifications to other guilds.

Xiao Xianmiao said indifferently.

The crowd was speechless again.

Maybe... this is the boss.

Ready to take the floating city for expedition, the Optimist Party and others went to prepare the supplies.

The plan for this expedition and the recruitment of volunteers were also in full swing.

As a unique miracle created by players in Even Kingdom, the floating city has attracted the attention of players all over the world since the beginning of its construction. When the expedition mission was announced, almost all the players in the entire server were boiling.

Even the major guilds that issued the mission reminded in advance that this mission may involve a long-term void voyage, which may not be as interesting as everyone imagined. Once you set off, you will not be able to return to the world tree such as the world of Seggs for quite some time. The plane world still cannot stop the enthusiasm of the players.

Everyone is always interested in the unknown.

In less than half a day, the registration quota was full.

This is not beyond the expectations of the organizers such as Xiao Xianmiao. After all... In the past seven years, the players in Elf Nation are no longer the original 300, but have approached 20 million.

The footprints of the Chosen One spread throughout the universe.

And a week after the news was released, the day to set sail officially arrived.

The chosen city, the area where the World Tree was once located.

After the disappearance of the World Tree, a super-giant square has been built around the huge gate of light that appeared after the fusion of the planes.

It is really a super-giant square, even larger than the sacred square in Mannia, oh no, it should be called the life square now.

On the square, there are a large number of players gathered, looking around, I am afraid there must be hundreds of thousands.

And farther away, in the streets of the city of heaven, and even in the forests, farmlands, and pastures outside the city, you can also see dense players.

There are Chinese players, and there are international players.

They all heard the news and came to witness the setting sail of the floating city with their own eyes.

Everyone knows that this voyage will officially mark the arrival of the era of Void Voyage and the rise of the second wave of plane development.

Above the floating city, the players participating in the battle are already in place.

They stood on the city wall on the edge of the city, looking at the magnificent city of heaven and the endless players below, their expressions were full of excitement.

In the air, there are thousands of flying beasts constantly flying around the floating city. Some are also players who come to watch, while others are the air legion that will follow the floating city.

It is worth mentioning that, in this large-scale dispatch, Li Mu is still the commander of the entire army.

Of course, only before reaching the destination.

After that, the command authority will be handed over to the Optimists and others with rich pioneering experience, who will direct the players to officially start the plane exploration.

The sun on the sky gradually shifted, and it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

Li Mu, who was sitting in the command cabin of Floating City, looked at the clock in the system, looked at Xiao Xianmiao, Optimist and others, and said:

It's almost time.

The charging is also ready, and the floating city can be activated.

On the other side, Cuckoo Bird, who was in charge of the operation system of the entire floating city, checked the power system and said.

Let's go then.

Xiao Xianmiao nodded.

The Optimists and the others also nodded slightly, their eyes full of impatient waiting.

Seeing everyone agree, Li Mu withdrew his gaze.

Attention everyone! Prepare to go!

The horn player is ready! Play the horn!

The order was issued, and the melodious and far-reaching horn sounded slowly.

It was the horn sound that the players recorded in the magic gramophone, and it was expanded to the whole city and the whole sky through the amplification magic of the floating city.


The powerful horn sounded like the whistle of a giant ship, resounding through the sky.

Countless flying dragons and demon beasts roared and returned to the floating city.

At this moment, in the operation room of the floating city, the technical players who operated the entire floating city also reported messages:

Magic energy charge check completed!

The power system inspection is complete!

Magic barrier activated!

Magic energy pushes the magic circle to start!

Shield charging ready!


One message after another entered the command room of the floating city through the magic sound transmission network. After listening to the reports from various control positions, the captain Cuckoo Bird nodded slightly:

very good!

Attention to all posts on Dingyuan! Set sail now!

Dingyuan is the name of this floating city.

With the order of the cuckoo bird, light blue magical light bloomed on the entire floating city, and a line of six-pointed star-shaped defensive shields unfolded around the floating city, which was beautiful.

After it was completely opened, the magic shield slowly disappeared, and it seemed that it never appeared.

Immediately afterwards, the lights of the entire city lit up instantly, and with a loud roaring noise, the huge floating city trembled slightly and began to move slowly.

Move! Move!

Looking at the scene in the sky, the players on the ground let out bursts of excited cheers.

The distant sound of the horn came again, and the blue magic radiance appeared below the floating city, and the fortress-like city suddenly accelerated.

She started from the east of the city of heaven, and began to move slowly towards the super-giant plaza in the west, aiming directly at the mysterious light gate above the plaza!

It is said that it is the door of light to the void world.

Only those who have been recognized by the Goddess can pass there.

And as a blessed floating fortress, Dingyuan has this qualification!

The floating city moved slowly, and even the huge shadow cast towards the city of heaven also constantly passed over the city.

The players on the ground followed the movement of the floating city and rushed towards the giant square, but... there seemed to be more people watching, and they couldn't squeeze any more.

And after about five minutes, the speed of the floating city also increased to a considerable level, she moved slowly, and finally reached the giant square where the mysterious light gate was erected.

The next moment, a strange scene appeared.

I saw that there had never been a response for many years, and the light gate suddenly burst into a dazzling brilliance, shrouding the floating city above.

Immediately afterwards, in the astonished sight of the players, the space suddenly distorted, and a strange halo burst out around the floating city, as if thousands of photons were constantly revolving around the air fortress.

Under the shroud of photons, the figure of Dingyuan gradually blurred. In the end, in a vague air explosion, the huge floating city turned into a light, escaped into the light gate below, and disappeared from the players' field of vision. .

Leaving only a faint circle of space ripples, radiating to the surrounding...

Above the ground, the cheers of the players also reached their peak.

They did not leave immediately, but turned on the system network, boarded the barrage video network, and entered the live broadcast room of Dingyuan.

The floating city left.

However, the journey has only just begun.

And in a small attic in the city of heaven, a handsome young shadow elf also slowly retracted his sight.

They left?

Behind him, another beautiful female shadow elf asked.

Well, let's go.

The young man nodded.

Would it be a little regretful not to be able to take risks with them again?

The female elf hesitated and asked.

Regret or something... there is always something.

The young elf sighed.

He took out a magic projection photo in a photo frame, his eyes sighed.

In that photo, there is him, there are optimists, there is Chopin, and there are all the people who used to be the glory team.

After listening to the young elf's words, the female elf's eyes were a little complicated, but the next moment, the cold-faced young elf smiled slightly, showing a warm smile:

However, rather than regret, I prefer my current life, and there are more important things to protect...

Saying that, he stretched out his hand, took the female elf's hand, and placed it on the other's belly.

The action is very gentle.

The two looked at each other with tenderness in their eyes.

Let's go, it's getting late.

The young elf lightly pecked his wife's forehead, looked at the time, and said softly.

Then, he turned his head, looked out the window again, and muttered:

Everyone, I wish you all the best.

After he finished speaking, he took his wife's hand and left the attic.

However, just as the young elf and his wife were about to leave, the players watching the floating city set sail recognized him.

Their eyes lit up instantly:

Fuck! It's the legendary box lunch boss!

Big guy! I'm an old friend of yours! Ask for a purple epic quest!

Boss! Can you teach me some skills?!

Young Elf:  …

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