Game of the World Tree

Chapter 945 The Spring of the Working Devil God (2)

The first layer of hell, the eye of the abyss.

This frontier fortress, built by Eve himself and specially suppressed by the Black Dragon King Merrell, has changed a lot compared to when it was just established more than ten years ago.

The former fortress has been expanded three times, with three floors inside and three floors outside. It looks like a black magic palace.

Inside the fortress was the gate of hell, the teleportation point leading to the world of Saigus, and outside the fortress, a large-scale main city was built.

It was a city that players built spontaneously. It officially passed the official certification seven years ago and became one of the official main cities. The important stronghold of players on the first layer of hell is called Mordor.

It's full of bad fun.

After becoming the main city, it has also become a place where more and more players like to brush pictures.

Without him, the first layer of hell has been officially merged with the world tree and has become part of the root world, and there will be no wild monsters such as the abyss myth.

Even if it is a big wave of SS of the legendary level, the distribution points are often accompanied by system warnings, which is quite safe for players.

In addition, there are a lot of abyss mother nests here, and low-level demons can be said to be inexhaustible, and they can be used to brush up to the end of the world...

Of course, the most important thing is that there is a maze of demons here.

After the update of the new expansion pack, the labyrinth of the devil has completely moved to the first layer of hell, and with the passage of time and the increase of players, the area is getting bigger and bigger.

As the only map that can stably generate transfer quotas, it is naturally sought after by countless players.

In addition, the entrance to the Demon God's Labyrinth is also located in the city of Mordor. This city located in the abyss and with ridiculously high prices can develop, and it has a very important relationship with this.

At this moment, at the entrance of the maze, a senior old player is teaching a few newcomers to his team:

Everyone, after entering the maze for a while, don't run around. The demons in the maze are different from those outside. They are very thieves, and they are very organized. They can not only guerrilla, but also fish. They are as difficult as us. player.

After listening to his words, the rookie player looked surprised:

Do demons also have tactics? Didn't they just swarm and squeak forward when fighting?

Ham... that's all old Huang Li. The stupid ones are the demons outside the maze. It's different in the maze. There, the stupid ones have already become experience points, and most of the ones left are smart.

The old player sighed.

By the way, bring more delicious food. Don't just bring dry food, you can also bring some high-end wine, elf flower tea, fruits, pastries, delicious meat sauce and skewers.

He added.

Some newcomers are directly happy:

Pfft... ah, are we going to farm monsters or have a picnic?

Slay monsters! But bringing these things with you can save your life at a critical moment! Remember, the more delicious the things you bring, the easier it is to get out of danger!

The old player stared.

But...why can you save your life with food? Is it possible that you can honor the demons and let them spare our lives?

Asked by a player who was apparently taking part in the adventure of the Demon God's Labyrinth for the first time.

The experienced players in the team fell silent.

Seeing the reaction of the old people, the newcomer was stunned and looked strange:

No... it can't be true, right? If you give it food, let it go? Are the demons in the Demon God Labyrinth so contractual?

The old player sighed:

Just treat it as a long-term battle, some kind of tacit understanding between our players and them.

Then... what if I don't have the money to buy delicious food? All of my poor contribution points have been smashed into the equipment, and so are the gold pounds. All of them are converted into contribution points. On weekdays, I almost eat dirt...

Then buy some melons, which are cost-effective. If you encounter a demon who can't be beaten, you can throw it away. If you throw it, run away, and the demon will probably not chase after it. Oh, by the way, they are sold at the entrance of the labyrinth, and two are only one silver coin.

Good guy, melons are okay... No! It's not cheap to sell two melons for one silver coin, right?! This price can buy a basket in the Forest of Spirits!

Where do you think this is? The mineral water on the top of Mount Tai is ten yuan, and the price of braised pork on the Blue Star train is several times higher! This is the first layer of hell, not the forest of elves!

It makes sense, but I'm speechless... Hey, no! There are storage equipment and teleportation arrays in the game. It doesn't seem to cost much to transport things! It's not a mountain worker!

You didn't spend money when you came from the teleportation array?

Uh... no.

Fuck... I forgot that you are from the Mengmeng Committee. The guild package transmission fee... Damn, it's not cheap to boast about the plane transmission fee.

Hey... So, then, wouldn't I be able to pick up the guild's wool in the future? Going back and forth to help people move around and transport things to earn extra money?

Thinking beautifully, your Mengmeng Committee's daily free delivery also includes the number of times.

The players chatted while walking, and the topic also changed from discussing the strategy of the Demon God's Labyrinth, and gradually did not know which star system it went to.

However, although the new players are frantically complaining, one by one, they have honestly prepared various foods according to the suggestions of the old players.

At first glance, I thought it was not to brush monsters, but to go out on an outing.

After preparing everything, the group passed through the door of the labyrinth in Mordor City and entered the labyrinth of the largest and most popular dungeon, the Demon God's Labyrinth in Elf Kingdom.

Entering the maze, the old players lead the team while continuing to give newcomers the knowledge of the maze.

Hmm... The strength of the first-layer demons is relatively low. With his silver-ranked strength, it is enough to sweep, so there is no need to worry too much about safety.

The newcomers also raised their ears and listened carefully to the introduction of the old players.

Like the Devil's Labyrinth in the earlier version, the Devil's Labyrinth in the new expansion is still randomly teleported, and only players from the same team will be teleported together.

The labyrinth is very large, very large, and there is not only one layer, but a full ten layers, layer by layer deep into the ground.

It is said that the scale of the entire maze is still expanding. As the number of players increases and the game is updated again and again, the area of ​​each maze will increase, and each expansion of the area means that there is at least one more wave of SS in the maze. .

As before, the wave SS palace of the labyrinth is summoned and opened by a randomly dropped key. There is no need to kill the wave SS requirement of the previous layer of labyrinth if you want to enter the next layer of the labyrinth.

However, if you want to get a higher-level transfer quota, you have to go deeper into the maze, because the deeper you go, the stronger the power of Bo SS.

At the same time, the deeper you go, the lower the probability of encountering a wave of SS keys, the stronger the ordinary demons and abyss creatures, and sometimes even a small abyss nest.

The first floor of the labyrinth is the easiest place to encounter keys. However, Bo SS drops only the silver low-rank transfer places, and the probability is still very low. This floor is suitable for low-level monster spawning.

As it goes deeper, although the wave SS is not easy to encounter, the probability of dropping various good things will also increase.

Especially the job transfer quota! If you transfer for the first time, the third floor has the highest probability. At the same time, starting from the fourth floor, there will also be a silver mid-rank transfer quota, but correspondingly, the silver lower-rank transfer quota will drop. The odds are starting to decrease.

And at the sixth floor, the chance of the transfer of the middle position of silver will reach the maximum. Starting from the seventh floor, there will be a transfer position of the upper position of silver, and the median probability will decrease, and so on.

This time, our goal is the fourth tier. Although the drop probability of a lower-rank transfer of silver is not as high as that of the third tier, there is a chance to transfer to a middle-ranked silver. In general, the cost performance is higher...

If you're lucky, your silver median transfer can be resolved by the way...

The old players who led the team happily told the newcomers what they knew.

Fourth floor? We are all black iron... Can we beat it?

A newcomer asked worriedly.

After listening to his words, the old players in the team looked at each other and smiled:

Hey, don't be afraid, we are all high-ranking silver, as long as you don't step on the trap, you can easily sweep!


Yes, if you see a treasure chest or something, don't open it rashly, it may be a devil's trap!


A group of people walked in the spooky underground labyrinth, while walking, exploring, and chatting while looking for the entrance to the next layer of the labyrinth.

The boss, do you know what the wave SS on the fourth floor is? When I checked the information on the Devil's Labyrinth on the official website, why didn't the listed wave SS show the level of the labyrinth?

Another new player asked curiously.

The old player laughed and said:

It's right not to show it, that's because any wave of SS may appear in the labyrinth of different layers, but when they appear in the deep layers, they are stronger.

Are there any rules?

Can't say no, but it's useless. According to observation, a wave of SS stays on the top floor for a long time, and will run to the lower floor, but it is not absolute, the fallen angel Lulia and the Queen of Pain Alyssa are the first The first floor nail households can be encountered almost every time, and I almost vomited at the beginning.

Another old player complained.

Then... who is the strongest in the wave of SS?

someone asked curiously.

The old player who led the team thought about it and said:

Not necessarily, but... There are very few chances to meet Azazel, the Lord of the Labyrinth, in the labyrinths of different layers. The same layer is invincible, very difficult to beat, and the probability of passing is extremely low, but once passed, There will be huge rewards in your account!

Of course, with our strength, if we meet him on the fourth floor, just lie down, we won't be able to win.

After listening to his words, the newcomers widened their eyes:

Is Azazel so strong? Didn't you say that Samael was also in the labyrinth?

Damn, then I don't know, anyway, in the official setting, Azazel, the lord of the labyrinth, is the strongest, and Samuel only gives him shoes, but

...We haven't come to farm monsters for a long time, I don't know if there is any change now.

The old player shook his head.

The group chatted and walked, and soon found the entrance to the lower floor.

There are more than one entrances between different labyrinth levels, and it is not difficult to find them, but they are usually guarded by monsters.

Of course, for them, these low-level monsters are not a threat, and they can easily pass.

After entering the fourth floor of the maze, the old players gradually quieted down and began to explore the maze with full concentration.

Without him, from here on, the demon's combat effectiveness has increased significantly.

The group was lucky. Not long after entering the fourth floor of the labyrinth, they took down a small demon gathering point and exploded a colorful wave of SS palace keys.

For the first time, they met Hagnet the Devourer, a demigod-level abyss myth.

Of course, strength is suppressed.

The recommended level of the fourth floor is from the upper black iron to the lower silver.

There were several high-ranking silver players, and the group battle went smoothly. In less than ten minutes, the abyss myth was transformed into a sculpture with a feeble wailing, and a lot of rewards burst out, including a silver mid-rank transfer. Positions!

It's a good start!

The first battle went well, and the newcomers were also excited.

Under the leadership of the old players, they continued to go deeper, and within half an hour, they found a wave of SS keys again.

This time, it was the one-horned Duke Andrea.

The second wave of SS was slightly more difficult to fight than the first, but the group still passed without injury, and it only took thirteen minutes.

This time, luck was also good, and a transfer quota for the lower ranks of silver was dropped.

Players are even more excited.

Hurry up! I feel like I can get both keys together today!

Some new players are eager to try, and their faces are excited.

Hahaha, you are lucky, the probability of triggering the wave of SS keys is much more than we did back then.

The old player laughed.

The team turned a corner, a dazzling light caught their eyes, and saw a colorful box appear in the corner of the maze.

Treasure box! It's a treasure box!

Meng new players shine.

Don't go there! Forgot what I said before?!

The old player who led the team shouted and drank the player who was going to go forward.

The labyrinth newbies who were about to move stopped and looked at the old player, only to see his eyes solemn:

In the labyrinth below the tenth floor, it is impossible for a colorful treasure chest to appear! It must be a trap! Once opened, it will definitely attract a wave of demons!

After listening to his words, the expressions of Mengxin changed slightly, and they all showed a trace of fear.

And at this moment, suddenly, a surprised voice came from behind the team:

Huh? Are there dragon eggs in the Devil's Labyrinth?!

Dragon eggs?

The old player who led the team was slightly taken aback.

He turned his head and saw that the last player was squatting in the corner, excitedly looking at an egg the size of a wooden barrel.

The obvious pattern on the egg is not the dragon pattern that has been sunburned on the Internet, but what is it?

This... turned out to be really a dragon egg!

The old player's eyes widened.

and many more……

Did you just have this egg?

As if realizing something, he suddenly jumped in his heart.

The next moment, his expression changed, and he hurriedly drank:

Don't touch!

However, it was too late.

The player in front of the dragon egg has already picked it up.

In the next second, the dragon egg burst and turned into a cloud of red smoke, covering the entire group.

Everyone only felt that their strength began to dissipate quickly.

Not good! It's poison!

The old player's expression changed greatly.

Then, before they could do anything, a dense number of big and small demons jumped out from the depths of the labyrinth and surrounded them.

After a while... the team was overwhelmed by the demonic torrent.

At the same time, the deepest part of the Demon God Labyrinth.

Azazel looked at the phantom image in the crystal ball, and swayed his big black legs leisurely, and there was a young and beautiful succubus behind him pinching his shoulders and beating his back.

Hmph, how dare the old man bring newcomers to the picture, and the food he brings is nothing new. A group of guys who are not sincere and want to be lazy... This is the end of cheating!

He sneered and took a bite of the melon in his hand.

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