Game of the World Tree

Chapter 942 Teresa's Dream (seven)

The galloping train passes through the wheat fields and over the forest.

Teresa slumped against the window, staring intently at the galloping scenery.

She saw endless green wheat fields, tall oak guards assisting farmers in watering and fertilizing.

She saw that in the big river like a silver ribbon, wizards and elves were controlling giants with puppets and were building a lofty dam.

She saw the hot air balloon moving slowly in the air, the children were laughing and chasing on the ground, and in the cabin of the hot air balloon, the Elf Chosen waving to the children on the ground could be seen faintly...

She had seen so many scenes that she had never seen or even imagined ten years ago.

The train traveled for six hours.

Halfway through, Teresa ordered a lunch in the car, which was not too expensive, only two silver coins.

The taste is not bad. She specially chose the elf fruit set, and especially liked the elf flower tea in it, but the wind told her that the authentic flower tea and elf food in the forest of the elf were much more delicious than those in the car.

This made Teresa's heart tickle, and she had the urge to venture into the Forest of Spirits.

But she knew that although the place was already open to races other than elves, the premise of entering was that one must be a believer of life.

Inexplicably, she felt a little regretful.

Around 3:00 in the afternoon, the magic train entered the city of Mannia.

After entering the city of Mania, the train began to slow down slowly, and the music played by the magic gramophone suddenly changed, becoming softer. At the same time, a beautiful female voice began to introduce various customs and customs of the city of Mania. Passengers are welcome. arrival.

Teresa watched all of this in amazement, then looked out the window again.

The first thing that caught Teresa's eyes was the familiar outer city wall, but the eagle flag that belonged to the empire above the city wall was no longer, replaced by the bicolor flag of the Republic.

The buildings in the city are much cleaner and tidy than what Teresa remembered. Many of them look brand new and should have been renovated.

Looking down from the viaduct of the train, you can see the streets where people come and go, horses and carriages come and go, the stream is endless, and you can also see some tracked magic coaches similar to magic trains.

The city is very lively, filled with a kind of vigor and vitality, even on the train, Teresa can feel it.

Suddenly, a towering castle came into view of Teresa, she moved in her heart, looked over, and then her eyes were a little complicated.

It was Doloria Castle Prison.

However, unlike the prison in Teresa's memory, the prison that passed by was full of decorative bunting, and it seemed that civilians could still be seen on the watchtower.

At that moment, Teresa realized that this castle prison, like Allsburg, has become a scenic spot.

After entering Mania, the train traveled slowly for nearly ten minutes before finally stopping.

To Teresa's surprise, the station is located in the former Holy Square, but it is not surprising, because this is the center of the whole city of Mania.

The former aristocratic parliament building, the eternal sanctuary, and the imperial palace are all located here.

Mannia City is here, let's get off.

The wind said with a smile.

After listening to her words, Teresa hesitated.

When the train really stopped and her hometown was in front of her eyes, the girl's heart began to retreat.

But it is not a complete retreat, but a variety of complex emotions intertwined.

Nervous and apprehensive, yet expectant and novel.

Standing here, she can't help but think of that horrible day ten years ago.

She will think of the anger of the people, she will think of the moment when the people mentioned her name, the angry expression...

She is afraid.

She was afraid of being recognized.

She didn't know what would happen to her after she was recognized...

At the same time, she was curious.

She wondered what Mania had become now.

Don't be afraid, no one knows you, even if there is, it doesn't matter, everything has passed.

The wind and the gentle voice came, and Teresa felt a soft hand on her head and rubbed it lightly.

At that moment, she seemed to feel a warm force pouring into her body, and the tension and anxiety in her heart slowly dissipated.

It seems to be a calming spirit magic.

Don't be in a daze, let's go.

said the wind.

Thank you...Ms. Feng.

Teresa glanced gratefully at the fellow elf priest, then took a deep breath, suppressed the worries and fears in her heart, and followed the footsteps of the wind to get off the train.

Leaving the majestic Mage Station, Teresa came to the square.

The square seems to be the same square, but it seems to be more lively than ten years ago.

Because here, there are more civilians and tourists that were hard to come by in the past.

The inner city of Mania has been completely opened to people.

Looking at this familiar and unfamiliar square, Teresa's eyes were a little dazed.

At this moment, she finally realized the feeling that something is wrong.

Looking at the statues on the square, the former Eternal Lord sculpture has disappeared, replaced by the beautiful and holy goddess statue, and this sacred square has also been renamed the Life Square.

The Eternal Sanctuary on the right side of the square also hung the flag of the Church of Life and was transformed into the Temple of Life, while the former imperial center on the left, the Grey Castle, the aristocratic parliament building, erected a two-color flag of the Republic.

Teresa's eyesight was good, and she quickly saw the name House of Representatives carved in front of the newly erected revolutionary sculpture in front of Greycastle.

Nothing seems to have changed, but everything seems to have changed again.

The railroad train slowly passed in front of her eyes, and the girl withdrew her gaze and looked forward again.

At this moment, her eyes became a little complicated.

In front of her is the former palace of the Mania Empire.

And that is where she has lived for nearly fourteen years, and is her true home.

The palace, which was submerged in fire ten years ago, seems to have also been renovated, and it is the same as the palace in the memory of the girl.

However, the flying imperial flag was gone.

To some surprises, the guards in full armor could still be seen in front of the gate of the palace. The armor on their bodies seemed to be more gorgeous than Teresa's memory, but from their bodies, the girl could not perceive any extraordinary power.

That seems to be ordinary people.

At the gate of the palace, there are also people of all shapes and sizes. Most of them are plainly dressed and are undoubtedly civilians.

They went in and out, lined up, looking at everything with curiosity and excitement.

A guide with a small flag and a magic loudspeaker walked in front of the team, and was introducing something enthusiastically. Although it was too far away to hear clearly, it seemed to be popularizing the history of the palace.

At this moment, Teresa knew that her former home had become a tourist attraction...

Want to go in and see?

Noticing the girl's gaze, Feng asked with a smile.

Teresa hesitated, then nodded slightly.

Gathering up her courage, the girl walked towards the palace.

And as she got closer to the crowd, her mood became more and more uneasy.

However, what she feared did not happen.

People are doing their own thing, no one notices her, and no one cares about her. At most, when they see the wind beside her, they will stand up straight and salute respectfully.

However, even in the face of the wind, the people here are not as surprised as the people in Ors City. Obviously, they should see the Elf Chosen often on weekdays, and they are probably used to it.

Thinking about it, Mania City is the largest city in the human world after all, and naturally more Elf Chosen Ones have gathered.

Teresa was thinking about it, and came to the gate of the palace with trepidation.

She took a deep breath and was about to step in, but was stopped by the guard.

Teresa's heart tightened, and she subconsciously wanted to escape, but was slightly taken aback by what the other party said next:

This beautiful lady, please wait a moment, you haven't handed in your ticket yet.


Teresa was confused.

The guard smiled, looked Teresa up and down, and then explained respectfully:

Beautiful Mage, if you want to enter the Imperial Palace Museum, you must buy a ticket. Twenty silver coins per person, and children can get half price. Well, buy it over there.

The guard pointed to the ticket office.

Teresa:  …

So... I want to go back to my former home now, do I also need to pay? !

She widened her eyes.

However, just when the girl with a wonderful expression was in a messy mood, two tickets were handed over:

Me and her, both.

is the wind.

Seeing the appearance of the wind, the guards were instantly full of smiles, and their faces were respectful and flattering:

It's the elf priest! The elf priest, you don't have to pay the ticket, all the priests can visit the palace for free!

It's okay, I bought it anyway.

The wind smiled.

After taking the ticket, the guard quickly gave way and asked enthusiastically:

Master Priest, do you need a guide? I can find the best guide for you! The former court nobles are very familiar with the palace, and they will definitely bring you a great tour experience!

Royal nobles!

Theresa trembled in her heart, a little nervous.

She was afraid of being recognized.

No, no need.

Feng shook his head and smiled:

We already have the best guides.

Seeing Feng rejecting the other party, Teresa breathed a sigh of relief.

Well, since you don't need it, I wish you a good time!

The guard laughed.


After ten years of absence, Teresa entered the palace again.

The tall palace and palace walls seem to be the same as they were ten years ago, but the heavy guard is gone, replaced by tourists coming and going, and gardeners trimming the garden.

Looking at everything that was familiar and unfamiliar, the scene of the bloody battle that day ten years ago flashed before her eyes from time to time. The girl stroked the gray-white boulder of the palace with complicated eyes.

She sighed and moved on, and before she knew it, she came to the palace that once belonged to her.

Not far away, a middle-aged guide who looks like a rundown nobleman in tattered clothes but can be vaguely discerned from a good material is holding a magic megaphone and enthusiastically introducing something to the curious tourists.

Teresa looked over and felt that the other party was a little familiar.

The middle-aged man had a frosty face, white temples, and tanned skin.

He was full of laughter and croaked, making the tourists laugh from time to time.

After all, Teresa couldn't hold back, she leaned over curiously, and finally recognized the identity of the other party.

This guide turned out to be a former court viscount, as if his name was... Felix.

At the same time, she finally heard what the other party was saying.

He was actually talking about the palace secrets in the past!

In the middle, it even involves Maria II, as well as Teresa's father and mother.

This guide seems to be quite familiar with the old court, the names of various nobles are at hand, and many things are said in a clear and vivid way.

For example, the cheating history of Maria II and Bishop Winster, the underground romance between Teresa's mother and the guard... and so on, all kinds of secret stories, which are nasty, exciting and explosive.

The surrounding tourists listened with great interest and kept applauding.

But Teresa was shaking with anger.

Without him, because the other party is completely bullshitting!

Those so-called secrets are completely false, they are lies!

Teresa was disgusted and furious as she listened to the disgusting mouth of the smirking guide spewing a completely non-existent sexual history related to her parents.

In the end, the anger overwhelmed the nervousness, she stepped forward, tremblingly reprimanded:

Shut up! These are all lies! They are all lies!

As soon as Teresa interrupted, everyone immediately focused their attention on her, and some tourists said unhappily:

How do you know it's fake?

That's right, there's a lot of ugliness in the nobles...

Teresa was stunned and even more angry in her heart. She glared at the stunned middle-aged guide and scolded:

Felix, you hypocritical bastard! Stop slandering my...the former imperial family!

The middle-aged guide was stunned for a while. He stared at Teresa in a daze, looked at it for a moment, and suddenly trembled with excitement:

Your Majesty? You... Are you Your Majesty Teresa?!

His Majesty?

The tourists around were stunned.

Their eyes wandered between Teresa and the middle-aged noble, their expressions stunned.

Your Majesty! Your Majesty! You are still alive! You are still alive!

Felix crossed the crowd, knelt in front of Teresa with a plop, and said with snot and tears.

Seeing his appearance, the tourists instantly became agitated, and their eyes focused on Teresa.

Your Majesty Theresa?

Is he crazy?

No no... I heard people say that he used to be a small noble in the court...

Hey... is she really the little queen? Teresa II?

But isn't the little queen already dead?

God knows...Isn't there a rumor that the little queen actually escaped by suspended animation?

Hey...Looking at it this way, she does look like the portrait in the palace!


Being watched by the scrutinizing eyes, and listening to the comments from the tourists, Teresa's heart tightened, and she instantly became nervous.

been recognized...

been recognized!

In an instant, various images flashed in the girl's mind, and she seemed to return to that night of fear again.

She seemed to see angry people besieging the palace, she seemed to see angry people shouting her name...

She seemed to see that the angry faces gradually overlapped with the tourists in front of her.

He seemed to see...a tourist who recognized his identity and pushed her to the execution ground again.

Unspeakable fear hit her heart, Teresa couldn't control her body and couldn't help but turn around and run away.

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