Game of the World Tree

Chapter 934 Sunrise and Dawn (Twelve): Goodbye

When Tony woke up again, he found that he was no longer in the ice tower.

What catches the eye is the elegantly decorated ceiling, and the gorgeous chandeliers flicker with the dazzling light, which is beautiful.

This is a bedroom of about 20 square meters, with stone walls, like a medieval castle, but more gorgeous than the dark castle in the story.

Tony was lying on a large soft bed, his eyes blurred.

Suddenly, as if he remembered something, he hurriedly looked at his avatar, but found that the big number under the avatar was still 41.

That is the first level of the lower ranks of silver.

Tony was stunned for a moment, he clearly remembered that he had cast [Blood Rage], and he would definitely die.

He didn't have enough resurrection coins. Logically speaking, he should be relegated after waking up.

But his current rank is still silver, and even the avatar frame is silver that symbolizes silver.'re not dead?

Tony looked surprised.

At this moment, the bedroom door was gently pushed open, and a male elf in silver armor walked in.

He saw Tony sitting up from the bed, his eyes were slightly stunned, and then he showed a bright smile and said hello:

Yo! Are you awake? How are you sleeping?

You are……

Tony asked suspiciously.

Cut, after being a teammate for so many days, you haven't seen my personal image?

The male elf raised his eyebrows.

Then, he smiled slightly and stretched out his hand:

Hello, Mr. Tony, I'm Ye Ye.


Tony froze for a moment, then his eyes brightened.

At this time, a loud dragon roar came from outside the window. He subconsciously looked in the direction of the window, only to see a huge black shadow flashing across the hazy night sky, revealing the twinkling galaxy under the vast night sky.

Under the Milky Way, the brightly lit city continues to extend into the distance, and the whole world becomes a little small under the bird's eye view.

At this moment, Tony realized that the place where he was was probably very high.

here is……

He looked out the window, his eyes confused.

This is the eastern part of the continent and your destination.

Yaye said.

After speaking, he smiled again and extended his hand to Tony:

Friend, welcome to... Dawn Fortress.


The bright starry sky flickered in the sky, which was something Tony had never seen these days.

This magnificent galaxy can only be seen in the areas where the pollution has been purified.

On the observation deck of the Dawn Fortress, Tony, who was dressed again, looked at the beautiful starry sky and listened to Ye Ye's story, and finally knew what happened after he fell into a coma...

Hey, Mr. Tony, I didn't expect you to be so talented in fighting. With the [Blood Rage] and [Storm Slash] after being promoted to Silver, you could kill a senior Shadow Eater!

Fortunately, we arrived in time, otherwise... the side effects of blood rage will occur, and you will have to be relegated directly.

The transfer quotas are all one-time. It is estimated that you don't have enough resurrection coins. If you really want to be relegated, you will have to get the transfer opportunity from scratch.

However, thanks to you guys, the energy gathering core has been sent to the altar by us, and we can start to arrange to restart the teleportation circle early tomorrow morning!

By the way, in order to thank you for your help, in addition to the last 500,000 contribution points rewarded by the task, our president Miao Da said that we will give you an additional 300,000 contribution points!

Celestial player Ye Ye patted Tony's shoulder enthusiastically.

However, standing on the observation deck of the fortress, Tony didn't look so excited.

Following Tony's gaze, Ye Ye's gaze fell on the distant city night scene.

He smiled and said proudly:

How is it? Spectacular, right?

This City of Dawn was established by our Mengmeng Committee. Although it is much darker than Shantum and its scale is not large, it is definitely a big city in the world of Dawn.

Mr. Tony, how is it? Are you interested in joining our guild? Our president appreciates you who completed the mission perfectly this time, and is willing to directly invite you to join as a core member.

Hey, don't look at our guild, although it is a Celestial Guild, there are quite a few international players.

After listening to Ye Ye's words, Tony forced a smile.

He sighed and said:

Perfect? ​​No... I promised to bring my friends out with me, but in the end... I was the only one, so what kind of perfection is this?


Ye Ye was stunned.

Then, as if he had remembered something, he had a weird expression:

You mean those NPC believers who came with you? No, they are here too...

No... not dead?

Tony was stunned.

Yeah, but I almost died. Fortunately, we arrived in time, hey... Lady Goddess's healing magic is not a blow.

However, their faith has not yet reached the level of opening the quest system, and they have not officially registered with the church. Therefore, after coming to the City of Dawn, they can't enter the required...

Hey! Where are you going?!

Seeing Tony who suddenly lit up and then turned around and ran outside the fortress, Ye Ye couldn't help shouting.


not dead!

Did you all die? !

Tony cheered in his heart as he ran.

After so many days of getting along with each other, it has been difficult for him to regard the group as an NPC who completes the task.

The gentle and wise Athos, the honest and simple Bors, the carefree Ramis, and the kind and careful Mirel...

In Tony's heart, they have already become his friends!

He doesn't care about the reward, he can work hard to improve his strength slowly, but these NPC friends are different. If they sacrifice, they really sacrifice...

Tony flew out of the fortress with an excited expression, which attracted curious and puzzled glances from passing players.

However, he didn't care.

He ran to the street, watching the bustling night market, watching the flow of people coming and going...

At this time, Tony gradually calmed down.

and many more……

He didn't seem to have time to ask Ye Ye where his companions went.

Looking at the bustling and blurred street market, Tony stopped.

Until a familiar voice came from behind:

The esteemed Lord Chosen, what are you looking for?

Hearing the old and gentle voice, Tony trembled slightly.

He slowly turned around and saw the old mage Athos, hunched over his back, wearing his worn mage hat crookedly, holding a staff, smoking a long pipe, and looking at him with a smile.

The two looked at each other, and after a while, laughed at the same time.


In the noisy tavern, the playing of the bard and the wine tasting of the drinkers are intertwined. As a tavern in the main city established by the player, it is always lively 24 hours a day.

In front of the tavern window, in front of a wooden table, Tony and Athos sat face to face, and beside them, there were still Poles, Ramis, and Miler who had recovered from their injuries. think we're all bad guys in the end? No, no, no... We haven't opened a tavern yet, so how could we leave the venue so easily?

Poles laughed.

Ramis, on the other hand, took a gulp of ale, his expression intoxicated:


So...Mr. Tony, as I said, everyone is living well.

On the other side, Ye Ye drank a sip of the elf flower tea and said with a smile:

Our Mengmeng Committee will take action, but it will not always be late.

Beside him, an elf girl is heading towards the embarrassed mage Mirael, Amway's delicious mousse cake.

That was another Celestial player, Nana.

Looking at the high-spirited people, Tony's smile became brighter.

However, when he saw Athos, who was smiling while drinking, but with a touch of sentimentality in his eyes, the smile gradually faded:

I'm fine, I just think of Adrian...

Athos shook his head slightly.

Saying that, he sighed slightly:

Lord Tony, do you know? At the end of the ice tower battle, I thought the monster would devour me, but in the end it let me go.

Saying that, his eyes were a little complicated:

It's Adrian...

I know that his memory is affecting the monster, the monster devoured him, and he became a part of the monster...

I'm not a qualified father. Until the end, I was also protected by my son, but I couldn't do anything for him...

Having said that, Athos's expression became more and more sad.

Tony was at a loss for words, not knowing how to comfort the other party.

Seeing his somewhat cramped look, the old mage smiled again and drank the ale in one gulp:

Don't worry, I've already seen it, but it's just a little sad.

The deceased is gone, we have to look forward after all. I think Adrian, and I don't want to see my father depressed.

Lord Tony, I also want to thank you, it was you who gave him relief...

No, Athos, sorry...I can't save your son.

Tony said sadly.

Athos laughed:

Haha, no, Lord Tony, you are doing the right thing. From the moment you are swallowed by the monster, he is not him.

You helped him escape, and you also helped him avenge...

Drink and drink! Today, to celebrate the completion of the mission, we must have a good drink!

With that he raised his glass again.

Seeing his relieved look, Tony also picked up the ale.

Take a sip, it is clear, but there is a hint of sweetness.

At the same time, there is some spicy staying power.

The group drank one cup after another.

until everyone got drunk.

Ye Ye, who was burping, looked at the time, glanced around the seat, and suddenly smiled:

Everyone, as the first time you come to the City of Dawn, would you like to see the most beautiful scenery here?

The most beautiful view?

Everyone was stunned.

Come with me……

Ye Ye stood up and walked outside the pub.

Everyone looked at each other drunkenly, and got up and followed him out.


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