Game of the World Tree

Chapter 929 Sunrise and Dawn (VII): Barrier

The continental data of Dawn World is still relatively rich.

Although the players have only been on this map for less than two years, but they are adventurous by nature and have long since penetrated into various regions of the continent...

It may not be possible to form a detailed continental map yet, but it is more than enough to draw a rough outline and have a preliminary understanding of each area.

The same is true for the Ice Castle of the Imperial Academy of Magic.

The information on the Western Continent compiled by the players is not detailed about the Ice Castle.

However, it can be seen from the few words that before the cataclysm, this magic academy on the top of the mountain gathered the essence of the entire mainland mage profession...

Looking at the records in the system data, Tony couldn't help but look at Athos.

If he remembered correctly, the only son of the ruined old mage was studying at the Imperial Academy of Magic.

After the cataclysm, roads all over the mainland were blocked, the sky was dark, the pollution of the abyss continued to spread, and people could only live in Tibet.

Athos and others are probably the first time they have come here after the cataclysm.

At the same time, if Tony's guess is correct, maybe they don't even know what the status quo of the Imperial Magic Academy is now.

They are not players, they can ignore life and death, and explore the mainland map with death.

They also don't have a player's game system that can share data.

Ados... After that, have you heard about the ice castle?

After a moment of silence, Poles asked in a deep voice.

Athos was silent for a long time and sighed:


Another long silence.

The ice castle is the holy place of the mage profession, and the strong are like clouds.

If there is no news after the cataclysm, then I am afraid... it is the worst news.

Everyone witnessed the disaster with their own eyes. They knew very well that in that terrifying disaster, the most dangerous were not ordinary people, but professionals with high strength.

The stronger the power, the greater the crisis faced.

In the same way, the Ice Castle, which has many magisters and even legendary mages, may have also suffered a great impact in that accident...

Obviously, the outcome of this academy may not be optimistic.

No news is the worst news...

As the Holy Land of the Master, there are thousands of ways to pass the news.

The complete loss of contact is enough to illustrate some problems.

Or... let's change the route, go south, or go north, and support the play... The Chosen One is not far away from us, as long as we delay enough time, we can wait until they meet with us, there is no need to be certain Keep going east.

Tony suggested.

In fact, what he most wanted to propose was to simply rest in place for two days, but this method was just a thought.

The magic energy-gathering cores that they carry with them constantly absorb magic power and attract fallen creatures, and will never give them three days of staying in place.

The longer they stay in one place, the more corrupted creatures will be stalking them, and the more dangerous the group will be.

Not even Tony's power is what it used to be.

He still can't achieve the level of one enemy to a hundred, let alone if it is really unfortunate to attract a beast tide, then the number of enemies to face is not hundreds, but thousands, endless...

Tony's proposal to change the route, and for a time, Poles and Ramis's eyes stayed on Ados again.

Athos was silent for a moment, then nodded slowly:

Yes, the terrain of Xueman Mountain is complex, and I am afraid there are many fallen mages, and the degree of danger must be very high.

It's a good choice to turn south or north, as long as you stick to it for a few days.

Seeing that Athos agreed, Tony and the others were relieved.

They turned their attention to Miler, who was in charge of leading the team, only to find that the female mage was looking at the worn-out map with pursed lips, frowning.

What's the matter? Miller, did you encounter any problems?

Ramis asked.

There is indeed a problem...

Miller sighed.

As she said that, she spread the map on the ground, and while beckoning a few people to check it out, she pointed to a location on the map and said:

Everyone, look, we are in this position now, and if we go further east, it is Snow Man Mountain.

The terrain in this area is complicated. If we change direction to the north, we will enter the Eastern Basin, which was once the holy place of the Eternal Church in the world of dawn. After the cataclysm, it is probably the most terrifying place to fall...

With our strength, I'm afraid we won't be able to pass through that hellish restricted area.

And if we change direction and head south, then... we will enter the poisonous swamp.

The Toxic Swamp was an extremely bad area long before the Cataclysm. Now that the whole world is polluted, the situation there will only get worse...

Everyone, whether we turn to the north or the south, the danger we encounter is no less than that of Xuemanshan, and even... maybe even more.

Miller closed the map and smiled wryly.

Then... let's just continue to circle in the canyon forest. Although the concentration of magic power here is not low, at least... we are almost familiar with monsters.

Tony said.

I'm afraid it won't work...

Miller glanced at the sky and sighed.

No way?

Tony was stunned.

Yes, Mr. Tony, do you see the clouds in the sky a little more crimson than before?

Miller pointed to the sky.

Then, she explained:

That is a sign of the eruption of magic power. I am afraid that it may appear at any time in the next few days. If the magic power erupts, it will inevitably be accompanied by a further spread of pollution. A terrifying super beast tide may break out...

Super beast tide...

Tony looked solemn.

After entering the game, whether in the mouth of the NPC, in the world channel, or when surfing the Internet to check the relevant information of the Elf Kingdom Dawn World during a break, he has heard the super beast tide more than once.

Whether it is an NPC or a player, when it comes to the super beast tide, they all look like they are facing a big enemy.

According to the official website, if you encounter a super beast tide in the wild, no matter how strong the player team is, you will have to hate it...

Obviously, if you continue to spin in the canyon forest, it is also possible for everyone to step into a situation of doom in one step.

Sorry, everyone... I proposed to keep going east. If we changed our minds at the beginning and only moved towards less dangerous areas, we might not be as passive as we are today.

Tony said apologetically.

However, the strong warrior Bors patted his shoulder and said with a smile:

Lord Tony, what are you blaming yourself for? All the way to the east is a joint decision of our team, not to mention that the day of the beast tide is approaching, we should have joined the reinforcements as soon as possible. Besides, the cataclysm After that, even the safest place may contain deadly danger.

Yes, the danger is always there. After the cataclysm, no place is truly safe.

Ramis nodded as well.

Don't change direction, just keep going! Compared with other places, although the weather in Xueman Mountain is a bit harsher, it is better in the end.

Just as the two warriors were comforting Tony, the old mage Athos said suddenly.

Everyone was stunned for a while, and they couldn't help but cast their eyes at him, but they stopped talking.

Noticing the gazes from his companions, the elderly mage smiled slightly.

He touched his long-worn staff, looked at the snow-capped mountains in the distance, and sighed softly:

What should be faced, I still have to face it after all. I also want to know how the ice castle is doing now.

After he finished speaking, he looked at the crowd and said with a smile:

Furthermore, I heard from the Archmage that Snowman Mountain is covered with a giant magic circle that calms down the magic power. If you enter there, the ability of the gathering core to attract fallen creatures may be much weaker.


After some discussion, everyone finally continued to move forward and entered the range of Xuemanshan.

As he continued to advance, the forest behind him gradually faded away and disappeared into the mountains, and in the eyes of everyone, only the white snow was gradually left.

Snow Man Mountain, as the name suggests, is a mountain covered by heavy snow.

Even if it is not located in the polar region, this mountain range, whether it is a peak or a foothill, is always cold and frozen all year round, and it is frozen for ten miles.

Everyone put on thick spare coats, braved the wind and snow, and kept heading east.

Along the way, perhaps because of the diffusion of white snow, the whole world seems to be much brighter, not as dim as before.

With the continuous walking, gradually, the temperature is getting lower and lower, the wind is getting louder and louder, and the snowflakes are getting denser...

At the same time, the group went further and further.

Fortunately, on the way, apart from the bad weather, everyone did not encounter even a fallen beast.

Although the smell of pollution still lingers, there is only a whistling wind in the snow-capped mountains.

By the way, although Athos said he wanted to go to the ice castle, when everyone actually entered the Snowman Mountain, he rejected the idea.

After all, there were a large number of high-level mages living in the ice castle. I am afraid that it is very dangerous now. We don't need to put ourselves in crisis. Let's take a detour.

he said.

After listening to his words, everyone's expressions were complicated, but they also agreed with his decision.

This is an escort, not an adventure. The dangers that can be avoided should be avoided as much as possible.

As a result, the crowd bypassed the main peak of Xueman Mountain, kept advancing from the side, and climbed one hillside after another.

Finally, after they once again climbed a hill, they finally saw the end of the snow-covered mountain.

Said to be the end, in fact, it is still far away from the group.

But standing on the top of the hill, looking into the distance in the wind and snow, you can already see the dark green woodland in the distance.

Look! It's a forest! It must be the eastern forest! After a few more mountains, we can leave the range of Snowman Mountain!

Miller said excitedly.

Eastern Forest! I seem to see green... so, the pollution there may be much less!

Poles looked into the distance with excitement on his face.

They hadn't seen a pure forest for a long time.

After all, it is the east. The closer we are to the Dawning Fortress, the less pollution it must be. If we get to the Dawning Fortress, we can breathe real fresh air.

Athos smiled gently.

Hey, looking at this distance, it may be estimated that after a few days' walk, we will be able to walk out of Xueman Mountain.

Ramis also said expectantly.

However, he soon ushered in Tony's ridicule:

How many days? Mr. Ramis, we won't be able to leave for a few days. The supportive Chosen Ones will arrive the day after tomorrow at the latest. At that time, we will just fly away!

Really? Is it a flying beast? I have never sat in a flying beast in my life! What kind of creature is it, can you tell me?

Ramis' eyes widened in anticipation.

Haha, you'll know when we meet.

Tony laughed.

Let's go, it's downhill, I can finally walk a little easier.

He stretched and continued to walk forward.

However, just as Tony stepped out, he was bounced back as if he had hit an invisible wall...

A faint ripple rippled in the space and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Tony, on the other hand, fell to the ground.

what happened?

He was stunned.

Standing up again, he patted the snow on his butt, and he continued to walk forward.

However, it was blocked again in the same place.

This time, Tony was a little mentally prepared and did not bounce back directly. He stretched out his hands to sense a little, and found that there seemed to be a barrier like a wall of air in front of him, preventing him from going further.

What is this? The invisible wall?

He looked bewildered.

And then, Boers and Ramis, who followed closely behind, were also bounced back by the invisible wall.

Poles does not believe in evil.

He roared angrily, drew out his huge battle axe, slashed it with one axe, and then bounced even further with the axe...


Looking at his old friend who flew out backwards, Ramis exclaimed and hurriedly chased after him.

When he saw that Poles just crashed into the snow and left a sturdy human-shaped pit on the ground, he laughed and felt relieved.

This is... a magical barrier?

Miller walked to the invisible wall, stretched out his hand and felt it, with a surprised expression.

Could it be...

As if she suddenly thought of something, her expression suddenly changed slightly.

I'm afraid... it's the Wall of God's Sigh.

Athos came over with a staff and said.

His eyes turned to the invisible wall that blocked everyone's progress, and his eyes gradually became serious.

Wall of God's Sigh? That legendary forbidden magic barrier that can separate Xueman Mountain in two? It's been almost a thousand years, and it... still works?!

Miller exclaimed.

That's right... I'm afraid it has been restarted.

Athos nodded.

Saying that, he sighed:

I once read the specific record of the Wall of Divine Sigh in the notes of the archmage, I am afraid it is it.

This Forbidden Magical Barrier built around the Ice Castle has a power that surpasses that of the legend. Once it is opened, no one can break it under the legend. From the ground to the sky, no one can cross it...

Once it is opened, the only thing that can be closed is the 'core' of the entire barrier, which is the ice castle.

Having said that, he smiled bitterly and let out a long sigh:

Fortunately, I discovered it early... Xuemanshan is so wide, if the supporter of the Chosen hits the Wall of God's Sigh, he will definitely not be able to come over, and he will have to take a detour.

The days of high-frequency beast tides are approaching. Those fallen creatures will rush wherever they go crazy, and we, who have the core of magic energy gathering, are definitely the target of public criticism.

Don't forget, it's not too far from the canyon forest. If you drag it further, what will happen, I'm afraid everyone will be in danger.

It seems that we have to go to the ice castle after all...

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