Game of the World Tree

Chapter 910 God's battle, hole card

Dragon might, which is even more vast than the dragon gods, shrouded the battlefield, and the figure of Dragon Ancestor Ulinos appeared beside the World Tree.

And with the arrival of Ulinos, there is also the platinum dragon king Reinhardt, and the last dragon god, the bronze dragon king.

So far, including the Dragon Ancestor Ulinos, who is in charge of the Golden Dragon Godhead, all the ten existing dragon gods in the Saigos universe have descended.

Iteo, just after the war between gods and demons ended, you colluded with the abyss demon. As the Lord of the Era, as the leader of the heavens, don't you feel ashamed?

Ulinos, who turned into a dragon, looked down at the Eternal Lord, his eyes full of disdain.

However, Iteo just chuckled:

No, Your Majesty Ullinos, I have never had the idea of ​​colluding with demons. It's just a temporary take, until I become the master of the Seggs universe, and all those who threaten the safety of the universe Existence will naturally be erased by me one by one...

Okay, okay, I don't trust your hypocritical rhetoric, now you are only one step away from achieving greatness, there is no need to fight and kill here, take a step back, and you will promote your greatness. Divine power, stop causing disputes in the world of Seggs.

Ulinos said with a bit of annoyance.

No, Your Majesty Ullinois, the choice rests with Your Majesty Eve. If he is willing to surrender, then the world of Saiggs will naturally usher in peace...

The Eternal Lord shook his head slightly.

Hehe, is this the ruler of the era? It's really shameless to coerce the Lord God into submission, and then shift the responsibility of the battle of the gods to the Lord God!

After listening to the words of the Eternal Lord, the black dragon king Merrell laughed angrily and said yin and yang angrily.

However, Iteo was not angry.

The human master still smiled and looked at the expressionless Eve gently:

How, Your Majesty Eve, what are your thoughts?

Your Majesty Eve, you don't need to listen to this guy, I understand it, Iteo, a hypocritical bastard, can't be trusted at all. He is so arrogant and unbelievable before he has become a great power. If he really achieves greatness, I don't know how it will be.

Ulinos glanced at Eve and said solemnly. At the same time, his gaze towards Iteo became more and more disgusting.

After hearing Ulinos' words, Iteo was still not angry.

He just sighed lightly and said with some regret:

So... Your Majesty Ulinos, have you decided to stand on the side of His Majesty Eve?

No, Your Majesty Iteo, the choice is yours. If you are willing to withdraw, then the world of Saiggs will naturally usher in peace...

Ulinos replied.

After speaking, he narrowed his eyes again:

Of course... I haven't had a good fight for a long time. If there is a chance to have a good fight, I don't mind.

That's such a pity.

Iteo shook his head regretfully.

Then, with a solemn expression, he looked in a certain direction:

Your Majesty Lord, Your Majesty Rigdal, how long will you be watching?

As soon as the voice fell, accompanied by two sighs, two more vast breaths slowly descended.

One silver grey, one silver blue.

It is Lord, the god of war and destruction, and Rigdal, the star watcher.

At the same time, with the coming of the God of War Lord, there are also the gods of the god of war. Although the number is not as many as that of the human gods, there are still a full nine.

At this point, the gods of belief in the entire heavenly world have completely descended.

Iteo, agreed in advance that I will only deal with Ulinos, but not the world of Seggs.

After his arrival, the God of War Lord's eyes swept across the banner of life with a red-bottomed scepter in the city of heaven.

Iteo gave him a strange look and nodded slightly.

Then, he looked at Ulinos again and smiled slightly:

Your Majesty Ulinos, now... do you still want to fight us?

Looking at the stalwart figures appearing in the sky, Ulinos' eyes gradually became serious.

However, his eyes swept across the true gods of the heavens, and finally sneered and said coldly:

Heh, Iteou, I'm different from you. As a giant dragon, I naturally have the pride of a giant dragon. Even if our giant dragon has a stinky problem, it will never betray a friend he truly recognizes.

That's such a pity.

The Eternal Lord sighed softly.

Then, his face sank, and he said sharply:

In that case, let's fight!

After finishing speaking, headed by the Lord of Eternity, the divine power of the gods in the heavens exploded.

On Eve's side, the gods also exploded their divine power.

One after another God's Domain unfolded, and strange scenes intertwined with the power of various laws continued to emerge.

For a time, the dazzling brilliance completely obscured the sky on the canopy of the entire Seggs world.

The battle of the true god is the power to destroy the sky and destroy the earth in the blink of an eye.

And dozens of gods ranging from weak to powerful fought at the same time, and the power generated was enough to turn the universe of Saigus upside down.

Even if they did not choose the battlefield over the world of Saiggs, but deliberately stayed away from the plane, the aftermath would be enough to destroy everything.

However, the battle between the gods naturally has a tacit understanding between the gods.

When the battle broke out, Ulinos took the lead to fly out of the range that would have an impact on the world of Seggs and enter the void.

Following him were the two powerful divine powers, Lord of War, God of War, and Rigdal, the guardian of the starry sky.

The three powerful divine forces first ascended into the void and fell into battle.

The dazzling rays of light bloomed in the void, and Ulinos' Dragon Might God Realm, Lord's War God Realm, and Rigdal's Starry Sky God Realm collided, creating a strange scene.

That vast power, even if it is only the aftermath, is enough to seriously injure the demigod, and if the demigod exists, it can be easily destroyed.

As a primordial dragon, as one of the oldest ancient gods in the world of Saiggs, Ulinos is worthy of being a senior and powerful divine power, even if it is one against two, it is not bad.

His gigantic figure shuttled through the void. Although he faced two powerful gods, Lord, the God of War and Destruction, and the Guardian of the Starry Sky at the same time, he did not lose in the slightest.

In addition, the rest of the dragon gods, the two newly promoted true gods of the elves, also came to the void and fought with the gods of the heavens.

The vast and terrifying power erupted in the void around the plane of Saigus, all kinds of stalwarts of the gods collided with each other, and there were even small unlucky planes, which collapsed and shattered in the battle of the gods...

Looking from the world of Saiggs, I saw brilliance flickering in the sky, one after another illusory figure flashed continuously, and as the illusory sacred figure flashed, another star burst and collapsed.

Every star means a plane that can be observed in the world of Seggs.

For a time, centered on the plane of Seggs, the void of the universe presented a terrifying doomsday scene.

In the center of the whirlpool, in the world of Seggs, only Eve and the Eternal Lord Iteo were left to fight each other.

Your Majesty Eve, now... only you and me are left.

Iteo stood in front of the army of gods, looked at the incarnation of Eve's divine power in front of the World Tree, and smiled proudly.

Behind him, the Angel Legion and the Petitioner Legion, shrouded in divine brilliance, moved slowly, surrounding the World Tree.

At this moment, the divine might shrouded on the ground dissipated.

Let me take a look and see how strong your current strength is!

At the end of the speech, I saw the order of the Eternal Lord, and the army of the battle of gods suddenly moved.

They chanted for eternal glory and launched an attack on the Chosen City.

In just an instant, the magical defense barrier that shrouded the city of heaven was shattered because it couldn't withstand the attack of the God War Legion...

Seeing this scene, in the city of heaven, the expressions of the players who also regained their mobility changed slightly.

But soon, their hearts were filled with stronger fighting spirit.

Stop them! For our homeland, for the glory of the goddess! Fight!

Li Mugao raised the lion heart sword and roared.

For our homeland, for the glory of the goddess!

The players roared, drew their weapons one after another, and faced the descending enemy.

In the next second, a dazzling brilliance bloomed on their bodies, and the aura that belonged to the gods broke out completely.

All the players who participated in the war, the breath skyrocketed in an instant, reaching the same level as the angels and petitioners of the God War Legion!

At this moment, all the players who gathered in the chosen city have obtained divine favor!

Come on! Brave Chosen Ones!

In the Divine Kingdom of the World Tree, Finel, the fairy king who controlled the game system and completely liberated the player's favor under Eve's order, waved his fist.


On the battlefield, the titan Imhertel thumped his chest and threw himself at the descending seraphs and demigods.

With a ferocious expression, he tore an incoming angel into pieces, and his violent appearance caused the descending angel and petitioner to change color slightly.

On the other side, several elf demigods also let out a long whistle and joined the battle.

Kyles wielded the spear, Diana raised the divine bow, and they, along with the golden dragon Mars, the silver dragon Mercury and Venus, entangled with the demigods in the Legion of Gods.

At the same time, the dragons from Dragon Island and the heroic warriors from the underworld were not far behind and joined the battlefield one after another.

The dragons roared and screamed, and together with the players, they fought against the army of gods who invaded the city of heaven!

At the same time, the Eternal Lord also took a step and came to Eve.

On his body, the brilliance of the vast divine power burst out instantly.

Eve snorted coldly and pulled it gently, opening up a different space, covering her true god incarnation and the figure of the Eternal Lord.

Looking at the suddenly changed scene, the Eternal Lord was a little surprised.

He smiled slightly and said:

Your Majesty Eve, you are still so kind. At this time, you have not forgotten to open up a different dimension.

However, don't forget, if you don't use your body to fight me, will only lose faster...

What nonsense, call it and talk about it!

Eve sneered.

After he finished speaking, the red radiance bloomed in his hands, and a crimson prison enveloped Iteo's body.

The next moment, the light of the cage shone slightly, and it submerged into Iteo's body, and Iteo's originally powerful aura instantly fell a lot...

Withering Heart?

Feeling the power of the seal appearing in the body, Iteo's eyes were a little surprised.

He sighed slightly:

I have to say, Your Majesty Eve, you have quite a few good things in your hands...

Looking at the Eternal Lord who was hit by the Withering Heart, but his breath was only a little bit down, Eve's eyes became more solemn.

He snorted coldly, the space behind him was torn apart, and the roots of the World Tree slowly emerged, followed by a bright golden-green light blooming, and the God Realm of Nature and Life was completely opened.

The realm of nature and life?

Iteo raised his eyebrows, stretched out his hand and tapped the monstrous giant tree transformed by divine power. The giant tree burst into flames in white gold.

The next moment, a white-golden sun bloomed behind him, and the dazzling brilliance came along with the roaring thunder, spreading continuously in the different space.

He also unfolded his own domain!

God's Domain unfolded, and the white-gold light quickly engulfed the golden-green God's Domain of Nature and Life. In just an instant, the alien space opened up by Eve was shattered!


Even if it is sealed by the Withering Heart, the power displayed by the Eternal Lord is still crushing the true God incarnation of Eve, who also has a powerful divine power!

The brilliance dissipated, and Iteo's figure reappeared in front of World Tree.

At this moment, Eve's incarnation of divine power has already been severely damaged in the collision of the divine realm just now.

Surrender, this is the last chance. Your Withering Heart will not have much effect on me. Now it's you... who can't defeat me.

Surrender, if you can, I don't want to bring the world of Seggs to the verge of collapse again.

Iteo said lightly.

Looking at his confident appearance, Eve's eyes narrowed slightly.

Then, he suddenly laughed:

Sorry, Your Majesty Iteo, I never considered the possibility of bowing to you.

After speaking, he changed his words again:

not to mention……

Do you really think my Withering Heart is used to suppress your power?


Iteo frowned slightly.

He turned his attention to Eve, and saw that Eve's body suddenly burst into light, and her body slowly began to become transparent.

Immediately afterwards, the translucent True God incarnation turned into light and merged into the body of the World Tree.

The next moment, the majestic World Tree trembled slightly, blooming with dazzling brilliance.

An obscure energy wave spread around the World Tree, and soon spread to every part of the world of Saiggs.

The entire Seggs world was slightly shocked.

The vast power of the void poured towards the Saiggs plane. In the starry sky, the warring gods stopped their movements one after another, and looked at the Saiggs plane in surprise.

I saw that the plane of Saiggs was transformed into a huge vortex, and it began to continuously devour the surrounding void energy.

Even those planes that were destroyed in the battle of gods were pulled and flew towards the world of Saiggs.

They kept collapsing and eventually turned into the most essential energy, which was swallowed up by the plane of Seggs.

At the same time, above the source of the world of Seggs, the pantheon that suppressed the source suddenly trembled.

Red light blooms on the Pantheon.

It was nothing else, it was the power of the Withering Heart!

This seal-type true artifact was not sealed by Iteo's divine power, but by using Iteo's divine power as a springboard to suppress his control over the Pantheon!

The next moment, as if it could not stand the oppression of a certain force, cracks appeared on the pantheon.

Immediately afterwards, the temple that had been suppressed for thousands of years in the world of Saigus collapsed suddenly!

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