Game of the World Tree

Chapter 906 God descends

A colorful halo flashed across the sky, and the entire world of Seggs trembled slightly.

From the forest of the elves to the fertile plains, from the desert of death to the polar icefield, from the endless sea to the east of Saigos... Almost every place in the whole world of Saigos, the magic power has skyrocketed again.

Looking from the boundless void to the plane of Saigus, I can see that the entire void is bursting with an unprecedented void storm. The huge suction comes from the plane of Saigus, slowly absorbing the huge power of the void...

At the same time, all over the continent, or in ancient ruins, or on inconspicuous hills, or in cities, or in fields, one after another, the space was suddenly distorted.

A faint mist spread, a halo emerged, and looming doors of light appeared all over the continent.

The plane passage to the various planes of the Saigus universe was officially opened with the release of the seal of the Saigus world.

The seal is lifted...

In the depths of Long Island, Longzu Ulinos stood up impressively, and his innocent eyes instantly became deep.

He sighed softly and shook his head:

never mind.

The choice that should be made, after all, is to be made...

With that said, he got up and walked deeper into Dragon Island.

There... in addition to the Red Dragon King and the Platinum Dragon King, several other ancient dragon gods are sleeping...

The seal is lifted...

In the kingdom of death in the underworld, Hela raised her head slightly, and her red eyes looked in the direction of Saiggs.

He pondered for a while, tapped the armrest, and summoned several stalwart figures...

The seal is lifted...

In the Silver Frost Icefield, Lord, the God of War and Destruction, narrowed his eyes and slowly got up from the throne.

His expression was a little hesitant.

The seal is lifted...

Somewhere in the void, Star Watcher Rigdal smiled slightly and put away the pen in his hand.

He glanced at the direction of Seggs' world, his figure flashed slightly, and he disappeared in place.

The seal is lifted...

In the temple of the mountains of Neverland, light blue light slowly emerged from the magic lamp, the figure of the ancient god Guy gradually appeared, and his eyes were complicated.

He sighed softly, showing emotion on his face.

One after another, the gazes of ancient existences came over, and they landed on the continent of Saiggs, on the magnificent battlefield of the Forest of Elves.

At this moment, the world of Saigus has completely become the focus of the entire crystal wall system.

In the core area of ​​the Elf Forest, where the World Tree is located, the battle situation of the holy war has become more and more confusing with sudden changes.

The players widened their eyes and looked at the countless white-gold vortexes in the sky with shock, looking at the petitioners and angel legions who slowly walked out of the vortex, dressed in golden light, and fell into a strange situation for a while. of silence.

God War Legion... This is the God War Legion of the Eternal Church!

Players who have participated in the war of gods and demons couldn't help exclaiming.

Army of Gods...

Li Mu's expression became solemn, and his eyes became more solemn than ever.

Army of Gods!

Alice's expression changed slightly, and she clenched the staff in her hand with worry in her eyes.

Boundless white-gold rays of light bloomed in the sky, and holy angels and petitioners descended slowly.

At this moment, the entire sky is obscured by the retinue of the Eternal Lord.

Densely packed, countless...

Not only that, in addition to the white-gold brilliance, there are also some angels and petitioners whose brilliance is different from the Eternal Lord's white-gold holy light, appearing in the sky.

That is the legion of other true gods of the human pantheon.

After the seal of the world of Saiggs was lifted, these slave gods who followed the Eternal Lord also sent their own army of gods.

One hundred thousand? million?

The sky at this moment has completely become a sea of ​​angels and petitioners. The figures of giant dragons and heroic warriors are so insignificant in front of their exaggerated numbers...

The human pantheon that has ruled the world of Saigus for thousands of years has finally exploded its true power at this very moment! this the true god army that the abyss demons will face during the war between gods and demons?

Looking at the boundless enemy, the players widened their eyes and looked shocked.

And the next moment, one after another more vast fluctuations came from the sky, and accompanied by the sacred hymn, one after another stalwart figures slowly emerged in the army of gods.

There are beautiful knights in golden armor.

There is a girl in a gorgeous dress with flowers on her head.

There is a strong man driving a carriage, surrounded by thunder.

An old man with a rich body shape and holding a scale and a gold pound.

Of course, there are also holy angels who are bathed in white-gold brilliance, with twelve brilliance wings suddenly unfolding behind them...

They have different shapes, and if you look around, there are no less than twenty.

The god of knights, the god of beauty, the god of authority, the god of trade, the king of angels...

At this moment, the gods of the human gods have also come.

The vast power slowly gathered behind them, forming a majestic vortex of divine power.

Feeling the suffocating power and watching the magnificent visions that appeared in the sky after the gods came into the world, the players were shocked and their eyes were full of shock.

Okay, let's start the cutscene again.

Stuffing a piece of angel feathers into the storage ring, looking at the descending gods, feeling the divine might as deep as the sea, Demacia let out a long sigh.

That's what Elf Country is all about.

In many large-scale war missions, the player has never been the real protagonist of the war. Except for missions that do not involve the power of myths, such as the Mania Revolution, what determines the true direction of a battle is always the existence of a stronger myth.

The extraordinary world, the extraordinary dominates everything.

And the gods who have transcended the world and become the incarnation of laws are undoubtedly the real masters of this world.

The world of Saigas is not an abyss world where the gods will be suppressed. When the gods come, the outcome of this holy war will not be controlled by ordinary people like them.

However, when Demacia's eyes fell on the Judge Knight, she was slightly taken aback.

The coming of the Legion of Gods and the gods did not stop these machine-like trial knights from fighting.

They continued to charge towards the Chosen City, and the battle showed no sign of stopping.

These lunatics...

He couldn't help cursing.

At the same time, he couldn't help but turn his head and looked at the World Tree behind him.

The world of Seggs was suddenly unblocked, the gods came, can the goddess deal with it?

There was a hint of worry in his eyes that he didn't even realize.

Like Demacia, the old players who have been in the pit since the launch of Elf Nation have realized this problem one after another.

As a group of players who grew up with the goddess, they are quite familiar with the power of the goddess.

Although the goddess Eve is powerful, the true mythical power of allegiance to the Elven Forest is very limited.

In addition to the returned elf demigods and the subdued mythical dragons, the only true god-level combat power is Meriel, who has become the Black Dragon King.

How to win against such a powerful enemy?

Not to mention, the figure of the Eternal Lord has not yet appeared.

The figures of mythological figures such as Lord of War, who is allied with the Eternal Lord, also did not appear.

The one who appeared was nothing but the servant of the Eternal Lord.

Looking at the descending myths, Demacia's expression changed.

And to ask him why he recognizes what each myth looks like, that's another story.

With this thought, Demacia couldn't help but stretch out her hand and touch the still-unused Death Bone Whistle in her arms.

This bone whistle can summon a divine punishment from Hela, the God of Death. Hela, the God of Death, is a real powerful divine force, and even has a sickle of the God of Death in his hand. Find a chance to throw it out, can you help a little?

He thought to himself.

Your Majesty the Goddess! The seal is broken! The gods of the human pantheon have descended!

In the Divine Kingdom of the World Tree, seeing the human gods descending above the forest, Finel, the Fairy King, changed her expression slightly.

However, Eve on the throne remained calm.

I know.

He nodded slightly.

Then, I saw him rubbing the box of the deceased in his hand to deliver the message, and muttered:

Calculate the should be almost the same.

The King of Fairies, Finiel, was stunned for a moment, not knowing what the majesty of her goddess meant.

However, in the next moment, He suddenly sensed two huge energies erupting in the world of Seggs.

The West Coast of the Forest of Spirits, the endless sea.

Raging waves surged into the sky, the sea was rough, and the entire ocean seemed to be boiling.

No, that's not like boiling, it's more like cheering.

It seems that the prayers from the ancient times sounded slowly, looming, and at this moment, the marine creatures in the entire Saiggs world gave birth to an inexplicable throbbing from their hearts.

The plane of Mindel covered by the sea.

Murlocs and elves knelt down in the newly renovated Temple of Life, praying continuously to a certain elf statue holding a trident enshrined under the statue of Eve.

The prayer was getting louder and louder.

At the same time, on all the planes belonging to the Forest of Spirits, the clouds rolled and the wind was blowing.

On the half plane of Oros, many elf mixed-race humans also knelt down in the temple, praying continuously to a new statue in the other direction under the statue of Eve.

The voice of prayer gradually lifted into the sky, gradually converged, became clearer and louder.

It seems to have crossed the void, and it seems to have crossed space and time.

At this moment, in the world of Seggs, all living beings seem to hear faint prayers.

Those are two different prayers.

Piety, fanatical.

These two voices are intertwined at this moment, forming a certain resonance.

If you listen carefully, you will hear that it is an expression of praise to the gods:

Your Majesty Onora, the great god of the ocean... You are the master of the ocean, you are the follower of nature, and you are the protector of all marine life...

Your Majesty the great storm god Eris... You are the embodiment of the storm, you are the darling of nature, you are the ubiquitous judge and witness...

The voices are getting louder and more people are praying...

Finally, it seems that a certain critical point has been reached, the prayers are suddenly sublimated, and the sacred hymns are suddenly played...

The next moment, a dazzling brilliance bloomed in the forest of elves, and two beams of light, one blue and one green, shot up into the sky.

The waves rolled, the storm broke, and two new breaths of vastness descended above the forest.

That's Aurora and Eris.

Their figures slowly emerged, and they were significantly different from the past.

The former is wearing a long sea blue dress, holding a golden trident, and there are waves circulating around him.

The latter changed the black armor, the main tone of the costume changed to cyan, and he held a ferocious long gun in his hand, surrounded by wind, rain and thunder.

Aurora, the god of the sea.

Eris, god of storms.

At this moment, these two former elf demigods finally achieved the ultimate fusion with the help of the power of the law that skyrocketed when the world of Seggs was unblocked, and became a real myth!

The surging power of faith erupted in them, which was the faith belonging to the ocean and the storm that Eve deprived from Leviathan after capturing the Mindel plane.

With the help of Eve's secret support, the impact of native beliefs, and the unsealing power of the world of Saiggs, the two true elves who merged with godheads to achieve myths became gods.

In the next moment, a deep brilliance bloomed around the World Tree, and deep teleportation formations slowly emerged, and four stalwart figures in black robes slowly appeared.

Their appearance is different, but the breath of each is deep and vast.

Those are the other four true gods of the underworld in addition to Hela, the god of death.

Every true god has at least the strength of weak divine power.

After they appeared, they stood with the two true spirit gods.

There is no doubt that the position of advancing and retreating is the same.

Immediately afterwards, accompanied by a loud dragon roar, another huge black dragon rose into the sky.

He has a body that covers the sky and the sun, and his skeleton-like face armor is ferocious and terrifying. He screamed, spread his huge dragon wings, and stood beside the two new myths.

Black Dragon King Meryl.

The dragon god guarding the entrance of hell has also joined the battlefield at this moment!

However, this is not the end.

At the moment when Merrell appeared, more dragon roars came, and a majestic dragon of different colors rose into the sky...

They have a vast aura, and one is stronger than the other.

This... turned out to be a dragon god!

Red dragon, white dragon, blue dragon, green dragon, brass dragon, red copper dragon...

In addition to the black dragon king Meryl who has followed Eve, the other nine dragon gods with racial godheads, at this moment, there are a full six...

After the world of Saiggs was broken, these were suppressed because of their strength, and the body chose a sleeping existence, and they also appeared one after another, bursting out their true power.

That is more powerful than ordinary myths, enough to make every human god that descends slightly discolored.

The six dragon gods descended and stood in front of the World Tree, arrogant and full of fighting spirit.

The leader is a huge red dragon.

I saw him roaring excitedly and howling:

Limited cards for Yu-Gi-Oh! I did these fake human gods!

Players:  …

Dragon Gods:  …

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