Game of the World Tree

Chapter 897 The time has come

The news of the fall of Eternal Mania is like a signal.

When the signal spread across the continent, it quickly caused a series of reactions.

Especially when the system tasks have already been accepted, players who have been lurking in the human kingdom for a long time use projection crystals to publicize what happened in Mania City, and start to secretly promote the situation... The human kingdom has become more and more lively.

Players in Elf Kingdom seem to have a different kind of enthusiasm for doing things in the human empire, perhaps because of their education from childhood to adulthood.

After getting the news, many lurking players immediately began to imitate the practices of Demacia and other players, and began to fan the flames in the lurking city.

Especially after the players in Mannia City published the Revolt Raiders on the official website of Elf Kingdom extremely efficiently the next day, the Raiders post was quickly rushed to the number of clicks by the eager players. one.

For a time, videos of leading or participating in the uprising in Even Kingdom appeared in batches even on the bullet screen video network.

As for the successful Mania city uprising, which has been called the Mania Revolution by players, there are more related videos.

The rebels who went forward one after another, the noble knights who charged for their final glory, the royal city that came to an end with smoke billowing at dusk, the people standing on the parliament building at dawn, waving flags and cheering...

Similar videos have ushered in a very high number of hits on the bullet screen network.

There are those who sigh, those who are emotional, and those who are excited.

But in any case, in the video of the Great Mania Revolution, in the video recorded by the players, in the wave of swords and magic, gun smoke and artillery fire, every player who watched the video seemed to feel a kind of historical change. of vicissitudes.

Under one of the most viewed videos, there was even a comment from a player who personally participated in the Mania Revolution:

Standing on the street of Mannia, listening to the background music that gradually turned from tragic and exciting to light and exciting, and witnessing the people shouting loud slogans and braving artillery fire to charge the noble defenders, I suddenly felt so small... …”

At that moment, I felt that I was not only changing the history of mankind in The Kingdom of the Elf, but also witnessing the beginning of a legend...

At the same time, I suddenly feel that I have more respect for those ancestors who fought their way through the storm and created a blue sky.

Praise the goddess! Long live life!

The decadent aristocracy and imperial power will eventually be swept into the garbage heap of history along with the fallen Eternal Church, and the future belongs to Eve!

Let's plant the flag of the goddess in every corner of Seggs!

Dear friend, after this bowl of elf flower tea, we are comrades!

The hot game video on the Bluestar network further ignited the enthusiasm of the players.

For a time, from the rich plains to the southern mountains, the entire empire's large and small consulates set off a wave of uprisings. The angry people, led by the hidden players and life believers, followed the citizens of Mania and united with the local mercenaries. And adventurers, armed to seize control of the city, build the lifeguard.

There are winners and there are losers.

However, more than that, it is a destructive victory.

Even the people themselves were stunned to discover that when everyone really stood up, the nobles who once thought they were aloof and unable to resist were so vulnerable...

Times have changed.

When the magic of the world of Saiggs recovers, extraordinary power is no longer the privilege of the nobles.

And when the nobles who are increasingly greedy for enjoyment rely more and more on mercenaries and adventurers, their own strength is actually not as good as before.

Indulge in enjoyment, indulge in comparisons, indulge in internal intrigue, the swords of the nobles have been corroded by years with a layer of rust.

In addition, the coalition forces were severely damaged in the early stage, and at this moment, they have already become paper tigers that can be broken with a single poke.

The indestructible castle has been unable to stop the anger of the magic crystal cannon, and the glorious charge can no longer pacify the ocean of the people.

The ancient Holy Mania Empire seemed to be plunged into a sea of ​​revolution in an instant.

Almost overnight, the entire empire changed.

With the passage of time, the revolutionary wave that swept the entire Holy Mania Empire even began to spread to the entire continent. Similar uprisings began to appear in the kingdom of Ayres in the south, the principalities and counties in the east...

Like waves, wave after wave.

For a time, the entire human world of Seggs seemed to be boiling, and the revolutionary fire of the Church of Life spread rapidly with the momentum of a prairie...

The exaggerated speed and the flaming enthusiasm made the mythical beings who had been secretly paying attention to the world of Seggs stunned since the Eternal Church started the Great Holy War.

One after another, the ancient gazes couldn't help but cast their awe-inspiring gazes at the Forest of Spirits. It seemed that after sleeping for a thousand years, the Mother of Gods would have such an infectious and appealing power.

At the same time, more and more myths are becoming more and more curious, where did the Mother of Gods come from to tinker with these elves who are good at doing things...

The neutral faith gods cast awe and fear at the forest of elves, while those myths who were enemies of Eve in the Great Holy War fell into silence collectively.

As for Ulinos of Long Island, it is said that he was stunned for a long time after learning about the changes on the Seggs continent. Finally, he laughed a few times, hummed a little song and ran to some reclusive ancient gods to eat and drink. .

Of course, this is what Reinhardt, the platinum dragon king, told Eve later.

However, unlike the gods who paid attention to this jihad, as the central protagonist of the whole event, Eve did not feel the slightest excitement and happiness because of the overwhelmingly favorable situation.

On the contrary, in the kingdom of God, looking at the light of faith that bloomed all over the continent through the map projection of the world of Segas, and watching the rapidly expanding network of beliefs, his brows gradually wrinkled...

without him.

It's because it went so well.

It went smoothly to the point of being a little weird.

Although Eve had seen from the very beginning that the nobles in the human empire were unbearable, he did not expect that the entire human kingdom would collapse so quickly...

This exaggerated speed can be completely described as falling apart overnight.

Among them, what puzzled Eve the most, and what made Eve the most vigilant, was the attitude of the Eternal Church.

not involved...

After the wave of revolution broke out in the human kingdom, the Eternal Church in the entire human world hardly participated in the suppression.

In this upheaval that shook the foundation of the Eternal's belief in the world of Seggs, they seemed to have disappeared collectively.

Obviously the Great Holy War has not ended, and the main force of the Eternal Church has not yet appeared, but the entire Eternal Church seems to have given up the human faith in the world of Seggs.

You know, the spread of faith is not easy.

Especially in this wave, the Eternal Church is also on the side that has been overthrown.

According to Eve's understanding of human nature, under the dual influence of the fanaticism of the converts and the troubles of the players, I am afraid that the difficulty of the Eternal Church's sweeping return will be higher than I don't know how many levels...

As the Eternal Church who knew Eve well, Eve did not believe that the other party did not know this fact.

However, even so, the other party let the situation develop, then it means that the other party may have a more important purpose, or that there is something behind that can turn the situation around...

Iteo's Judgment Legion and Angel Legion have yet to show up. Could it be... that they completely gave up the basics of the world of Saigus and planned to directly destroy my body?

After all... the key to this holy war is the battle of the gods. If the gods fall, other victories will be meaningless.

But it doesn't make sense... After all, even if the Eternal Church gives more support to the nobles, the human kingdom will not collapse so quickly. In this way, it seems that the Eternal Church is pushing the boat with the current.

Could it be... they are secretly plotting something else?

Eve sat high on the throne, frowned slightly, and tapped the armrest of the throne lightly.

Maybe, I should go to the place of origin to see the stone tablet that records the history of the world of Saigus, and maybe I can find some clues...

Eves thought.

The last time I followed Ulinos to the place of origin, Eve had a heart for the historical stele in the last temple of origin.

At that time, He discovered that the stone tablet was a sharp tool for understanding all kinds of major events in the world of Seggs.

Even some secret news, as long as it has a major impact on the history of the world of Saigos, will be recorded.

Perhaps... this stele, which records all the major events that happened in the world of Seggs, will give him some clues.

If Eternal Lord Iteo is really planning something in secret, no matter how well he hides it, Eve believes that he will eventually leave some clues.

Thinking of this, Eve pondered for a moment, and then contacted the key to the land of origin in his kingdom of God.

The next second, his consciousness changed and he appeared in the land of origin.

Having had the experience of entering the last time, this time Eve has been prepared and resistant to the pollution force, and has not lost or been affected.

Pushing open the gate of the temple in the place of origin, he went straight to the last temple space.

Standing in front of the familiar stone tablet, Eve looked at the mysterious words on the stone tablet.

Different from the last time I came here, there are a lot more words on the stone tablet, and among them, not only the description of the creatures in the world of Saiggs destroying the last demon army, but also the latest record focuses on the changes in the human world. .

Beyond that, though, there's not much more to it.

Staring at the stone tablet for a long time, Eve fell into thought.

Looking at the revolutionary events recorded in the long paragraphs, suddenly, his heart moved, and he vaguely thought of something...

Wait... Could it be...

Eve's eyes flickered and her heart skipped a beat.

Immediately afterwards, he hurriedly took out the core fragment of the Pantheon that Moonlight Queen Diana handed to him from his soul.

But when Eve saw clearly the progress of the promotion of Eternal Lord Iteo, his eyes narrowed slightly.

The progress of the Eternal Lord's promotion... suddenly accelerated.

The remaining progress on the fragment, skipped more than half, and almost reached the end.

Seeing this scene, Eve's expression changed slightly.

Blessed to the heart, Eve suddenly thought of something.

He looked at the stone tablet again, or more precisely, at the newly added words on the stone tablet, and gradually had some guesses in his heart...


Social reform……


Is it...

One thought after another flashed through Eve's mind.

As if thinking of something, his face became slightly solemn.

However, when Eve's eyes swept across the stone tablet again, it suddenly stopped.

He focused his attention on the stone tablet again, his eyelids jumped, and he seemed to have discovered something unexpected...

Looking at the history of the continent on the stone tablet, at the depiction of the re-emergence of elves and their resistance to invasion, and at the record of the great revolution in which humans resisted the Empire and the Eternal Church, Eve's heart moved slightly, as if she had discovered some kind of secret, she squinted slightly. Squinting:



West of the Rich Plains.

on an open field.

The tents, large and small, were closely arranged, and the flag of the Eternal Church was constantly fluttering.

In the largest and most solemn tent, the Eternal Pope Benedict II kneels before the statue of the true God and is praying devoutly.

Suddenly, a pleasant copper bell came from outside the tent, and the priest's respectful voice came in:

Your Majesty the Pope, Lord Chartres asks to see you.

The voice of Benedict II's prayer stopped slightly.

Let him in.

he said quietly.

As soon as the voice fell, the tent was opened, and a well-equipped trial knight walked in.

He bowed respectfully to Benedict II and said solemnly:

Your Majesty, there is news from Mannia that the believers of life have turned against the guards and mercenaries, launched a rebellion with the people in the city, and have captured the entire city. Lord Wenster was martyred, Her Majesty the Queen died, and the entire Mannia The region has declared an independent state, called the Republic of Mania...

In addition, news of the rebellion came from other places, and they responded to Mania...

Your Majesty...

The empire may be dead. Even the Kingdom of Ayres has news of a large-scale rebellion...

Hearing this, Benedict II slowly turned around.

His expression remained calm, as if he was not surprised by what had happened.

I saw him nodded lightly and said lightly:

I see.

After the trial knight reported, he withdrew.

And Benedict II sat quietly in front of the statue for a moment, and then slowly stood up.

He drew a sun symbol on his chest, and looked at the idol with a frenzy:

O great and wise Lord...

You are the lord of mankind, you are the eternal light.

Your brilliance will always shine on the earth, and your real name will always be passed down to the world...

As he prayed, the idol of Eternal Lord Iteo gradually shone.

Faintly, there seemed to be a murmur echoing in the air.

Seeing the flickering brilliance and listening to the faint divine voice, Benedict II instantly widened his eyes, and his expression gradually became excited.

He took a deep breath, leaned down, and bowed deeply to the statue.

Afterwards, he sorted out his clothes, put on the Pope's crown solemnly, and walked out of the tent.

Looking at the densely packed tents, at the endless, waiting army of judgment, and at the high-level officials of the Eternal Church who came to the tents and waited respectfully, Benedict II's expression was slightly solemn.

Everyone, my lord oracle has arrived, the time for a decisive battle has come, it's time to set off...

He opened his arms and looked wild and authentic.

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