Game of the World Tree

Chapter 70 This must be some kind of prophecy!

in the Temple of Nature.

Alice listened to Li Mu's report solemnly, and frowned:

You mean... Demacia is most likely hunted by orcs? Because of your limited strength, you want to ask for my assistance?

Li Mu nodded:

Yes, Sir Alice, you also know that we have a way to locate our companions, so we know where Demacia is now.

When Demacia was caught, he was still in a team with his teammates, so his coordinates were displayed on the system's minimap.

Therefore, although he cannot be contacted for the time being, players can do it if they are positioned.

Alice and Basaka also knew about these things after getting along for so long.

I think...Since the Orcs have captured him, this is also an opportunity...Didn't you say that Orcs are likely to have a stronghold in the Elf Forest? I think this is an opportunity to destroy the Orcs stronghold in one fell swoop!

After Li Mu finished speaking, looking at Alice's somewhat hesitant expression, he continued:

And I think the goddess-sama will be happy about it...

Lord Mother Goddess...

Hearing this sentence, Alice's heart skipped a beat.

But her expression was a little tangled...

After a while, she sighed:

It's not that I'm unwilling to help, but that since the orcs have a stronghold, there are likely to be priests of the orcs.

After speaking, she glanced at Li Mu and explained:

As you all know, the Mother Goddess has many enemies. Although he has recovered, he cannot go to the front desk for safety reasons, so as not to be attacked by the enemies...

So, as his followers and favored ones, Basaka and I must not appear in front of the favored ones of other gods, because this is very likely to lead to the early exposure of the Mother Goddess' recovery...

But you are different. You are not believers, and you have strange souls, so you will not arouse suspicion...

After listening to Alice's words, Li Mu couldn't help but smile bitterly:

But... our strength is estimated to be unable to defeat the Orcs. Their leader, Demacia was abolished with just one blow.

One hit...

Alice fell into contemplation, her face solemn:

That's most likely the Orc warriors in the upper ranks of Hei Tie. Orcs of this level, you are indeed not opponents...

After thinking about it, she said:

This matter... Let me pray to the Mother Goddess. The Mother Goddess is merciful and omniscient. He will definitely give us inspiration!

After speaking, she came to the statue of Eve and began to close her eyes and pray...

When Eve felt Alice's prayer, he was browsing an e-book titled Must Read for Game Planning through Bluestar's network...

Is it Alice? Did something happen to the player again?

A move in his heart, temporarily interrupted

Although there is a game system, it is impossible for Eve to monitor the movements of the players all the time.

Therefore, He once told Alice that if the player has any problem or encounters something, he should pray and report to Him as soon as possible.

Now it seems that what happened to the player?

He first glanced at the small blue light group representing the players in the grid space, and found that there was no serious problem.

Feeling a little more at ease, Eve listened to Alice's prayer...

After a while, he was in a strange mood.

Demacia was captured by the Orcs? The player asked for Alice's assistance?

After pondering for a while, he sank his consciousness into the small light group that symbolized Demacia.

The vision suddenly changed, and Eve quickly see Demacia's situation...

In the dimly lit cave, Demacia was wounded all over and was tied to a stone pillar. It seemed that he had been severely tortured, while a group of orcs surrounded him.

This is not pure hunting, but interrogation!

Combined with the conversation of the orcs, Eve quickly guessed the truth...

I didn't expect Uller to send someone to investigate so soon.

Suddenly there was a sense of urgency in his heart.

And when she saw the serious expression on the orc's face, Eve groaned again in her heart.

and many more……

Isn't this guy Demacia saying something that shouldn't be said?

At this time, the leading orc spoke up.

You said, your name is Thanos? Are you the captain of the division under Death? Where is Soul Society? What are Dragon Ball and Shaker? Who is Jack Sparrow? What is his treasure?

Blackstone stared at Demacia and asked word by word.

Eve: ...

What kind of mess is this?

For a moment, he was a little stunned, thinking that he had traveled back to Blue Star's second animation club...

Demacia was also stunned to see Blackstone asking questions in a serious manner.

God, I'm just bullshitting... they actually believe it?

he muttered softly.

This...have to say...

As the world-renowned noble race of Seggs, elves have always been known for their unity, kindness, and honesty.

In their worldview, the word lie does not exist at all.

In other words, elves don't lie.

Either they don't say it, or they say it, they must tell the truth!

This... has become the character of the elves in the world of Saiggs.

Therefore, after hearing Demacia's words, the half-orcs were stunned, but they didn't doubt the truth...

Hearing Demacia's whispers, Eve quickly guessed the cause and effect:

Isn't this Demacia guy running a train with his mouth full of him under interrogation?

After thinking about it, the player is not afraid of torture, how could he casually tell his secrets.

On the contrary... it is very possible to do things like molesting NPCs.

Seeing that the orcs actually believed her words, Demacia moved in her heart and began to talk nonsense:

Cough cough... Corpse Soul Realm is the residence of the god of death.

Dragon Ball is a kind of precious treasure. It is said that as long as you collect all seven, you can summon the dragon and realize your wish!

Sharing Eye is a powerful bloodline magic...

As for Jack Sparrow...that's a great hero of the human world! Get his treasure and get the greatest wealth, fame and power in the world!

Demacia shook her head.

Eve: ...

And the half-orcs were still stunned.


Why can he understand every word he said, but why can't he understand all the words together?

At this moment, the only half-orc priest pondered for a moment, and suddenly exclaimed:

I understand!

Uh-huh! ?

Demacia looked at him in surprise.

What does he understand?

Eve was equally stunned.

What did he... understand?

Black Stone's eyes flashed, and he looked at the only priest, with a respectful attitude:

Master Priest, what did you find?

Although his strength is far higher than this black iron low-ranking orc priest, as a servant of the gods, the priest deserves his respect!

The priest took a deep breath and said:

Dragon, powerful magic, mysterious treasure... Lord Blackstone, we can't understand these news, it should be some kind of encryption, I'm afraid it's some kind of prophecy!

Although we can't understand it, if the information is reported to God Father, He will definitely be able to see the secret!

The priest's expression was extremely frenzied:

Lord Blackstone, I hope you can assist me immediately, set up a sacrifice ceremony, and tell the true God of the news! If you can report the news to the crown as soon as possible, you and I will definitely be rewarded by the Father!

He is not a mad believer. Unless the soul ascends to the kingdom of God after death, the power of faith is not enough to support direct communication between planes and gods, and rituals must be required.

After hearing the priest's words, Demacia and Eve fell silent for a moment.


I'm afraid there will be a whip...

After a while, Eve sighed in her heart:

To be chased and killed by these mentally retarded people is so sparse, how wise the elves are...

But think about it, it seems that the elves are originally a tendon...

However, since the orcs are so mentally retarded, he doesn't have to worry.

A sacrificial circle?

Eve has seen it. There is no statue of Uller here. If you want to set up a sacrificial circle that crosses the plane, you have to worry about the materials you need...

And this is also an opportunity for players.

As long as the operation is done properly, even if the players are not strong, they can still overwhelm them...

By the way, maybe you can give yourself a delicious life energy.

Thinking of this, Eve thought about it and prepared to release the mission.

And at this moment, He suddenly noticed the stone prison in the cave...


His sight became sharp in an instant.

Hehe, it's really the stronghold of the elf hunting team.

Eve's voice had a hint of coldness and chill.

He paused, re-edited the original mission, and contacted Alice. Ask for a recommendation ticket! Thanks to book friends 161125162545693 and pipn123 for their 100-point reward! Thank you for the 200 book coins that want to cry without tears! Thank you for the 100 points of book coins that I miss you in time!

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