Game of the World Tree

Chapter 6 Rediscovered Faith

In the Temple of Nature on the trunk of the World Tree.

Natural Saintess Alice and the old priest Samir knelt down in front of the statue with some unease.

They bowed their heads, with boundless joy and deep shame on their expressions...

At this moment, Alice seems to have undergone some inexplicable changes, filled with a sense of holiness.

And the old priest who has recovered seems to have undergone some subtle changes.

The oak guard Basaka stood aside, with a serious and frenzied expression, like a statue...

Am I fooling myself too far?

In the godhead space, looking at the column of the number of believers in his data frame, Eve swallowed a mouthful of saliva in his consciousness.

[Number of believers: 3 (Saint 1, Mad believer 2, Devout believer 0, Light believer 0)]

The power of Eve's operation was far beyond his own imagination.

Originally, He was thinking of sending charcoal in the snow, maybe it would be better for the two to regain their faith, but he didn't expect the effect to be so strong!

Saint Alice, who was a devout believer before, not only regained her faith after this turmoil, but also crossed the level of a mad believer and became a rare saint in the data!

And the old priest whose life was saved has also become a mad believer like the oak guard!

Eve can't forget the sight of the old priest who fell to the ground after realizing what happened, slapping himself and crying like a child.

Endless anticipation, coupled with ultimate despair, the shock and effect brought about by the hope that appears at this moment is absolutely extraordinary.

It's no wonder that God has to make believers suffer, and then give them a red date. The effect should not be stronger... Well, could this be the... Stockholm syndrome?

Eve sighed with emotion and checked her divine power again.

[Divine Strength: 20/500]

Increasing the number of believers can provide him with a steady stream of beliefs, thereby transforming divine power, which is what he expected early on.

But the amount of faith brought by high-level believers still surprised him.

Originally, He only had 10 points of divine power left, and in order to heal the two elves, he consumed another 1 point, but when the two regained their faith, he actually provided him with 6 points of divine power!

This is... exaggerated.

You know, it only cost him 5 divine power points to wake up Basaka.

But soon, Eve found that Alice and the two seemed to be blessed with some inexplicable power, and they burst out together while restoring their faith, which led to a surge in divine power...

This power is somewhat similar to willpower.


The oak guard Basaka, who killed more than 20 orcs, actually provided him with 5 points of divine power!

Eve's heart is very strange.

If the changes of Alice and Samir surprised him, then the oak guard Barsaka was frightened.

Although Basaka sacrificed all the life force of the orcs to Him, but how to look at it, the average strength of more than 20 orcs with an average strength of the middle of the black iron, even if their life force is all added up, it is not enough to 5 points of divine power.

Don't say it's 5 o'clock, 1 o'clock is enough.

It's just that the 5 points of divine power just now didn't seem to be all transformed by the life force of the orcs, as if there was something else...

This kind of power is very similar to Alice's.

After consulting the inheritance materials of the World Tree, Eve had some kind of speculation.

Those half-orcs are the perennial elf hunters, and they have accumulated the grievances of countless elves, and as the main god of elves, killing them is exactly the desire of those dead souls.

The more powerful and intelligent the creature, the stronger the resentment after death.

The elves are originally a kind of long-lived intelligent creatures, and they are born with a magical constitution. The resentment caused by the deaths of countless elves over the past thousand years is definitely not a small number.

Resentment is also a kind of spiritual energy, which is similar to the power of belief. The resentment and soul of the owner will fall into the underworld with the death of the creature.

By killing these hunters, Eve fulfilled the duty of the elf master god, so these years of grievances turned into gratitude, sublimated into the power of faith, and finally came across the void and fed back with the attitude of divine power. Eve.

Not only that, even in the power of faith provided by the two priests, there are shadows of elf resentment!

This... made Eve a big surprise.

That is to say, in addition to strengthening my beliefs, I can also quickly recover my strength by destroying the enemies of the elves, rebuilding the glory of the elves, and gaining the recognition of the dead! Not only that, but the skill of war sacrifice also seems to have a lot of potential. Can indirectly provide me with strength...

Eve came to this conclusion.

But soon, He felt that this was a chicken rib...

The elf enemies I can deal with... Directly speaking, most of them should belong to hunting groups, but in fact, the number of these hunting groups is limited. Even if they are wiped out, I am afraid I will not be able to recover much vitality. As for those indirect, and The real culprit, I can't deal with it now...

In addition, the resentment of the undead seems to be large, but in fact it is very limited. It is estimated that it can only be fed back in large quantities in the early stage. Relying on the back-feeding of the resentment of the undead alone, I am afraid that at most it will relieve me from the dying state.

And if I want to rebuild the splendor of the elf race, then I must have enough helpers, that is to say, I must gather the remaining elven people to make it possible. In addition, let the believers indirectly serve me through war sacrifices. To provide power, it also requires a huge base to accumulate more...

This number, I am afraid it will be at least tens of thousands, maybe even tens of millions...

But how many elves exist?

Having audited the conversation between Alice and Samir before, Eve already had a good understanding of the current status of the elves.

In general, the tree fell and the hozen scattered, and there were not one out of ten. The remaining elves were also hiding in Tibet, and most of the original glorious civilization was broken...

If there is really enough time to gather the clan, my faith will be almost restored. In this way... this is not a shortcut...

And if you want to rebuild the elf civilization, it will be even more difficult. The population base required by a civilization is quite large.

The more she thought about it, the more disappointed Eve felt.

It's still too weak. If it is the World Tree in its heyday, you don't have to worry about the population problem at all, just consume the divine power to give birth to the primordial elves.

Primordial elves are the first generation of elves. They are the first elves born from the world tree.

But then again, if I really have the strength to give birth to primordial elves, there is no need to rebuild my elves civilization to restore my strength. This is simply a dead end!

Thinking of this, Eve felt helpless.

The birth of the primordial spirit consumes too much divine power for the current Eve.

To be more precise, it is too expensive for the world tree in poor condition to give birth to the soul possessed by the primordial elves.

Eve has the priesthood of life, and theoretically has the ability to give birth to souls.

But in the current state, his ability to give birth to a soul is almost lost. If it is forced to be used, the consumption of divine power will be much greater than that in the normal state.

For example, if the consumption of a soul to be born in the heyday is 1, then the consumption required in the weak state may go to 10...

Not to mention the birth of a soul, even enlightening Basaka's soul consumed 5 points of his divine power!

That's right, enlighten the soul.

Eve is forcibly exerting his abilities when he enlightens Basaka.

And of the 5 points of divine power spent, most of them are used on the soul, and the consumption of life force and silver strength to give the oak guards is actually very, very small...

In Eve's current state, the soul of the primordial elf was born out of nothing, and the consumption was even greater.

If only the body was born, it would not consume much.

But if you don't give souls, then what will be born is just empty shells, which are useless at all.

Of course, with the recovery of Eve's strength, the consumption of his birth soul will gradually decrease... and eventually return to the state of the normal birth of the original elves.

At that time, it didn't even take 1 point of divine power for him to give birth to a soul!

But that was too far, and Eve couldn't wait.

This is actually a matter of time and efficiency.

Could it be that I can only gather the clansmen little by little and restore their faith to improve their strength? In that case... I'm afraid it will take dozens or hundreds of years?

too long!

Moreover, he is not without enemies. He inherited the World Tree. Eve also inherited the enemies of the World Tree. Those old guys are also the existence of true gods!

The body of the World Tree was stable for a thousand years before, that was because the previous World Tree tried his best to cast a curse magic on his body at the end of the battle of gods.

Under this divine technique, except for natural believers, no one under the true God can touch the body of the World Tree.

After the war of gods, the magic power of the world of Saigus became more and more sluggish, and the channel between the heaven and the mundane plane was also closed.

In this case, the World Tree was saved.

But when Eve inherited the inheritance, this magical technique was broken.

If Eve does not have enough strength and is still on the verge of death, then even if there are a few enemies with legendary strength, he may not be able to protect himself.

It would be great if there was a way to find a large number of souls. Speaking of which, if there are souls, I can only worry about the body and be able to give birth to elves... In this way, the population problem will be solved. Then continue to gather the remaining clansmen. , strengthen belief, take two-pronged approach, and gradually rise...

But... where to find the soul? Because of the existence of faith, almost all souls in this world have a master! And he can't enter the underworld...

Moreover, even if he can find a soul that he can use, the other party must be willing to be driven by him.

too difficult.

Eve lamented while surfing the Internet in the online world in the Godhead space bored...

and many more……

Suddenly, as if he had thought of something, his consciousness trembled, and he stared thoughtfully at Blue Star's network channel:

There seems to be a way...

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