Game of the World Tree

Chapter 46 Red name mechanism (recommended ticket!)


Fried tomatoes with tomatoes sighed regretfully and retracted his wooden knife, his expression also not very good-looking.

Li Mu quickly figured out everything, only to see that he suppressed his anger and reluctantly said calmly:

You leave now, and I can act like nothing happened.

Money moves people's hearts.

Games are different from reality.

Compared with the real world with moral and legal constraints, the game world is more free and unscrupulous, and it is also easier to inspire the other side of human nature.

Three hundred players can't all be united.

26 god blood crystals, totaling 20,800 contribution points, in the early script of the game, this is worth at least 20,000 soft sister coins.

It's no surprise that some people are willing to take risks for it.

However, it is clear that this player named Fried Tomatoes with Tomatoes is not ready to fight against all the internal beta players, otherwise he would not have used his nirvana in the first place, and strived to have no chance of defeating Li Mu. Kill him before he finds himself.

Elf Kingdom is really very different from other virtual online games.

In this game where the degree of simulation is almost 100%, it is not uncommon to seckill.

Although the probability is very low, as long as the timing is right, as long as you aim at the key points, even a low-level player can instantly kill a higher-level monster.

Although this is different from the general game mechanism, in the eyes of players, this is more realistic.

At the same time, this also makes the battle of Elf Kingdom more dramatic and playable.

Fighting wits and courage is sometimes even more important than simply fighting data.

At least, as long as the rank gap is small.

It was also based on this factor that Tomato Fried Tomatoes dared to attack Li Mu.

If Li Mu was killed by a knife without knowing anything, then even if he had a mouth, he would not be able to explain the matter of the blood crystal, and fried tomatoes with tomatoes would naturally black out all the boss treasures smoothly.

But unfortunately, he underestimated Li Mu's ability to react, and the attack failed.

The two were at a stalemate in an instant.

Li Mu is not a combat professional. As a Druid of the auxiliary department, he has not yet drawn an attacking skill.

In Even Kingdom, the role of skills is very strong, especially the skills given by Eve.

If it is the indigenous learning skills of Saiggs, then mastering a skill will undoubtedly require knowledge, practice, familiarity, and mastery...

But the skills that Eve bestowed were different.

This is through the connection with the player's consciousness, he directly imprints the method of releasing skills in the player's consciousness, and assists the player's skill release through the game system.

For the player, this equates to straight 100% skill proficiency.

In other words, the effect of the skill far exceeds the normal damage.

Therefore, Li Mu is not confident that he can defeat the professional soldier tomato fried tomato in a one-on-one situation.

As a commander, everyone knew his skills. If a confrontation did occur, Li Mu also had no confidence that he would be able to escape in the hands of fried tomatoes.

If Li Mu remembered correctly, this Fried Tomato with Tomato was considered a very high-level player among the 300 players. Except for the lunch box, few were sharper than him.

No matter how angry he was in his heart, Li Mu could only try his best to delay time and try to convince the player in front of him:

Fry tomatoes with tomatoes, I can more or less guess what you think. I don't want to comment on others, but since you didn't kill me immediately, then it's meaningless. I think... you don't have the will to The other 71 closed beta players are enemies, right?

Appropriate threats are necessary.

Of course, there is also hope.

So, again, if you leave now, I can pretend that nothing happened.

Li Mu said calmly.

The expression of the fried tomatoes changed slightly, and he seemed to struggle for a while, and finally let out a sneer:

So what? It's just a game. This is just an internal test. Even if it offends 70 players, it's worth getting 20,000 contribution points. The public test hasn't started yet. As an online game, there will be a faction war sooner or later. I I never thought about playing with you all the time...

not to mention……

Saying that, the expression on the fried tomatoes became slightly playful:

There are only you and me here. Even if you are forcibly killed, what evidence do you have that I did it?

Hearing his words, a trace of contempt flashed on Li Mu's face, but it soon became solemn.

Fried tomatoes with tomatoes is right. There are only the two of them here. If he is forcibly killed by the other party, he has no evidence to point out that the other party did it.

Although he is a temporary team commander, he has not really established his prestige.

And... fried tomatoes with tomatoes is so confident, I'm afraid there is still another way to go.

He probably wasn't alone, or... he probably had an alibi long before he came to kill him.

At that time, as long as he killed himself and didn't do it, it would really be unclear...

Damn, doesn't this game have a red name mechanism?

At this moment, Li Mu couldn't help but complained in his heart.

Hehe, don't delay the time, let's fight quickly.

Tomato Fried Tomato sneered, raised the wooden knife again, used the skill [Charge], and charged towards Li Mu.

Li Mu's expression changed, and he hurriedly sought shelter in the trees, and at the same time began to sing a spell.

However, his skills are not instant, or half a beat.

I saw the tomato fried tomato slashed, and his right arm holding the staff was abolished.

Blood spilled.

Ha ha.

Seeing Li Mu's head drop a quarter of the blood in an instant, the corner of his mouth raised slightly.

However, before he could continue to attack, a system prompt suddenly appeared in the field of vision of all players...

【warn! warn! 】

[Player Fried Tomatoes with Tomatoes maliciously attacked player Li Mu and has been sentenced to be a junior red player]

[Primary Red Name Punishment: In this state, the experience point gain is reduced by 50%, the contribution degree is reduced by 50%, and can be attacked by all players. After death, the seized items in the red name state are recovered and returned to the original player forcibly]

[The primary red name punishment lasts until the target dies, the perfect resurrection times are ignored after death, the level is forcibly lowered by 1 level, and the first red name death title is 24 hours]

[Current Kill Bounty: 50 Contribution Degree]

Sauteed Tomatoes:  …

Li Mu:  …

Does Elf Country have a red name mechanism?

Of course there is.

As an old salted fish who has played online games for an unknown number of years, how could Eve forget this.

In fact, He also paid attention to this when he attacked Li Mu with fried tomatoes.

26 divine blood crystals, Eve conservatively estimates that it is at least 35 points if converted into divine power. He is also worried about any accidents with such a huge wealth.

If it wasn't for the sake of not interfering with the game mechanics, He would have wanted to take back the divine blood crystals directly from Li Mu.

So, when Li Mu left Fei Leng Cui, Eve was also keeping an eye on his movements, but she didn't expect to see such a scene.

Eve also despises tomato fried tomatoes in her heart.

Although if he captured the blood crystal of the gods, he would eventually sacrifice it to himself, but he broke the rules of the game.

At a certain moment, Eve even thought about whether to get this guy permanently titled.

However, as a game gm, he needs to consider more things...

Games are different from reality, and players cannot all be united.

In the real society, there are countless laws, rules and morals that bind human life and keep the normal operation of human society.

But at the same time, this also makes humans lose some sense of freedom, especially the release of some biological instincts, desire, greed, violence, etc...

Conflicts and wars accompany human history, and human beings also have genes of killing and destruction buried in their bones. Although civilization has pulled out the fangs of human beings and made human beings more and more moral, the evil side has not been completely erased. remove.

These things are not reflected when the rules exist, but once the rules disappear, they will soon be exposed.

Games are the easiest place to bring out the other side of human nature.

Because the game does not tell the rules of reality!

Not only that, for a considerable number of players, indulgence in the game has become a way of their pastime.

But Elf Kingdom is more than just a game!

So, if Eve wants to keep players obedient, they must also be bound by rules.

And Eve's preferred rule... is the red name mechanism!

The criteria for judgment are the player's maliciousness and the degree of damage.

Of course, this kind of restriction should be moderate, it is best not to discourage the enthusiasm of the players, but also to maintain a certain order.

This is not only to create order for the players, but also to prepare for the return of the elves in the future.

Eve didn't want to see a group of players appearing under her who regarded the elves as a mustard and acted recklessly!

After all, you can never imagine the integrity of the players. Rolling all over the floor asking for recommended tickets! Rolling, rolling, rolling………………Thanks to the book friend 150103163752605 and the eternal black and white 1000 point reward! Thank you Sequence 0_Light Elf for the 300 point reward! Thanks for the 200 points reward of Cultivation Bingyan! Thank you for the 100-point tip of Traces in the Moonlight, Once Upon a Time and indahwater! Thanks for the 588 Book Coins reward of Ice and Snow Dance!

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