Game of the World Tree

Chapter 4 Orc Hunting Party

In the depths of the Elf Forest, a hunting party composed of half-orc mercenaries was carefully shuttling.

Hurry up! You bastards! If you let the target escape, don't even think about taking any of this month's share!

Captain Rock held a mace made of animal bones and cursed viciously.

Kicked his subordinate's butt, Rock turned around, and the original sinister expression suddenly dissipated, smiling and looking at the towering World Tree in the distance, but the sharp teeth and ugly face made him look particularly hideous:

Hey hey, the priest is right, as long as you stay near the World Tree, you will definitely catch these stupid long ears!

Thinking of the possible harvest in the future, Rock's heart is more and more looking forward to it.

Since the battle of the gods thousands of years ago, the Mother of Nature, the main god of elves, has fallen, the world tree has withered and withered, the elves have lost the blessing of the true god, and their racial strength has plummeted.

As the most beautiful, elegant and long-lived race on the Seggs Continent, elves have become a sought-after commodity in slave trade for thousands of years.

A young female elf can sell for a sky-high price in the human world!

Even adult male elves are sought after in high-end slave farms!

And the orc tribes that lived on the edge of the forest of elves made their fortunes by capturing elves and selling them to the human world.

Rock is even more so. He has hunted more than ten elves. Even if he counts the half-orc royal family, he is considered a rich man in the entire tribe.

After finishing this vote, I will go to propose to Biluo, and then buy a property in Chaos City and bid farewell to the barbaric mercenary life.

Rock thought happily in his heart.

Boss...I found the target, there are two in total! One is a woman, absolutely superior!'s the best!

Suddenly, the surprised voice of the scout came from the front.

Rock's spirit was lifted, and he immediately drew his mace:

Idiots! Pump the guy! Let's hurry up and be careful not to expose it. Whoever dares to do something bad, I will smash his balls!


Alice and the two left the Temple of Nature, silent all the way.

The elf girl looked back at the withered giant tree, her eyes reddened.

This is their last time to worship...

Every time, she hopes to wake up the mother goddess, but every time, there is only disappointment.

Now, even as the saintess of the gods of nature, she has to admit that the main elf god may have really fallen...

The main god has fallen, the royal family is extinct, the kingdom of elves has long been broken, the ethnic group has fled, and the splendid silver civilization has turned into history...

Under the threat of hunting teams, all the existing tribes could only hide in Tibet.

There is no hope for the future of the elves.

Thinking of those bastards who treated her clan as cargo, ruthlessly hunted and bullied/humiliated, Alice almost gritted her teeth.

However, it felt powerless.

Without the protection of the gods, the elves have long lost their original power.

I don't know how many clansmen will we have left in a hundred years...

The girl sighed softly.

The old priest Samir was silent.


Will there really be a hundred years?

The elf clan... has not even formed a clan.

Even if it regains its power now, without the protection of the mother goddess, and without enough population, it will be difficult to restore to its former glory.

The two walked quietly, with heavy hearts.

Suddenly, Samir's expression changed slightly, and his two pointed ears moved slightly.

His body suddenly straightened up, he stretched out his hand and bent a branch and put it between his nose and sniffed slightly, then his face changed greatly.

Oops! Orcs!

Before he finished speaking, the surrounding grass suddenly rang out, and with the excited roar, a dozen hideous and ugly huge bodies emerged from the ambush, surrounding the two of them.


Seeing the half-orcs who suddenly appeared, the expressions of the two elves changed drastically, they immediately leaned back to back, and drew out their staff and weapons.

A dozen orcs greedily looked at the elf young **** eyes that pierced Alice's body to tremble.

Looking at the familiar dress, endless anger surged in the heart of the elf girl...

They met the Orc hunting party!

The old priest Samir looked solemn, and saw him grit his teeth and roared:

I'll hold them back, run away!

After he finished speaking, he shouted loudly, chanted a cadence incantation, and then transformed into a black brown bear with a height of four meters!

This is his Druid skill, which changes into another natural creature in a short period of time and gains 70% of the opponent's power.

And the giant bear he changed is a powerful third-order Warcraft unique in the forest of elves, with the strength of black iron!

Feeling the momentum of the giant bear, there was a slight commotion among the half-orc mercenaries, and everyone's expressions became solemn.

However, before Samir, who turned into a giant bear, could attack, a huge mace suddenly flew over and slammed into the chest and abdomen of the brown bear.

Accompanied by the cracking sound of click, the giant bear let out a painful howl, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and then the whole body hit the ground and turned into the appearance of an old elf again.

It's just that the old priest at this moment was already bloody, and fell unconscious in a pool of blood...

With just one blow, the most powerful combat power was abolished.

Hey hey, so weak.

The orcs let out a burst of cheers, and then slowly stepped aside. A three-meter-tall orc leader who looked like a mountain of flesh walked over, it was Rock.

Rock picked up the mace on the ground and licked the blood dripping from the edge of the bone spur, his eyes full of playfulness.

Alice looked at each other in disbelief, and her voice trembled:

how can that be?

The old priest has the strength of level 30, and is already the peak of the black iron median.

And to be able to defeat him instantly, there is only one situation...

Black iron on top!

This leader is definitely a black iron superior!

And it is very likely that it has reached the peak of the black iron upper position! Level 40!

The 10-level gap is crushing.

For a time, infinite despair surged in her heart.

She looked back at the withered World Tree, her eyes full of grief.

Lord Mother... is this your punishment for us?

Hehe... Mother God? Your mother tree was burned down by the gods thousands of years ago.

Glancing at the giant tree in the distance contemptuously, Rock licked the corner of his mouth and shook his head.

He was very satisfied with the blow he just made. Just a few days ago, he finally reached level 40, reaching the peak of the black iron rank, and he was only one level away from the silver rank.

God the Father is above! After finishing this vote, I also have the funds to prepare for promotion to the lower ranks of Silver, and become the most powerful person among the Orcs.

Rock thought happily.

He looked at Alice from head to toe, a trace of surprise flashed across his eyes, and an irresistible surprise on his face:

It's really good! Not bad, those humans must like it!

After speaking, he looked at the girl and threatened:

You can be honest, and you can suffer less...

Hey Hey……

The surrounding half-orcs also let out sympathetic laughter.

Alice's eyes were full of anger, she took a deep breath, pulled out her staff, and prepared to fight for her life.

However, before she could act, the figure of the rock flickered slightly, and she heard a pop, and her weapon was picked up.

Really weak... This strength still calls itself the silver race?

The half-orc's voice was full of sarcasm.

silver race...

Hearing this word, Alice's heart was even more sad.

In the distant past, when the elves were still under the protection of the main god, every adult elves had the strength of at least silver.

Adulthood is the race of silver, also known as the silver race.

At that time, how brilliant was the civilization of elves? Legends and demigods emerge one after another...

And now, even a high-ranking professional in black iron is difficult to come up with...

Not only that, but he was bullied by the half-orcs barely called the Dark Iron Race!

Alice clenched her fists and felt grief in her heart.

Hehe, now, do you still think you have another choice?

Rock jokingly said.

Alice glanced at him angrily, feeling disappointed in her heart.

Thinking of those family members who were destroyed by looting and killing, and the tragic experience of those compatriots who were sold into slaves, Alice's heart became more and more icy and desperate...

Gradually, she calmed down.

I saw the elf girl closed her eyes and began to sing silently...

The suppressed magic waves spread out with the fair-haired elf at the center.

Rock's expression changed:

No, she wants to go against the flow of magic to seek death, stop her!

Hearing the leader's words, the orcs suddenly rioted.

Rock is even more angry.

The living elves are treasures, the dead are just corpses!

Alice pursed her lips, and at this moment, a memory resurfaced in her heart...

That was the time when she was living happily with her mother two hundred years ago...

It was a fragment of the ethnic group still in existence, and everyone prayed to the mother goddess devoutly...

It was the picture of the mother's death, and she was chosen as the last saint of nature...

A crystal teardrop rolled down, and Alice chanted the last spell, instantly detonating the power of her faith!

A dazzling brilliance bloomed from the girl's body, like a golden sun.

The rock's facial features were twisted, and a loud roar:

Stop her now...

Before he could finish his order, the sight in front of him made him hold back his words.

A subtle wave passed by, and the light on the girl's body flickered, and then withered like a punctured balloon... In the blink of an eye, calm was restored.

As if nothing had just happened.

The atmosphere was a little weird for a while.

The rock stared at the dazed elf girl with strange eyes, swallowed the heart that jumped into his throat, and then laughed:


Alice stared blankly at her hands, and kept mumbling in her mouth:

why not……

Obviously there is no wrong spell... what just happened...

Lord Mother God... Could it be that I can't even control my own life...

Looking at the elf girl who was sluggish, Ianshi breathed a sigh of relief, and then turned his mouth to the left and right:

Tie her up for me! Be careful not to get hurt!

After speaking, the half-orcs under him did not act.

Rock frowned:

What are you doing? Hurry up and work!

The orcs still did not move, but instead they all looked at the rock in horror, and at the same time kept retreating back.

What are you doing?

Rock's expression was slightly dark, and he was really angry, and a trace of anger kept rising.

A strong orc stared blankly behind the rock, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then stretched out his hand tremblingly, his voice was a little astringent:



Rock's brow furrowed.

A cool breeze blew from behind with the smell of soil, and a huge shadow covered everyone.

Pan Shi's heart jumped, and a trace of uneasiness spread in his chest.

While muttering in a low voice, the rock turned around with some vigilance...

His expression suddenly solidified.


A giant tree man more than thirty meters tall was standing there with cold eyes.

The sturdy body covered the sky and the sun, and the huge and terrifying pressure made the air stagnate...

Looking at the terrifying figure, Rock's pupils shrank slightly.

His eyes widened, and his mouth opened in horror, his voice was dry and unbelievable:

Oak... Oak Guard?

Basaka's indifferent eyes swept over, his voice was cold, without a trace of emotion:

Just now, what did you say?

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