Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 582 1 Will you go back or not? Then I will never come back!

In the underground laboratory, in addition to Miranda's various experiments and records, there is also a person imprisoned.

That's what's missing: Mia.

According to the conversation, after she was kidnapped by Miranda, she was kept here by the other party while conducting experiments on her.

After all, Rose was born from it and Ethan. Miranda did not kill Ethan before to collect information, and the same is true for Mia.

‘You promise to survive! You said you would keep us safe! We all did as you said. Moving here, everything! ’

‘As long as the whole family can be together, I don’t care about any of this! Come and tell me, my husband, where is he? Where are my children? ’

Mia looked at Chris and asked loudly.

‘Ethan…he’s gone. ’ Chris lowered his head, full of guilt: ‘I can’t save him, but I can still save Rose. ’

‘Not here? What do you mean? ’

'He's dead, sorry Mia, but we have to leave quickly, we have to destroy this village. ’ Chris didn’t look at Mia’s face.

But Mia just shook her head: 'No! You made a mistake... I wanted to keep it a secret, but... you don't understand how special Ethan is. ’

Ethan? special! ?

Listening to Mia's words, Song Ren in the game was stunned for a moment, and then the camera instantly switched to Ethan's perspective.

Ethan, who was supposed to be dead, slowly opened his eyes. At this time, he was in a world of ice and snow.

The bone-chilling cold gnawed at his body, making him shiver.

'what happened? ’ Ethan woke up and looked at his hands, and he was stunned.

Because his left hand, which was supposed to have lost two thumbs, actually recovered.

At this moment, a burst of laughter was heard coming from the mist.

Ethan, who was stiff all over, stood up and staggered forward.

'anyone here? ’

It was covered with white snow, and there was a bitingly cold river nearby. As he gradually moved up the river, Ethan rubbed his hands and was shivering from the cold.

‘Where is this... it’s so cold... Phew... it’s too cold. ’

The biting cold almost made it impossible for Ethan to move at all, and his whole body was frozen.

' body...'

His feet staggered, and Ethan fell to his knees on the ground, breathing heavily.

'You are so... stupid. ’ Suddenly a little girl’s voice sounded in my ears.

The familiar voice suddenly brought back the memory in Ethan's heart. He shuddered and looked up suddenly, and then saw a scene that shocked him.

‘Evelyn! Why are you here? ’

A little girl walked out of the fog, it was Evelin, the final boss in the previous game.

'You are already dead. ’ Evelin said coldly.

'died? it her? ’ Ethan couldn’t believe it, and at the same time he also remembered that his heart had been dug out by Miranda.

But even so, Ethan still had an obsession, and he struggled to get up.

'No...I still have to save...Rose. ’

But the next second, Evelin’s words stunned both Ethan and Song Ren in the game.

‘Wrong! If it weren't for Miranda, you... would have been dead. ’

What's the meaning? Ethan was already dead? Didn't Miranda kill him?

Song Ren was confused and didn’t understand what Evelin’s words meant at all.

Ethan was also full of questions: ‘What did you say? I'm fine...'

‘Don’t you find it strange? No matter how you get hurt, aren't you afraid? Come to think of it...' Evelin asked a question that Ethan and all the players were curious about.


Why isn't Ethan afraid of getting hurt no matter what?

Along with Evelin's words, scenes of memories appeared in Ethan's mind.

Coming to Louisiana and entering the farm of Jack Baker's family, he met the crazy Mia, and then met Jack Baker and was knocked down by him with a punch.

At the same time, Evelin’s voice sounded.

‘You were killed long ago at Jack’s house three years ago. You died there, three years ago. ’

Song Ren in the game was completely confused.

what's the situation?

Ethan is already dead?

So where did Rose come from? And isn’t this good for Ethan?

What is the situation?

Ethan seemed to realize something, but still didn't want to believe it.

'That, that's won't happen...'

‘Don’t get… nonsense in my head. ’

‘Then…I am…what? ’

'I, those things I made...Rose...Mia...I...'

Ethan slowly got up from the ground, but was horrified to find that his hands had begun to turn black.

Just like the fungus beasts encountered in Jack Baker's farm.

‘Do you understand now? You are covered in mold from top to bottom! It's impossible to see your family again. ’ Evelin said.

'family? Home, family? ’

' ’

Scenes from the past appeared in front of Ethan.

Escape from a farm in Louisiana.

Moved out with Chris' help and went through military training.

He and Mia gave birth to their own child, Rose.

The two of them had dinner warmly at home and talked fairy tales to coax Rose to sleep.

None of this was his hallucination, but something that really happened.

At this time, Ethan also understood why Mia seemed to want to stop talking to him.

In fact, Mia already knew it.

But Mia is still by his side, she is still his wife.

Likewise Rose is still his child.

Even if he is already dead, even if he is just a fungus beast composed of mold with a conscious body.

But he is still a husband and a father.

'Already dead...dead...! ’ Evelin’s mocking words rang in Ethan’s ears.

'I...will...rescue...Rose! ’ Ethan stood up with his strong willpower and said every word with all his strength.

At the same time, the dark fog in the distance was dispersed by the dazzling sunlight.

When Ethan woke up again, he was actually on a moving carriage.

'You finally woke up. ’ came a familiar voice.

The Duke, the mysterious fat businessman, seems to have saved Ethan.

'Ethan, you had a nightmare. Your battle with Heisenberg was really exciting, but who would have thought Miranda would show up...' the Duke said.

'How long have I been unconscious? ’ Ethan asked.

'Until daybreak. ’ replied the Duke.

Looking at the Duke driving in front of him, Ethan took a deep breath: "Duke, I want to ask you to do a favor. Take me to Miranda's place."

After hearing Ethan's request, the Duke said with a smile: "I knew you would say that. We are already on the way. We will be there soon."

"Thank you."

"But Ethan, do you really want to go? Your body is...well, collapsing." The Duke did not finish his words.

But at this time, Song Ren, as a player, had already guessed the meaning of the Duke's words.

Just like when Arthur Morgan came out of the clinic in "Red Dead Redemption".

Even though the game is not over yet, the ending seems to have been told to the players.

"Yes." Ethan looked down at his hands, extremely determined.

"We're here, so Ethan, I'm afraid you can never go back to the world before... Are you ready?"

"Yes, I have to go." Ethan got off the carriage.

"This is your last chance, Ethan." The Duke still looked at Ethan with such a kind smile and opened the door of his store to him.

Sold everything that could be sold, and filled up all the weapons and equipment.

Ethan walked towards the altar unsteadily.

Never come back? Then you'll never come back!

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