Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 360 Environmental Theme 'Farm Life'

With Chen Xu's official blog, players exploded in an instant.

Because the meaning of this official blog is too clear.

Almost don't even think about it.

This is the new preview of Nebula Games.

Of course, this is not the most exciting place for players.

What makes them most excited is the protagonist in this official blog: Arthur Morgan.

If it's just from the name and the introduction, you can't see anything at all.

Arthur Morgan - the character's name.

The third in command of the Van der Linde gang - the identity of the character.

The key is the shape of the character, and the final description, one of the strongest gunmen in the west!

With that cowboy outfit and a revolver.

At this moment, many players realized that this time Nebula Games wanted to make a big job!

‘Surprised, shocked, Nebula Game is also a western cowboy game? ’

'Have a head-on rhythm with Atrai! ’

'Haha, didn't the previous Antorini sneered at "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare"? Now Chen Xu directly said that he would fight with a real knife and a real gun. ’

'It's a bit interesting, let's wait for more news, anyway, it is estimated that I won't be able to play for a while. ’

With the release of Chen Xu's official blog, the enthusiasm of the players was instantly ignited.

Especially during this period atrai has been warming up to western themes.

All kinds of sequels, all kinds of hype, and even players are very interested in western themes.

But I don't talk about the game circle, including the film and television circle, the western theme is a relatively niche category.

Therefore, there are basically not many excellent things to do to satisfy the players' hunger.

At this moment, Chen Xu also got involved, and combined with the popularity of "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare", which has not been in the past, the expectations of all players have been raised to the highest level in an instant.

In just one day's work, even Chen Xu just posted an official blog with only one picture, but it attracted the attention of countless players.

For this atrai side including Antolini,

The whole person is not well.

Is there any reason? Is there any more royal law? How can a game company do this?

No matter whether it is a topic of western theme, whether it is hot or not, whether it is a project, they are all hyped up first.

You are going to make a Western-themed game, and make your voice heard at the beginning!

Don't hide it!

Now they atrai, all kinds of hype have made the Western theme a niche theme, and then your Nebula games will come to harvest?

Pissed off!

But qi returns to qi, atrai has nothing to do. After all, you can't make western themes yourself, so you won't do it for others, right?

"I want to see what kind of western-themed game you can make!" Antolini also took a deep breath.

However, he was still a little obsessed with his previous thoughts.

But obviously atrai can't let him mess up.

After all, the entire project has been determined and belongs to the novel IP adaptation.

However, although he has some regrets about this, it is not too much, after all, it is just one of his thoughts.

And he will not be too arrogant. After all, Chen Xu is also a top designer in the industry, especially the game "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" has just been developed.

So he still pays more attention, and the next thing he mainly looks at is the development progress.

On the other hand, there was no movement at Atrai.

The main reason is that the development time of the game project is still early, and now it is only warmed up in advance.

But the key point is that a Nebula game suddenly entered the western theme.

Their warm-up here is actually equivalent to the warm-up of the western-themed game with Nebula Games.

Therefore, atrai chooses to stay put and wait for the progress of the game to develop to a certain level before proceeding.


During the various discussions in the industry, Chen Xu in the Nebula game was not affected too much.

As for the development of "Red Dead Redemption: Redemption", including publicity, Chen Xu has already made preparations.

In the development stage, "Beautiful World" and "Red Dead Redemption" have rarely fallen into a period of silence.

However, Chen Xu took the opportunity to break this paragraph first, and at the same time, outside players and industry designers also knew the name of Nebula Games, a western game.

On the same day, Nebula Games officially announced that it will launch an environmental theme for "Red Dead Redemption" for users of the Nebula game platform.

When the news came out, many people were stunned.

For PC platforms and mobile platforms, the so-called theme is wallpaper, but the advanced ones are divided into dynamic and real-time dynamic.

For example, mouse clicks and finger touches will have corresponding special effects feedback.

The VR platform naturally has themes, and some advanced themes on the VR platform are almost equivalent to an independent scene.

Some even provide some simple little gameplay.

There are even manufacturers who specialize in making themes to make these themes and sell them as games.

Masterpieces maintain high-quality content throughout the entire process, which is unaffordable for general game makers.

But it is not so difficult to make a simple small scene into high-quality content.

And the market in this segment is not small. For example, the global sales volume of WallpaperEngine, a theme software in the previous life, reached 10 million. After all, everyone has a love for beauty.

Also on the VR platform, for many players who can afford VR equipment, they buy it when they encounter a favorite theme scene.

At the same time, some VR games will also do some articles on this, such as pre-order gift or purchase of deluxe version, gift with limited theme.

For game manufacturers, it doesn't cost much to do it with game scraps anyway.

Of course, there is still a gap between most of the quality and the specific theme.

But the Nebula Games game has not been released, so it will directly launch the theme?

Many players were also stunned.

However, the players still choose to download.

After all, as long as you have consumed it in Nebula Games, you can directly get this theme into the inventory.

Many players meet this qualification, and in this case, don't do it for nothing.

And many players also want to see what kind of game "Red Dead Redemption" is. UU Reading

After all, apart from knowing that it is a Western theme and knowing a character named Arthur Morgan, there is absolutely no information at all.

Anyway, there is an adapted original book on Atrai, which can be used as a reference.

Just finished playing "War Zone" and analyzing why he became a 4,500 yuan Zhang Yi, the first time he saw this news from the Nebula game platform.

"Don't talk about it, Lao Song, look at the announcement of the Nebula game platform, what is this operation? The game doesn't have an environmental theme?" Like most players, Zhang Yi was also very surprised.

"The fool is still making a fuss, but the smart one has silently downloaded it." Song Ren's voice came from the voice channel.

"What's wrong with you!" Zhang Yi scolded, and at the same time clicked to download quickly.

Soon, the theme called 'Farm Life' was downloaded, which is an environmental theme after all.

However, after clicking to enter, the first prompt that appeared was to make Zhang Yi stunned for a moment.

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