After listening to Zhao Shuying's introduction of the method of use, she immediately crushed the skill crystal. Soon, she could clearly perceive her villa and the area with a radius of 2 meters around the villa in her mind. There was a light blue water curtain covering this area, and she could adjust the height, width and narrowness of the water curtain as she wished. She did not set the range of the water curtain too large, but circled the area of ​​the first and second floors and the backyard, which made the water curtain look like a cuboid plus a quarter circle. After defining the range, she input 10% of her magic power. Soon, she heard a faint sound of rain. She opened her eyes and saw that it was raining outside. However, the rain fell on the ground and instantly disappeared. It did not wet the ground. The sound of rain was not annoying. Instead, it was like white noise, which made people's hearts calm down.

The Special Affairs Bureau was open and honest. After signing the contract, before starting the game, Yu Xunge was asked to choose the first month's rent.

Yu Xunge originally wanted to choose the divination skill or the disguise skill, but when she saw a skill stone called [Hello, I am a student], she chose five of them without hesitation!

[Hello, I am a student]: No matter when, where, and what currency, any transaction can be discounted by 10%

People like her who spend tens of thousands of dollars at any time need this skill!

Then he chose two more [Why is it overweight again], which can increase the grid of the game backpack after use. Each game backpack can only be used once. Yu Xunge's current game backpack has 36 grids, which is the backpack with the most grids that can be bought on Zelan Star. Only a master tailor can make a 36-grid backpack.

Only such unreasonable skills as God's gift can expand the number of backpack grids.

After dealing with the rental of the copy, Yu Xunge invited Zhao Shuying and Wu Qingbai to have a meal and sent them away. Then she used intermediate engineering to make a vending machine. Although the materials cost her 21 gold coins, the copy upstairs can be busy for at least half a year, and it will definitely pay off.

Not only cooking, she also plans to sell the small green clothes she got, as well as some less popular alchemical potions and engineering creations.

Silence potion, rage potion, invisibility potion, visibility potion, agility potion, mechanical eyeball, pathfinder robot, etc.

Just like handicraft masters like to show their works, she has learned two majors in her life and can't help but want to show them.

And these things are not so rare that people want to grab them.

Then she arranged the rest area, with tables and chairs, as well as coffee machines, water dispensers and disposable paper cups.

After doing all this, Yu Xunge went to Zelan Star to buy a batch of primary treatment potions, and then went home to start making ginseng liquid.

Ginseng liquid is not as delicate as alchemical potions. After getting the proportion right, you can boil a pot at a time, and then divide it into packages.

As for the container, use the small glass bottle used for alchemical potions. 1 copper coin can buy 100. Engineering can also make it, but she is too lazy to waste time and just spends money to buy it.

2,000 bottles can be boiled in an hour, and most of the time is spent on dividing it.

Unfortunately, this matter is not convenient to outsource, so Yu Xunge can only do it herself...

70,000 kilograms of red ginseng, 350,000 bottles... 6 hours a day, it will take a month to finish all... Yu Xunge wrote the number of gold coins she could earn on a piece of paper in front of her. Only in this way, she felt that she could persist.

On the night of signing the contract, Zhao Shuying brought people to the roof of the Yu family to open a passage. Looking at the self-service vending machines that had been placed, as well as the food, medicine and sundries in the vending machines, Zhao Shuying twitched his mouth.

The price is fair, and there is no need to give the auction house a commission.

What a money-grubber...

While a colleague was clearing the passage, Zhao Shuying pulled Yu Xunge to a corner: "If I also want to put a vending machine here to sell things, how much will it cost?"

Yu Xunge glanced at her: "As long as you pay me to buy a vending machine, you can sell it here."

Zhao Shuying: "How much?"

Yu Xunge: "Friendship price, 49 gold and 99 silver coins."

Zhao Shuying: "...Okay." The boomerang finally stabbed himself.


While Yu Xunge was busy making money, the Liang family also bought the news that "there is a copy of your family's property that you haven't discovered." The person who sold the news came to the door himself.

The Liang family saw that the other party's talent was called [Knowledgeable], which was really related to gathering information, so they spent 3 gold coins

Bought the news.

Although Baozi likes to sell the same news several times, she is also dedicated. After she spent 1 gold to buy the news that there was a copy on the roof of the Liang family's office building, she not only verified it, but also specially checked who was playing the copy now. She packaged the news she found and sold it to the Liang family for 3 gold coins.

The Liang family was rich and powerful. Not only did they pay the money readily, but they also added her as a friend, asking her to find them next time she had news related to the Liang family.

After the people left, Liang Yuchuan asked his uncle why he didn't recruit her directly.

Liang Jing said: "There is no need. This kind of character is easy to offend people. If we keep it in our family, it will cause trouble for us sooner or later. If there is something wrong, we can just spend money to buy it from her."

Liang Yuchuan: "Then the Su family..."

Liang Jing: "Find someone to verify it. It would be better if we can block it."

Then the Liang family caught them in the act and blocked the Su family directly at the door of the copy.

Okay, let's sit down and talk about compensation.

If the Liang family does nothing, it is equivalent to letting the Su family step on their faces.

Before the game invasion, the Su family might be much stronger than the Liang family, but now the times have changed, right? The Su family's progress is not much faster than the Liang family's.

At the moment when the Liang family blocked the Su family outside this copy, Yu Xunge, who received the news through the undead spider, instantly became energetic. She has been waiting for this day for a long time.

This kind of small scene is not the turn of the Su family and the Liang family's leaders to come forward. They are all juniors. The Su family sent Su Yitong to solve this matter. After all, Su Yitong and Liang Yuchuan have similar status in the Su family, and this is just a small copy of level 1, so there is no need to mobilize a large army.

After receiving the news, Su Yitong was still on the way, and Liang Yuchuan sat at the door of the copy waiting.

Yu Xunge arrived at this time. She did not dare to use the phantom spell that could be detected by skills, but teleported to the vicinity of the office building. After being fully armed, she used the camouflage skill of the thief god, and then teleported to the blind spot of the surveillance on the 26th floor, and then turned into a gecko and climbed to the roof along the outer wall of the office building.

It took some time to find a safe place and just lay down, Su Yitong arrived.

Su Yitong was not as shameless as Yu Xunge thought, and put the pot on her head. The main reason was that Yu Xunge was Yu Xunhuan's sister no matter what. Not only did she cooperate with the Special Affairs Bureau, but she also had ways to get good things. There was no need for her to offend her so early.

The Su family admitted this matter and did not intend to tear their faces with the Liang family, but it was impossible to compensate the Su family with 200 gold coins...

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