Game Entertainment Empire

Chapter 803: Players are hamsters

Although he is not very interested in the style of Meiman, Chen Xu is not very annoying after getting started, and if you look closely, it will not have a flavor.

If the operation feels above, nothing is said.

Whether it is UEgame or Nebula games, at least in the field of FPS games, it is definitely top-notch.

Chen Xu couldn't feel too much about the fineness of the picture.

Because of this comic-style game art style, it is still very difficult to show the fineness of it, or it is difficult for ordinary players to find those fine places in this art style.

From the same player's perspective, the player can choose to switch between the first person and the third person.

This is some of the changes made by Yang Chen based on "Land of the Lord" in the dream memory, mainly considering that some players who may feel dizzy in the first-person mode can better experience the fun of the game.

The first stop in the game, Firestone Town.

Although this is just the beginning of the game, Chen Xu has already felt that "Borderless Land" is different from other games.

Bandits like lunatics, and the only black humor and madness in NPC conversations, all show that this game is not a normal FPS game.

The difficulty curve of the entire game is actually very easy in simple mode.

Following the story of the main line, even if you don’t deliberately brush the equipment, relying on the weapons provided to the player by the main line task can easily advance the progress of the game.

Of course, the difficulty in the game is not some BOSS in the main storyline, but the BOSS battle hidden in other areas of the map and other sidelines.

With the advancement of the game story, Chen Xu soon discovered a difference, that is, compared to other FPS games, the equipment system and skill matching of "Borderless Land" are much richer.

At first, the American-style game style did make Chen Xu not call at all.

However, when playing games, according to the actual game experience, Chen Xu felt that this style did not seem to be bad.

For example, there are still a lot of blood in the game, as well as absurd and crazy plot and performance.

After killing monsters with firearms and grenades in the hands, especially the headshot, the blood like ketchup exploded directly.

If it is a realistic style, then Chen Xu must feel that the game is too bloody, and even he will not choose to live broadcast, because the controversy is too big.

However, through this beautiful style, there is a completely different feeling, coupled with the side display, which allows players to accept this element and style.

And this element is matched with the black humor and madness of the plot, and there is a sense of complementing each other.

For example, he just completed a mission to a doctor who looks like a murderer in Firestone Town. He needs a biological spine to study. He will tell the player to choose to kill a robber or a mutant dog unique to the planet.

But when the player kills the robber and takes his spine back, the NPC will tell you that it's just that he is simply uncomfortable watching those robbers.

Of course, in return, he will give the player something better.

These seemingly crazy performances and black humor made Chen Xu feel a lot different.

On the contrary, the plot of the game itself made Chen Xu feel very ordinary, and did not attract him much.

Although it is about the stories of the secret hunters, Chen Xu feels like a traditional Hollywood plot.

Find the secret key of the secret, then hit the boss, appear bad guys, beat bad guys, find the secret.

There was no plot that surprised Chen Xu very much.

However, although the plot did not make Chen Xu so immersed, the gameplay was quite unexpected for Chen Xu.

The skill mix of the game is quite rich, and each character occupation has three different development directions.

The same is true for equipment.

Pistols, shotguns, sniper rifles, automatic rifles, etc., they all have different functions, as well as corresponding functions and entries.

In the game's skill tree and gun equipment, Yang Chen refers to some other games and the mature system of "Land of the Lord" in later versions.

With the entry of firearms, personal skills, and character cards, as the level of characters in the game increases, the most suitable method is matched. Obviously this is one of the main gameplay modes of this game.

"This backpack is so small, I can't carry the equipment, how can I bring two guns!"

Looking at the pile of white and green equipment in his backpack, Chen Xu was a little tangled.

Now he has a pistol with a quadruple lens on his body, and can switch between two modes, a fully automatic mode, and a rocket launch mode.

The other gun is opened to have a barrier shield that can resist some bullet damage.

In the backpack, there are a lot of other guns.

After all, every player is a hamster.

Although Chen Xuxin also knew that these guns would be eliminated soon after they arrived.

But if you know Gui Gui, you can't do it at all.

As everyone knows, hand punches are harmful to health and exercise to keep fit.

But the key problem is that it can't be done.

This is also true when playing games, with a bunch of very high-quality weapons, or one-time props, and the result is that the boss has become the strongest existence, and it is not used.

Thinking about the good knife used on the blade, the result is that dozens of knives have been eliminated and are useless.

Obviously Chen Xu is now in such a tangled situation.

After thinking for a long time, the white equipment in the backpack was thrown away, and then replaced with green equipment. Chen Xu continued to control the character to move forward.

Soon Chen Xu met the first BOSS in the Obviously it was very difficult to fight with the previous one. Although it is a simple mode, and it has a certain chance of falling after killing the enemy. Blood drop medicine, there are also many boxes in the game scene that can provide bullet blood medicine supply.

But in addition to the boss who is the same as the madman, there are many mutant dogs and robbers next to it, which provides great difficulty for the battle.

What surprised Chen Xu a little was that after the health value was reduced to 0, he did not die immediately, but fell into a dying state.

And killing any enemy in this state can be resurrected with full blood.

And this is where the mechanism in "Lordless Land" is interesting.

This is both a design with increased difficulty and a design with reduced difficulty.

When the player is facing the BOSS, he must also guard against the attacks of the mobs next to him; but when the player is knocked down by the BOSS, the mobs on the side are not thick, but they almost give the player unlimited opportunities to come back as long as they can Kill a mob before dying.

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