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Chapter 728 We are all for the players

After logging into the game, Ning Xiu clicked on the map, clicked on the icons of several battles on the map, and checked the major battlefields. Seeing that everything was the same as usual, he stopped paying attention and started to manage the content in the channel. Liuyuan and others were chatting.

[Ning] We stand together through thick and thin, and the alliance manages the channel.

[Monarch] Ning Gongzi: The season is almost over. If you have nothing to do, you should rest more. We will start the invitational tournament in about three days after we pay out the money. We will be very excited by then.

[General Zhenguo] Ma Gongzi: It is precisely because of this seamless connection that I suppress bandits every day to maintain my sense of touch.

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: Does this thing still need to maintain its feel? What game do you think you are playing? [Question mark face].

[General Zhengguo] Mr. Ma: Mortal, you don’t understand [picking your nose].

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: You are right.

[Prime Minister] Liuyuan: You came up just in time. A representative from the Wandering Army came to me and asked us to give them a state capital and several big cities. The name starts with the word "sacred", which seems to be a leader of the Holy Alliance.

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: From the Holy Alliance? What's your attitude like? Is he representing the Holy Alliance or himself? .

[Prime Minister] Liuyuan: The attitude seems very polite, but this guy is a bit morally kidnapped, as if we would be sorry for the majority of individual players if we don’t give them a separate regime for the wandering army. I asked the Prime Minister of the Holy Alliance, Sheng Zhuge, and he said that he Don't know anything.

[Monarch] Ning Gongzi: Then don’t pay attention to it, let’s just conquer the Thirteen Prefectures. .

[General Wei] Erotic as God: Yes, these people are just white-eyed wolves. Many people have gotten benefits from our place, and they come to cause trouble after they are done. Let’s just conquer them with wool and go straight to the troubled times.

[General of the Suppressing Army] Extreme Left Fire Attack: This is a typical loser who likes to dance, and he will settle down with just one more hammer.

[General of the Upper Army] Feng Yu丨九: Speaking of which, if we can directly conquer the thirteen states in the hands of the Holy Alliance this time, we should be praised by the melon-eating masses as the number one alliance in the country [呲ya].

[General Zhenguo] Mr. Ma: What does it mean to brag? Aren’t we the same? .

[Prime Minister] Liu Yuan: Don’t be too boastful. The reason why we won so easily this time is because our allies are reliable and have an overall advantage in terms of personnel. Otherwise, the Holy Alliance would not be so easy to fight.

[General of the Upper Army] Feng Yu丨9: Hehe! Speaking of which, I would like to thank Yanyu's brothers for this wave. If they hadn't turned into a wandering army and divided their state capitals, we wouldn't have been able to conquer [呲ya] in the thirteen states.

The plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and Ning Xiu didn't expect that in a scenario with the Holy Alliance and two T1-level alliances, they could directly come to conquer the Thirteen States through thick and thin.

In fact, it doesn't matter how many states he conquers. Even recently, he has been thinking that if the corpses of the Holy League come to them and want to separate the state capitals, he will give them a separate state to save face, but they won't do it. The unexpected one didn't come, and he expressed his understanding that the loser would not lose the formation.

As for others other than the Holy Alliance, like the wandering army represented by the leader of the Holy Alliance, they have absolutely no capital to let him give face.

In fact, after Yanyu transferred the wandering army, he also reserved state capitals and cities for the wandering army to segregate their own kingdoms. Who knew that this group of independent wandering armies would come to provoke them, and in this case, they have not yet Wait for them to take action.

Yanyu said that they did not want to separate the empire, and asked them to go ahead and beat these guys, and let the wandering army directly cause chaos.

Whether it was because Yanyu looked down on the separatist regime, or because his old rival Shu Han had lost his motivation since his death, he had to accept Yanyu's favor.

[Ning] We have been together through thick and thin [E-mail: Prime Minister] Liuyuan: Mianyu is looking for you over there. Look, he sent you a message from Penguin, but you didn’t reply.

Ning Xiu, who was pulling the mouse to check the barrages of major battlefields, immediately cut the screen when he saw the six-yuan email. Sure enough, he saw the message on the blocked penguin from Yanyumengjiangnan, the leader of Yanyumengjiangnan.


[Misty Rain Jiangnan]: Is Mr. Ning here? .

Ning Xiu immediately replied: "Here, what's wrong?"

[Misty Rain Jiangnan]: Are we going to join this invitational tournament? .

Ning Xiu was stunned when he saw the message sent by the other party. As a T1-level alliance, Yanyu has been with them through thick and thin this season. He understands that he wants to hug their thighs, but as far as he knows, there are 100 groups participating in the invitational tournament. , the major states will be randomly selected, and then the official organization will draw lots to determine the order and location of landing.

Under such circumstances, he doesn't mind cooperating with this easy-to-use tool ally, but they may not be able to be together.

[Mr. Ning]: Aren’t we randomly assigned to the major states and drawn by lots? We may not all be assigned together [question mark face].

[Misty Rain Dream Jiangnan]: Hehe! Boss Ning hasn’t received the official private message yet? The T1 and T0 league officials will have a private chat and let us choose different big states respectively. In order to balance the strength, the T0 league can find a T1 as an ally and fall in a big state. This kind of invitational tournament can be exciting, no What [baring teeth].

Well, although this obvious script arrangement is a bit silly, Ning Xiu has to admit that such an arrangement is also necessary, otherwise if several T0 leagues all fall into one state, and the other states are all noobs pecking each other , that’s really not entertaining.

And evenly distributing T0 and T1 alliances among various states can indeed balance the strength of each state, and there will not be a situation where one state is dominant.

The latest news about this wave of T0-level alliances currently participating. Not counting them who have been together through thick and thin, there are also the Holy League and the Martial League. There are no less than 10 T1 alliances. The rest are basically T2-level, and they have gathered with various T3 alliances or well-known individual teams. There are 100 groups, with a total of 4,000 people.

This number can be imagined. After landing, it is inevitable that people will step on others, and conflicts will definitely be very frequent. It will indeed be much easier to have a tool man ally who knows the basics in the early stage.

[Mr. Ning]: Okay, then we will continue together then.

[Misty Rain Jiangnan]: Hehe!

Not long after finishing chatting with Yanyu Jiangnan, the official staff of the invitational tournament found Ning Xiu in the group. The specific things were similar to what Yanyu Jiangnan said. Ning Xiu was too lazy to be with the other party and wanted to be independent at the same time. We are all for the players. talk.

He directly and clearly expressed his support for the official approach. You have done a good job. I agree with the words. Then he stated that his group wanted to be in the same big state as the Yanyumengjiangnan group, and the other party simply agreed. Everything is mutually beneficial. All perfect.


Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, it came to April 27th. The X718 Heroes Across Season where Wind and Rain Together is officially ended. Together with Wind and Rain, a new X3 alliance defeated the old ceiling overlord Holy Alliance and won the conquest of thirteen states, which shocked the Three Kingdoms game circle. .

The krypton-gold battle won by Ning Xiu and the Holy Alliance Gold Manager was also revealed in various details, and an endless stream of people came forward to give their own testimonials, which completely confirmed his position as the number one hero in the Three Kingdoms. The amount of money spent has exceeded 10 million, and it has become popular in the gaming circle.

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