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Chapter 694 Interest equals motivation

After Ning Xiu went online in the morning, he built fortresses on the two enclaves he shot in the north-central part of the plain last night, and then began to form a demolition team in the branch city.

This operation to behead Tianmen Shanhai was led by him personally. In addition to leading by example to increase the enthusiasm of alliance members, he is also the only one in the management who is relatively free at present.

After forming five high-speed demolition teams in several branches of the city, Ning Xiu checked the situation of the fortress at the camp checkpoint in the central and northern part of the plain. He mainly paid attention to the movements of the Tianmen Mountain and Sea opposite the checkpoint to see if the other side noticed anything.

They simply have a group of fortresses at this camp level. As the battlefield is currently within the scope of Huang County, there are more fortresses here, which are not conspicuous.

[Ning] We are in the same boat through thick and thin [E-mail: Prime Minister] Liuyuan: Are you coming up? Yanyu said that the chaos in Hongchen has turned into a wandering army, and asked us if we need support on the battlefield, let chaos come to help.

After glancing at the content of the email that popped up, Ning Xiu was quite satisfied with the operation of his ally Yanyu Mengjiangnan. Although he didn't say anything about the other party's subtlety last time, how could he not have any objections in his heart.

It's just that the current enemy is facing the Holy Alliance, and there is no way to hold on to it. He believes that the management of the Alliance also knows this, so he doesn't say anything.

But once the threat from the Holy Alliance was gone, even if he didn't mention it, he didn't believe that the people in the alliance would pretend that nothing happened.

Obviously, Yanyumeng Jiangnan also knew this, so he was so proactive this time.

[Ning] Stay together through thick and thin [E-mail: Monarch] Mr. Ning: How many people are there? .

To be honest, under the current situation that the Wandering Army has just been launched, Ning Xiu really doesn’t think that the other party can gather many people in the troubled world of Hongchen, an alliance that has just collapsed and has no foundation.

However, they are currently facing the joint attack of the Holy Alliance and Tianmen Shanshui. No matter how many people come, they can have a lot of effect. In short, the more the better.

[E-mail: Prime Minister] Liuyuan: For the time being, it will be just two people gathering together.

[E-mail: Monarch] Mr. Ning: I can still command the 100 men in two regiments, which is pretty good.

[E-mail: Prime Minister] Liuyuan: Well, as long as these 100 people don't paddle, they can still help a lot with the mechanism of the wandering army. Moreover, Yanyu said that if they join Sili to help, They can help with logistics and give blood packs to the wandering army.

[E-mail: Monarch] Ning Gongzi: Then let them come to Sili. We have opened a strong wall on the plain and there are camp levels. If tonight’s beheading operation goes well, the dilemma will basically be solved. On the other hand, Sili is here On the side, although we have a huge defense line, we have always been at a disadvantage.

I have seen that the number of Holy League allies has been increasing. I guess they are integrating the branch alliances. It would be dangerous if the integrated strength is thrown into Sili.

[Email: Prime Minister] Liuyuan: Got it.

Looking at Liuyuan's reply, Ning Xiu thought for a while and then said: "By the way, later you contact the Hongchen side of Luanshi and tell them that any brother who has transferred to the Wandering Army and comes to Sili to help will receive 128 benefits a day. Bag."

Ning Xiu, who had played the Wandering Army as a solo player before, knew that players who switched to the Wandering Army could easily let themselves go without the constraints of alliances.

If their alliance is still there, there is still hope of winning, and maybe they can have a sense of the overall situation and actively respond to the email orders of the team management. But if there is nothing left, then it is completely based on their own temperament, and basically everything is for themselves. .

Just like in the world of troubled times, even if the wandering armies of these two regiments follow their management and command and come to Sili, if there are no other benefits, then you don't have to think about it to know that they will definitely do their own thing to earn martial arts honors for themselves, and they are Brushing when you want, lying down when you want, and expecting them to point and hit like they did in the regular army, and to cooperate with each other is a complete fantasy.

Therefore, it is necessary to use a 128 red envelope every day to motivate these homeless hungry wolves. After all, these more than 100 people only earn more than 10,000 yuan a day, and even one-tenth of his current tax revenue is Less than.

Moreover, giving benefits in advance is also to prevent the other party from being pulled over by the Holy Alliance. After all, the Holy Alliance is also a master who is not short of money.

[E-mail: Prime Minister] Liuyuan: Okay, but let’s contact the Chaos Shi, Yanyu Meng Jiangnan side, I’m afraid there will be some ideas, after all, he is his younger brother [covers his mouth and laughs]

[Email: Monarch] Mr. Ning: It doesn’t matter, he thinks whatever he likes.


An alliance with a full strength of 380 people, less than a month after the opening of the zone, only over 100 active and commanding people are left. You can imagine Liuli's mood in troubled times.

Although this is related to the fact that the opponents they encountered this season were too strong and there was no hope of winning from the beginning, causing the members to have no motivation, but their current situation is indeed miserable.

【Benefit】In troubled times, the alliance manages the channel.

[Commander] Troubled Times丨Cang Mang: Yes, the country has been overthrown by the Holy Alliance. Now it is completely GG. It seems that the only way to go is the wandering army [dumbfounded].

[Deputy Leader] Troubled Times | Common People: It’s meaningless to have that thing [picking your nose].

[Commander] Troubled Times丨Boundless: Most of the brothers in the alliance are lying down, and the sub-alliances are also lying [ghosts].

[Deputy Leader] Troubled Times | People: Just lie down. If you want to take advantage of the separatist regime in the later stage, let them earn a wave of wandering troops. Now we are bringing brothers who are still willing to fight to help Yanyu Mengjiangnan fight to the end. Who wants to take it? It benefits others.

[Commander] Troubled Times丨Cangsheng: Well, I heard Liuli say that Yanyu is going to let us help Feng Yu Tongcao fight against the Holy Alliance? .

[Vice-Leader] Troubled Times丨Cang Mang: I must help Feng Yu. Feng Yu is going to be gone, so Yan Yu doesn’t need to fight anymore. She is still GG even if she is struggling.

[Commander] Troubled Times | Common People: That’s fine, I just want to seek revenge from the Holy Alliance [picking my nose].

[Vice-Leader] Troubled Times丨Boundless: As long as the blood pack can keep up, even if you play against the Holy Alliance, the game experience will definitely not be bad, and it will not be a loss if you can have a blast.

[Leader] Troubled Times丨Liu Li: Get ready. The airport over at Yanyu will be ready in the evening, and we will enter Sili.

[Deputy Leader] Troubled Times丨Cang Mang: Yes.

[Commander] Troubled Times | Common People: There is still time to build little by little [cover your mouth and laugh].

[Leader] Troubled Times丨Liu Li: Wait for me.

[Deputy Leader] Troubled Times | Cang Mang:? .


[Leader] Troubled Times丨Liu Li: I'm going, this wave is going to get rich. Brothers, Cangmang, you send an email and say hello to the brothers. If you have time, you can join the wandering army and follow the big army to Sili to fight. Ning Gongzi, who has been with us through thick and thin, has spoken. We have transferred our brothers from the Wandering Army to join Sili to fight and get a 128 red envelope a day [glaring].

[Commander] Troubled Times | Common People: Damn it! real or fake? .

[Leader] Troubled Times丨Liu Li: Their prime minister privately chatted with me via email...

[Commander] Troubled Times丨Shengsheng: There is no humanity in the trenches. This is so much more generous than Misty Rain. This is the real thigh. If we had had this benefit earlier, we would have written a piece of wool and directly transferred the entire alliance to the wandering army. Beat Mr. Ning until he went bankrupt [dumbfounded].

[Vice-Leader] Troubled Times丨Cangming: Stop talking and let me calculate how many 648 I can earn if I play until the end of the season.

[Commander] Troubled Times | Common People: I suddenly feel that a season of less than three months is too short.

[Leader] Troubled Times丨Liu Li: Forget it, send an email quickly.

[Deputy Leader] Troubled Times丨Cang Mang: Don’t disturb me, go alone.


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