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Chapter 518 Don’t look for me! It is none of my business

When the details of Bloody Mist and Dragon League were exposed, the entire Contest region server and the public who followed this Contest were instantly shocked.

For the vast majority of people who eat melons, they don’t care whether the war will bring disgrace to the world or what the final outcome of the Dragon Alliance will be. They only know that if something like this happens, the conflicts between the next several alliances will be irreconcilable and complete. A deadly feud.

And once they become mortal enemies, the fight will naturally be a dead end. And after this script is released, there will definitely be a follow-up. Anyway, it is not too big a deal to watch the excitement. The bigger the fuss, the more interesting it will be, so they will wait. Enjoyable.

Bloody Mist and other ordinary members were also surprised. After all, if the matter was true, then they would definitely shout a wave of 666 and send sincerity and other flattery to the management. After all, with the addition of Dragon Alliance, they can easily win the world war , basically determined to become the winner of this season.


Compared with the reactions of other alliances and players, this incident has the greatest impact on the Dragon Alliance and Zhengzhan Tianxia.

The first reaction of many members of the Dragon Alliance when they heard the news was that they didn't believe it at all. They felt that someone was completely setting the pace and driving a wedge between them and the Conquest of the World.

The player Long Qingfeng simply does not believe in alliance management and would be mentally retarded to make such a decision. Nor does he believe that alliance leader Zhulong, a rich man and an old alliance leader who has taken over the Dragon Alliance for nearly two years, will wait quietly. Sell ​​number.

As an old man who has been in the Dragon League for more than a year, he already has a sense of belonging to his league. There are comrades here who stay up late and fight with him, friends who help open up land and control accounts, and countless others. How could an alliance with all kinds of funny and schizophrenic patients, so everything was normal, suddenly sell out its name, publish a script, throw away the Dragon Alliance and other signboards, and integrate with others? .

[Scene] Dragon Alliance, alliance channel.

Long丨Qingfeng: Some people actually believe the things in the forum. Isn’t it that the direction of the wind there always favors whichever alliance has the most people? .

If you look at those who broke the news and set the pace in the world, which force is worth more than a thousand, it is obvious that it was the one who destroyed the Qingzhou Desolate League through thick and thin.

The Bloody Mist has not yet won the Conquest World, and I am anxious. It is just a small trick. Will the leader sell his name? I believe this is the worst time that Zhulong boss has been hacked [picking his nose].

Long丨Brother Long: That’s right. Mr. Zhulong invested hundreds of thousands in an account, but he would sell the account for tens of thousands. What does he lack? .

Qiu Feng Yixue: Just guessing, if there is one, the management can just send an email [picking nose].

Fengge Nocturne: Yes, it has made people panic. The management should hurry up and get to work [covers mouth and laughs].


After Chen Long sold his account as Zhulong, he temporarily took over the leadership of Dragon Alliance management. At this time, he was a little flustered and guilty, and felt at a loss.

Although after being persuaded by the leader of the Blood Alliance Jiang Liu and agreeing to integrate the script, he knew that he needed to face his brothers in the alliance and give them an explanation.

But to be honest, he and the management have not made a specific statement for several hours. They originally thought of waiting for the Jieting fortress to be built, or looking for an opportunity to announce it after entering Yizhou, but it was indeed revealed in advance. Set up the rhythm.

[Scene] Dragon Alliance, alliance management channel.

[Prime Minister] Long丨Chenlong: Many brothers in the alliance are asking, to prevent others from being manipulated, just let everyone know in advance. Anyway, it is not a bad thing.

[Taiwei] Long丨Jianglong: Well, you go ahead and send an email.

【General Zhenguo】Long丨Feilong: Go, I happen to have something to do and have to go out for a while.

【Prime Minister】Long丨Chenlong: So what do you say? .

[Taiwei] Long丨Jianglong: Just as you said before, tell the truth in a tactful way. Not everyone will be satisfied anyway, there will always be people making trouble. If you can communicate, then communicate. If you can't communicate, fly out first. chant.

[General Zhenguo] Long丨Feilong: Yes, and to be honest, we were killed by Zhulong first and then reported. They sold their accounts before notifying us. What can we do? Integrate with Blood to have a better game experience and Welfare, isn’t it good? .

"That's so nice to say. It's so easy. Why don't you go? You're all running away!" After vomiting a few words in his mind, Chen Long immediately began to edit the email and then sent it out.

[Scenery] Longmeng [Email: Prime Minister] Long丨Chenlong: Let me inform the brothers. I think some brothers already know.

First: Because the leader of the alliance, Zhulong, sold his account to the Bloody side, the alliance agreement he had previously reached with Zhanzhan Tianxia was invalidated.

Second: At present, we have reached a consensus with Bloody Mist, and we will integrate Bloody Mist after the script is completed.

The above is a more formal notification email. Next, I will talk about these two things myself. The first point is that none of us knew about the alliance leader Zhulong selling his account.

We only found out about this after Zhulong sold his account and he and the bloody alliance leader Jiang Liu came to our door. Therefore, there was no such thing as our management selling the alliance without telling our brothers.

Let’s talk about the integration and joining of Blood Mist. To be honest, integrating and joining Blood Mist is not a bad thing. Blood is the top of the T1 league. Both the game experience and benefits are much better than ours.

After the script is over, brothers who meet the standards and want to join the main alliance to get benefits can join the main alliance, and those who want to live in retirement can join other people's alliances. There will be places and arrangements for them.

When we entered, we also formed an independent group. The brothers still played games together, but they just changed the name of the alliance. There was no difference.

Finally, I am in charge of the daily affairs within the alliance. If you have any problems, please contact me. For other matters, please contact our current alliance leader, Jiang Liu, the alliance leader of Bloody Mist.

After Chen Long finished sending the email, he stared at the email carefully twice and felt very satisfied. To be honest, he didn't want to sit in the position of Prime Minister of the Alliance at this time, because it was a bit hot on the butt.

So with the help of this email notification, he also made it very clear in it, telling the members of his alliance, the people who eat melons, and even the world.

They don't know about Zhulong's account sale. Everything is the fault of the other party. If you have any problems, don't come to me or him. It also shows that the current leader of the Dragon League is Jiang Liu, the leader of the Bloody Mist.

All the next operations of the Dragon Alliance are all the fault of Jiang Liu, the leader of the Blood Mist Alliance. Don’t look for me, and take care of yourself in advance.

As soon as this notification email came out, the members of the Dragon League who originally believed that the trumpet was driving the rhythm were dumbfounded. Then the Dragon League inevitably fell into a bit of chaos.

But just as Jiang Liu guessed, most members of the Dragon Alliance have no objections to joining an alliance with better gaming experience and better benefits.

Except for a small number of members who have stayed in the Dragon League for a long time and have a sense of belonging, going anywhere is not just fun, and those who have a sense of belonging but feel unhappy and want to lead the rhythm must be discounted.

Most people either decided to give in and leave the Dragon Alliance after the script was over, or they quit the alliance without saying a word. Only a few members turned on the crazy mode.

From the alliance to the state channel, and then to the world channel, several management members of the Dragon League and Jiang Liu, the leader of the bloody mist, have been greeting each other for eighteen lifetimes.

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