Game company goes bankrupt? I backhand cyberpunk!

Chapter 98 The secret in the 2077 trailer!

On the same day, after Nan Xing's press conference ended, Nan Xing immediately fell into silence again. She no longer made any movement, just like she had always done, she started pretending to be dead again after being active.




Nan Xing's actions before his death shocked the entire gaming community!

From nga to Hupu to Tieba to Weibo, there are a lot of discussions on various platforms, to video websites, to QQ groups, WeChat groups, etc. Game enthusiasts have started spontaneous discussions.

Even people who have never liked Nanxing think that fans and their masters of Nanxing have always been too high-profile, and the appearance of a savior is really annoying. Therefore, players who are annoyed by Nanxing were also frightened by Nanxing's press conference. A huge jump.

No, what kind of ghost is this Chinese? Chinese people want to make 3A games?

Are there any 3A works in China?


Although some have reached the 3A level in terms of investment and cost, their quality and gameplay are not even recognized by Chinese people as 3A works, let alone overseas media and game people.

In China, making stand-alone games is already a thankless task, let alone making 3A games. Isn’t that digging your own grave?

But Nanxing has to do it!

A company that has only been on the rise for more than a year, especially with what Lin Yuan said, We were already secretly producing it a year ago.

what does this mean?

This means that Nanxing was already making 2077 Cyberpunk before it even rose!

This is what shocked this group of people the most, and no one will deny what Lin Ce said, because just from this trailer, you can see that it must have taken a long time and a lot of money to produce, and not to mention Lin Ce said that he would be able to see the demo of 2077 in March this year.

The tight timing between the release of the demo and the announcement of the press conference made everyone believe Lin Yuan's words.

Along with the first trailer, a discussion started online.

One of the most popular posts on nga was an old man who began to analyze the one-minute-long 2077 trailer released by Nanxing frame by frame. He watched the one-minute video for more than an hour, and after summarizing it, he posted this Post, and this post also received countless likes.

[Good evening, everyone, I am Know-It-All, Mr. Tiger. This afternoon’s Nanxing press conference. Although it is a pity that I was not able to attend it offline, watching it online also shocked me. I can’t even imagine it. How shocked the people who saw it at the scene were!

This year, Nanxing will launch a total of six games, four of which are produced by Nanxing and two by Nanshan Games. I checked and found that Nanshan Games is a new company under Nanxing. You can think of it as Nanxing's investment in Nanshan, that is, He said that those two games were not games made by Nanxing employees, so here, Xiaohu specifically stated that everyone should not have high expectations for those two games.

As for the game acquired by Nanxing Corporation, although Picking Love is a game without a trailer, just listening to Lin Ce's introduction, you can know that it will be a good text game, let alone Pokémon. , there are a lot of guys playing Pokémon in the bar now. I dare not say anything bad about Pokémon. As for the horror game fireworks, Lin Ce has been making games so far. Has anyone ever seen him praise him as much as this time? A game you made yourself? Even when Pokémon was created, Lin Ce just said it would be a fun development game!

Therefore, I, who believe in Lin Ce, also have reason to believe that the fireworks will definitely become a big fire!

So, next is today’s final heavyweight, the spin-off game of Edgerunner, Cyberpunk 2077! Everyone, the trailer of this game really made me stupid at the time. The picture quality, the modeling, the scenes, the sound effects. If you tell me that this is a scene cut from a 3D movie, I will believe it. ! I really thought it was a real person for a moment!

Isn't this special effects modeling much more beautiful than Guo Xiaosi's crappy works?

And in this minute, I also found a lot of easter eggs related to Edgewalker.]

Then, the poster listed a long list of easter eggs that seemed a bit far-fetched, but could barely be said to be the past, and the last one was about David and 2077.

[What is certain is that in 2077, David is indeed dead, because the bartender in the bar made it very clear that there are no living legends in Night City. The protagonist we control is the only exception. Next to V My brother also said that if he wanted his name to be the name of the drink in the bar, he would die and become a legend, and the name of the drink he ordered was David Martinez. 】

[David really died. He died at night when he was 17 years old. He did not reach adulthood and he could not take Lucy to the moon. But what we know is that we may be able to help David get revenge in the game! 】

[So the only thing I’m unhappy about now is, ahhhhh, there are still two months until March, how can I wait during this time! 】

Finally, it was time for the poster to go crazy, and underneath him, a group of people were also going crazy with their replies.

Lin Yuan also smiled and continued to hit him.

Replied to the poster.

Yes, Lin Yuan is reading this post too.

As nga is the largest player community in the country, Lin Yuan would of course go and watch it. When he and Feng Shuyun returned to the office in the afternoon, Lin Yuan had already begun to pay attention to what was going on on the Internet.

As for the scene in the trailer where V and Jack drink at the end, that was also adapted by Lin Yuan.

He changed it based on the last few endings of V in Shadows of the Past. In Lin Yuan's mind, Jack died too hastily. At the last moment of escaping and getting into the car, he was killed by a bullet. .

But man, this is 2077, a world full of prosthetics.

Let's not talk about the medical aspect. Let's talk about Jack, a seasoned mercenary who has been in the underworld and has traveled all over the country. How can he still use original organs? He didn't use a mechanical one?

You must know that in Edgewalker, David's entire body was transformed, and his internal organs were replaced many times.

Is Jack that traditional?

Did Jack turn out to be a traditionalist warrior?

And even if Jack didn't undergo a lot of prosthetic modifications, is his death really reasonable?

Well, maybe it makes sense, and like the deaths of Gloria and Pyrrha in Edgewalker, Night City is a place that doesn't make sense.


Jack is the real big shot?

After all, people outside thought it was Jack and V who assassinated Saburo Arasaka. Who would know that it was Yorinobu who killed the old man? So this news added to Jack's head can indeed make Jack a legend, but don't players from God's perspective know the real situation?

Therefore, Lin Yuan chose to add this ending. As for whether this ending is a good ending or a bad ending, that is a matter of benevolence and wisdom.

In this ending, Jack could survive, but he also failed to become the legend he longed for.

Although V has become a legend, he only has one year to live. The next choice the player has to make is - whether to die vigorously with force and give his body to Johnny, or to survive and then Remove all prosthetics and become a mediocre person who cannot use prosthetics?

The core of cyberpunk is not only about high technology and low life, but also about ordinary people fighting back for non-existent dreams under absolute power.

There is no real hope in this city. Even if V becomes the king of the city, it is still an insignificant insect compared to a behemoth like Arasaka. After all, V is a glass cannon. Various examples have proved that V is A madman with high skills and strong attacks. He can defeat Adam Hammer and Xiaotian, but he may also be killed by a grenade or a heavy weapon.

Therefore, even when V is at his peak, he will feel powerless when facing the company.

Ah, come to think of it~

If the player makes a wrong choice and Jack dies, might this be a good knife?

However, in order to penetrate the knife deeply, Jack needs more performance opportunities. Therefore, the first part of Lin Yuan is very long, greatly expanding the plot and adding interaction with Jack.

Lin Yuan wants players to have a deeper feeling for this man with a sense of warmth and loyalty in a man-eating city.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan wanted to laugh. In fact, it is not that there are no living legends in 2077, such as Old Snake Weilan, such as Morgan Blackhand, such as Adam Hammer who was not killed by V.

Aren’t they legends?

Another example is Rogge, who blew up the Wasteland Tower together. Isn't she a legend?

If those who are on the drink list of the next life are considered legends, then indeed, these guys are not considered legends.

Morgan's life and death are unknown, Rogge surrendered to the company, and as for V, Rogge's words made Claire change her mind and put the living V on the drink list. It can be seen that what is not legendary is just a sentence from a senior person. Just words.

There may be no living legends in Night City, but there can be a living King of Hell in Night City.

Lin Yuan smiled to himself, then stood up and closed his laptop.

This year

Nanxing’s mission is important!

We have to let the boss continue to expand the company.

No, I should say yes. Is it time to prepare a building that truly belongs to Nanxing?


Let’s start with choosing love.

It almost timed out.

I want to die, everyone, my head is dizzy.

How can it be repaired?

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