Game company goes bankrupt? I backhand cyberpunk!

Chapter 80 Wine, if you drink too much, you will vomit in the car.

Chapter 80 Wine, if you drink too much, you will vomit in the car.

Okay, great, great. We have been preheating for Pokémon for a while. Now many viewers have paid attention to the Pokémon anime. Coupled with the game's own traffic, I believe that Pokémon Dream will definitely be a hit in the animation area!”

Ah? It's okay. It's okay, too! Don't worry, teachers. I believe in the quality of Pokémon. Besides, aren't college students just eighteen-year-old kids? At this age, Pokémon is just right for them to watch. !”

On the phone, Cheng Xin spoke clearly and logically, as if she was afraid that Nan Xing would regret not handing over the anime to him.

But in fact, apart from Site B, Lin Yuan couldn't find which website would be better for Pokémon.

From the very beginning, Pokémon has always been there for Poker.

After Feng Shuyun and Cheng Xin finished talking, Fang Qingchan also handed over the animation to Xiaopo Station.

Ever since the first news about the Pokémon game, Cheng Xin had been waiting for the copyright of Pokémon, so when big websites such as Goose Video and Ku Video came forward, Feng Shuyun did not agree.

Feng Shuyun is a very reasonable guy. If you treat me well, I will treat you well. Cheng Xin not only has the experience of working with edge walkers, but he is also the first one to find Nanxing, and then he said Lots of nice words, this is what I have been waiting for.

Although shopping malls are like battlefields, it’s okay to wait in line on a first-come, first-served basis, right?

Since Station B comes quickly and has good opening conditions, of course we must cooperate with Station B.

The exclusive licensing price for a single episode is 450,000 per episode, and for an anime like Pokémon that Lin Yuan himself can’t determine the length of, to be honest, Qingchan can eat Pokémon for a lifetime.

The difference between 450,000 per episode and 2.6 million per episode for Edgewalker is indeed far away, but the quality of the two anime is obviously different. You can say that the latter is a movie, but the style of the former is... , Lin Yuan respected the original work, and the Pokémon produced by Qingchan, the protagonist team's funds were not high, and the main funds were spent on the Pokémon.

Pi Shen is just cuter.

But that's it. With modern technology and such a quality of painting, the production cost of an episode is only about 100,000 yuan, and a single episode can sell 450,000 yuan, which is already a huge profit.

You can make more money than an edgewalker!

Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun also sat in front of the computer.

Well, the two guys are going to watch Pokémon together.

Although Lin Yuan was disgusted when he was dubbing, and felt that playing the role of Kojiro would be a disgrace to his image as a wise and powerful warrior, he was indeed curious about his performance in the anime, as this was Lin Yuan's first dubbing in his life.

It was also Feng Shuyun's first time in an anime. Previously, she had been coaxed by Lin Yuan to dub the full moon night. Therefore, she was very excited to drag a small stool and sit in front of the computer. Get ready to see her voiceover show.

At this time, Lin Yuan was sitting on her boss's chair, and she was sitting on a small stool. Hiss. The scene was indeed very harmonious!

The speed of Xiaopo Station is very fast.

Fang Qingchan had transferred the anime to him half an hour ago at most, and half an hour later, the original home page was broken - Nan Xing's another masterpiece after Edgewalker, do you want to become a Pokémon Master? ! Pokémon, preview for release!

This banner has now become—

My goal is to become a Pokémon Master! Pokémon, 5pm, first release on Station B, three episodes every week!

Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun looked at the time, oh~ it's 4:40 in the afternoon, and they can watch it in twenty minutes.

Let's order first. Lin Yuan said after being silent for a while.

Okay~ Then I'll book a place to eat in the evening and a place to play in the middle of the night, and treat it as a two-day holiday for the employees. Feng Shuyun said immediately.

After hearing this, Lin Yuan was like, emmm, slap your mouth.

It always feels a little weird. Are the employees of Nanxing having a party just after going to work, and then they are on vacation again?

Well, okay, this is Nan Xing!

But it’s really time to have a dinner party. Since Stardew Valley, Nanxing hasn’t held a celebration party for a long time. This time, it’s just right.


At five o'clock in the evening, Bottle opened Pokémon on time. As someone who fell in love with Nanxing completely because of Edgewalker and is now Nanxing's number one fan, Bottle said that he couldn't miss Nanxing's anime.

Because the first two episodes of Pokémon were released and could be watched without membership, Bottle thought about it and simply turned on the live broadcast to watch. Indeed, some viewers were willing to watch it with Bottle.

Use the anchor’s emotions as a side dish!

The bottle is their electronic pet!

The bottle also clicked on the first episode of the anime, and a series of barrages came up.

[High energy ahead, everyone, are you all seated? ! 】

【Welcome to the supreme skin god! 】

【Jenny Jenny! 】

[Hahaha, there are so many people. I think the age recommendation is 6-15 years old. I thought not many people would watch it. 】

【Do you want to submit your works? It’s okay, it might seem childish to junior high school students, but it’s just right for a college student like me! 】

After turning off the barrage, Bo Bo put his left hand into a fist against his chin and looked at it seriously.

The first scene still showed the familiar Nanxing logo, and then it was followed by Qingchan's logo. Then the scene turned black, and then a red Poke Ball was thrown out from the far right.

The elf ball landed on the ground in the center. After shaking twice, a white light flashed, and a cute yellow-skinned mouse appeared in the field with its hands hooked up, and began to dance swaying left and right.

I caught the Pokémon!

The exciting music sounded, and the sound of the electric guitar was particularly bright, and Bottle's eyes suddenly lit up.

Nan Xing’s music is still as awesome as ever!

On the green path, behind the boy wearing a baseball cap lay a cute leather god, and a bottle sounded with a very familiar voice.

When the name of the theme song and the singer rang out next to him, Bo Bo was startled and said loudly: It was sung by the singer of Widow's Little Song. I read on the Internet that Nanxing has established a music department. Wouldn't this person have already Is she the royal singer of Nanxing?

It's okay. It's pretty good. It's not as amazing as the widow's ditty, but this kind of inspirational song is very suitable for the target audience. Bottle nodded.

But just as he was saying this, Pikachu's voice suddenly sounded in the music, a cute rising tone of Pikachu, which shocked Bottle's body.

And in the matching picture at this moment, Pikachu is glowing, using a hundred thousand volts!

It's really soft!

Damn it, is it so cute?

Is this a sound that humans can make?

How can humans make such beautiful sounds?

No, are you sure that Pikachu's voice is not the voice of the little animal you found?

In Bottle's live broadcast room, the barrage was also dumbfounded.

[The voice actors are all monster series! 】

[Holy shit, Pikachu seems to have been voiced by the singer of the theme song. Can she have such a cute voice? 】

[It feels so good, family, this Pikachu sound makes my body go weak. 】

Do you know what it means to these viewers who are serious about cultivating Pikachu in the game to see Pi Shen discharge and call Pikachu on TV?

Happy family!

Then, Bo Bo and the barrages began to watch the animation seriously.

There is nothing special about the first episode of the animation. The plot is the same as in the game. It is the story of Xiaozhi getting Pikachu and helping Dr. Oak.

But Xiao Mao in the animation is so handsome!

As expected of Mr. Mao!

But in the first episode, the scene where Xiaozhi fights a group of Spearows in order to protect Pikachu is quite igniting. Although it seems a bit childish to Abo, an old animation person who has read countless movies, but paired with the cute skin God, the bottle means the animation is of good quality.

And during the ending song at the end, Bottle also looked at the dubbing cast list.

Sure enough, Nanxing always looks for old people, Xiaozhi is played by Teacher Candy, and Skin God is sung by Mu Wan. Bo Ping finished reading the credits.

Then, he immediately opened the second episode to watch.

But in the second episode, the Pokémon in this episode gave the bottle a different feeling.

When they walked out of Shinshin Town and arrived in Joban City, the world view of Pokémon was officially revealed to the audience. Pokémon of various colors and trainers appeared in front of the audience, and Xiaozhi also discharged Pikachu in the rain. The electricity broke down Misty's bicycle, and she got in touch with Misty, the water Pokémon trainer.

But this doesn't matter, it makes Bottle think it's wrong.

When two strange, pretty, and handsome characters appeared with a cat, Bottle burst out laughing.

This, what kind of fog is this! Xiaozhi said, covering his face in the smoke.

Since you asked sincerely~ This was a high-pitched voice, not sharp, and sounded very cute and distinctive.

Then, there was a voice with a low voice, like a noble master: Then I will tell you with great mercy!

To prevent the world from being destroyed!

In the smoke, the female character made a confident gesture with one hand on her hips and a smile on her lips.

The male character touched the ground with his right toe, touched his forehead with his right hand, and hummed softly: To maintain world peace!

Carrying out love and true evil,

A cute and charming villain!

Musashi~ The woman with red hair posed to the side, and the male character leaned towards her and said handsomely: Kojiro!

What made Bo Bo laugh was not this childish or even embarrassing interlude.

But when these two characters appeared, they had their own introductions next to them!

The introduction is not the information about the character in the anime, but the information about the character behind the scenes!

Team Rocket: Musashi

Voiced by: Feng Shuyun.

Team Rocket: Kojiro.

Voiced by: Lin Yuan.

[Hahaha, did Lin Ce and the mascot boss actually participate in the dubbing? ! 】

[It’s a bit funny, my family, I can already imagine the face of the little mascot! 】

[Let me just say that these two people are a couple! Who in the entire Nanxing bar doesn’t give Feng Lin CP a thumbs up? Not knocking is not a normal person! 】

[The cat in the middle must also be matched by Mr. Candy! 】

Bottle also found it interesting.

You must know that of the two voices in the anime, one is the boss of a game company with assets worth over 100 million, and the other is Lin Yuan, who has suddenly emerged and is known as the best all-around gold medal game producer!

These two people actually became dubbing actors for anime, and they even played characters that were hilarious to watch!

It has a very down-to-earth flavor.

Then the story goes, when a group of Pikachus used Pikachu to generate electricity and defeated Team Rocket, they heard Feng Shuyun and Lin Yuan scream: It feels so disgusting~~~~~~

Bottle felt relieved and smiled slightly.

At the end of the second episode, Xiaoxia joins Xiaozhi's team and becomes Xiaozhi's partner, and Xiaozhi's Pokémon journey officially begins.

Bo Bo smiled and said to the audience in the live broadcast room: Well, this anime is generally on the pass line. Unlike Edgewalker, it seems that there is no plot to explore in depth, but it is still a good watch. anime. And it’s a pity, why didn’t Pokémon appear when I was a kid? If I had seen such anime when I was a kid, maybe my childhood would have been even better.

I really envy the children today. They have such a good anime to watch. But this is not to say that Pokémon is not good. At least for adults, Pokémon is also a very interesting anime with a relaxing pace. The plot is not so tight, there are cute Pokémon, and the dubbing is also a plus. Isn’t watching Pokémon just to see the Pokémon’s performance?”

Then, the live broadcast ends here. Now everyone can go watch the third episode by yourself. I believe everyone has a membership!

After Bo Bo finished speaking, he closed the live broadcast.

Then, he clicked on the third episode and watched it with great interest.

Pokémon Blaze has not escaped.

Judging from the bottle, this anime is very suitable for a group of people, that is, primary school students to junior high school students. This anime will definitely be popular with children.

And on campus, there will definitely be a Pokémon craze!

Bottle bet!


At nine o'clock in the evening, a high-end restaurant in Los Angeles has very normal customer flow. Especially after night, people prefer to eat skewers and spicy hotpot on the roadside, so what's the Cantonese style? Squab, beef hot pot... Well, the number of customers will naturally be less in the evening.

After all, compared with eating on the roadside, eating hot pot, squab, etc. in a restaurant costs about 150 per person on average, but eating on the roadside? Order a big pot of Malatang, it’s enough for four people to spend 150!

But today is different. The store called Authentic Cantonese Beef Hotpot is bustling with people!

In the hall, all the dozen or so tables were full, with about eight people per table, and the private rooms were also full of people.

Everyone! Since there is nothing prepared, let's just eat something simple. When our Nanxing holds the company's annual meeting next time, I will prepare delicious food and places to entertain everyone. So now, Nanxing has everything!

Celebrating the popularity of our new games and anime!

Feng Shuyun and Lin Yuan stood in the field holding wine glasses. Feng Shuyun put on a small skirt and put on light makeup. Her hair was rarely let down and draped softly on the back of her head. However, the hair in front of her head was tied into a chirp and pulled back. Tie up.

This makes her look more youthful, but very beautiful.

With a deep smile on his face, Feng Shuyun raised his glass: Cheers!

Below, a group of employees stood up and raised their glasses under the worried gaze of the restaurant owner.


Lin Yuan also raised his glass with a smile. There was beer in the glass. He took a sip and looked at Feng Shuyun aside.

Feng Shuyun also smiled and said: Now, let the hero Xu Xiao and the animation director Fang Qingchan say a few words!

Xu Xiao was a little shy, but finally came over, and Fang Qingchan had already run to Feng Shuyun.


What scenes has Fang Houhou been afraid of? !

Xu Xiao said a few words, while Fang Qingchan chattered a lot, causing everyone below to burst into laughter.

Fang Qingchan is also good-looking and very capable. She doesn't care about her image at all and is willing to be a comedian. Such a person will naturally be liked.

Then, Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun returned to the private room and handed over the place to the employees.

After all, with the two of them here, the employees would find it hard to brag and spank.

Hey, boss, how much do you think this meal will cost? Lin Yuan relied on asking Feng Shuyun.

Because he hadn't drank for a long time, Feng Shuyun, who had drunk some wine, blushed, burped, and then said, Well, it should be thirty or forty thousand, right?

Lin Yuan nodded.

There are nearly thirty seats, and each one costs 800-1,000, which is about the same price.

However, there will be KTV sessions and movie sessions later, but those Lin Yuan are not willing to join in the fun.

Lin Yuan is not a person who likes places like KTV.

After eating, Lin Yuan and Fang Qingchan supported Feng Shuyun, who had drunk too much. They were both helpless.

How much did she drink? Fang Qingchan, who was in the private room of the animation department earlier, looked at Lin Yuan speechlessly.

Lin Yuan was also speechless.

Just two bottles.


Beer, that's it after drinking two bottles of beer. Lin Yuan said.

Fang Qingchan: .

I remember her drinking capacity wasn't that bad. She was pretty good at drinking before.

Lin Yuan nodded immediately, When she and I drank before, her face didn't turn red after two bottles.

Then what happens next?

Are you sending her back? Let them go and play. I'll tell Li Lin to keep an eye on him and don't cause any trouble. Then we'll just deduct the money from the boss's wallet. Lin Yuan said.

Fang Qingchan wanted to nod, but suddenly, she felt someone pinch her on her waist. She lowered her head and glanced, well. Lin Yuan's hands were supporting Feng Shuyun, and she was also supporting Feng Shuyun. So, who pinched her?

But I don't know where her home is. Otherwise, let's keep it this way. Lin Yuan, can you send her back? I happen to want to go play too. I promised the members.

Lin Yuan hesitated for a moment, Can I send her back?

Of course, what's the point? Fang Qingchan pushed Feng Shuyun towards Lin Yuan.

Afterwards, Li Lin also came up to understand the situation, and then left with Luoyang and the others with aunty smiles on their faces.

Lin Yuan and Fang Qingchan were left standing at the door of the hotel.

Lin Yuan sighed as he picked up Feng Shuyun.

Well, it's safe to assume that his physical fitness is pretty good. In addition, although Feng Shuyun has a plump figure, she is generally considered a compact girl. Lin Yuan, who weighs just over 100, is not difficult to hold.

Holding Feng Shuyun in his arms, Lin Yuan was preparing to call a taxi on the roadside.

Just as he shouted, Feng Shuyun in his arms suddenly spoke hesitantly.

It's hard, it's hard. I feel so uncomfortable. I, I will definitely vomit when I sit in the car now.

The voice was very low, but Lin Yuan heard it clearly.


Lowering his head and looking at Feng Shuyun who buried his face in his chest, Lin Yuan was silent for a while and suddenly said: Boss, are you not drunk?

What was returned was silent silence.

Even though Lin Yuan was straight, he still felt something was wrong, and then he put Feng Shuyun down.

Just as Feng Shuyun stood there with his eyes closed, he gritted his teeth and planned to kick Lin Yuan in the butt, cursing: Even if I give you a chance, you will be useless!

At this time, Lin Yuan suddenly squatted down in front of her.

Lin Yuan took off his coat, revealing a white shirt. Lin Yuan reached out and tied the sports coat around Feng Shuyun's waist.

Come up, your home is 3 kilometers away from this place. The princess can't hold me for that long, but she can still carry me.

I'm so dizzy. Feng Shuyun immediately moved forward and lay on Lin Yuan's back.

When his hands touched Feng Shuyun's delicate skin, Lin Yuan's mind froze. He stabilized his beating heart and used his hands to lift Feng Shuyun up.

A pair of arms also appeared on the neck, wrapping around Lin Yuan's neck.

Let me tell you in advance that I'm not lying. I haven't drank for a long time and I'm really drunk. Feng Shuyun pressed against Lin Yuan's back and emphasized.

She really wasn't lying. She was a little confused now. She felt vaguely awake?

Yeah, I understand.

Then I'll go to bed first.

Okay, we'll be home when you wake up. Lin Yuan said.

He is a straight man and has never been in love.

But he's not stupid.

And what about the boss?

Perhaps she was clumsy and could only find this way of attack.

But fortunately, the clumsy two can complement each other.

On a deserted road, a big boy was carrying a girl on his back, and his shadow was long in the reflection of the street lamp.


The update is a bit late, sorry everyone!

There will be a chapter worth about 4,000 in a moment!

Thanks to the book friends: Mo Zihua rewarded me with 100 starting coins, I don’t know the name of the reward with 5,000 starting coins, Shifang Mingyue rewarded me with 100 starting coins, thank you guys~~~

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